Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki (2)

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Nezuko took Tanjiro to their house to change, they were upset with the sight they saw, but cleaned up and buried their family. Tanjiro and Nezuko changed into some clean clothes and set off for a cave to sleep during the night. They found one and Nezuko left in the morning to find a way to transport Tanjiro during the day.

She went on some farmland and found a basket with bamboo, straw, and a basket. She talked to the farmers who lived there.

"Would it be okay if I took that basket, straw, and some bamboo?" Nezuko asked, pointing to the items she listed.

"Sure, you're welcome to it, but that's basket's full of holes." The farmer replied.

"Yes. I'll pay you for it." Nezuko said.

"No, that's alright. I mean, it's just a basket full of holes." The farmer said kindly.

"No, I will pay you!" Nezuko said, reaching for some change in her pocket.

"No, it's alright. You can have the bamboo and straw for free, too." The farmer responded.

"But I'm still paying you!" She said.

"I said it's okay! You're one stubborn girl." The farmer said.

Nezuko slapped some change into his hands.

The farmer's hands stung from the force she used to put the change in his hands.

"Please accept this, although it's just small change!" Nezuko bowed and collected her items and started running off.

"Thank you very much!" Nezuko exclaimed.

"Ouch!" The farmer exclaimed.

Nezuko finds the cave she and Tanjiro stayed in and called his name.

"Tanjiro? Huh? Tanjiro? He's gone!" Nezuko grabbed some of her hair in stress, but calmed down when her brother's head appeared in from a hole in the ground.

"Oh, he's here." She muttered.

It was daytime, so Nezuko had to block the sun so Tanjiro wouldn't burn.

"Tanjiro..." she said.

'He dug a hole? My brother has turned into a mole. And he's frowning...! He must really want to avoid the sunlight.' Nezuko thought sadly, slightly shaking her head of what her sibling had turned into.

"Wait for just a second." Nezuko started crafting the materials she bought into a nice basket that blocked all sunlight from entering with her bare hands.

"Tanjiro. Tanjiro, can you fit inside this? I would like to keep moving during the day, too. I'll carry you, okay? Can you fit? In here? Basket." Nezuko pointed, trying to guide her brother along the way.

Tanjiro dove head first into the basket, but he didn't quite fit.

"I think you're a little too big for it, huh." Nezuko giggled.

'I can't believe he grew up. It seems like yesterday he was tiny with me.' She thought.

"Huh? Tanjiro. Remember how you became big like an adult earlier? Do you think you could be the opposite. Get smaller?" Nezuko asked.

"Smaller, Tanjiro. Get smaller!" Nezuko slightly pushed Tanjiro, and Tanjiro was kind of annoyed by this unwanted guidance.

Tanjiro flipped the basket right side up and dived into it.

"Huh?" Nezuko wondered.

Tanjiro then shrunk to make himself able to fit in the basket.

"Ohh! Good job! That's a good boy, Tanjiro! I'm impressed!" Nezuko praised while patting his head softly.

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