Against Corps Rules (21)

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Regular text in Rui's memory: Narration

In the past, a group of kids played in the snow.

"Ngh! Three!" A kid shouted.

"Woah!" Another called.

"Hehehe!" Another giggled

"Hahahaha! Haha!" They giggled.

"There!" A kid called.

Rui, who was still a human child, stood on the side, watching the other children play. They tried to move forward, but tripped and fell. He coughed and looked at the sky.

"Rui! Rui! Rui! What are you doing? You know you're not supposed to be outside!" Rui's biological Mother scolded.

Mother (biological, that's her name from now on, same for Rui's official Father) sent Rui to bed.

'I've always been very frail, ever since I was a child. I was never able to run. Even walking was a trouble.'

"Ah..." Rui gasped, seeing a man in their window.

The man, Muzan Jackson, appeared in their room.

'That was until Lord Muzan appeared.'

"You pitiful thing. Let me save you." Muzan held his hand out.

'My parents weren't very happy about it. Because at the cost of a strong body, I could never see the sun again. I also had to start eating and devouring humans.'

Rui, as a demon, killed a demon and they left it half eaten. Father happened to stumble across this body.

"What have you done? What on earth have you done? Rui!" Father screamed.

Rui's mother came into the room and cried.

'Long ago, I heard this wonderful story. It was about a father who saved his drowning child. I was deeply moved. Such astounding parental love, and such a wonderful bond, too. The father who drowned in the river had fulfilled his role as a parent. And yes, for some reason, my parents...'

Father held a knife in his hands, preparing to kill Rui in his sleep.

'My own parents tried to kill me. All my mother did was sob, not even lifting a finger to protect me.'

As soon at the knife made contact with Rui's skin, they immediately killed both of their parents.

'They must've been imposters. The bond between us wasn't real.'

"I'm... sorry..." Rui's mother wheezed.

'She's saying something. Is she really still alive?' Rui thought, looking at their mother.

"I'm so sorry... for not giving you a strong... healthy body..." Mother muttered.

"Ah..." Rui gasped.

'Those were my mother's last words as she passed away.'

'She's dead.' Rui thought.

Rui flashed back to their Father following him.

"It's all right, Rui. We'll be following you soon." Father spoke.

'I was so enraged that my father had tried to kill me that his words went over my head. But in that moment, I realized that he meant to die with me atone for my sin of having murdered another. It was genuine bond. And that night, I served it with my own two hands. Even so, Lord Muzan gave me words of encouragement.'

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