1 | Dead End

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The space station was empty and orbiting a black hole

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The space station was empty and orbiting a black hole. There used to be more of us, but what could you do when most of the areas lost oxygen? Now I am trapped.


Locked inside of the control room with little oxygen, I watched as the black hole slowly began to latch itself upon the station. Though movement was slow, I was still very aware that I would die in the next few hours.

Nothing seemed to matter as I played with the controls, flipping the switches in boredom.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

I stopped flicking the switches as soon as I heard it. Swivelling my chair around, I stared at the large, circular, door. Strange engravings were marked upon it. They were all there when I got here, and I hadn't thought much of the strange marks at first.

Now, they seemed ominous.

Anyhow, I had much more pressing problems now than strange markings on a door.

Three taps. I heard them. I couldn't have imagined such a thing, could I? Maybe I was growing insane from the gnawing loneliness.

Swivelling back round on the chair to stare at the black hole, I realised that all I now saw was darkness around the station. No black hole. No stars. Nothing. What was this illusion? Was I in the black hole? This isn't how our scientists had described it.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

It was louder this time. I couldn't be imagining this!

The tapping continued from beyond the door, never ceasing to stop. The tapping grew louder. The door shook, and I watched in horror as the markings lit up in an eerie green glow which lit up the darkness of the room.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The tapping picked up pace as the glowing green lights faded in and out in an almost hypnotic way. I felt weary, the panic temporarily numbed by the lights. My joints became limp and I couldn't think properly. Everything became blurrier as the taps increased their speed to something no human could accomplish.

Soon, the door began to open by itself, slowly. A beautiful woman floated into the room, her feet not touching the floor. Her bright golden hair and angelic wings making the room look less dark. A bright, golden glow erupted from her as she floated towards me, staying a hairs breath away from me.

Her bright red eyes should have sent warning bells, but I couldn't care as a beautiful soaring feeling thrilled me.

As she examined me, her face coming close to mine, brushing a long strand of my hair away from me, she moved backward before revealing her true form.

Sharp teeth and her face masked into a snarl, she towered over me, growing taller until she dug those teeth into my neck. The thrill subdued me, but not for long as my rattling screams echoed against the walls of the empty space station.

Word count - 499

One of the finalists of the BeyondSol Deep Space Horror Prompt. 

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