The Smell of Enchanting Blood (8)

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"Ah..!" Nezuko exclaimed, seeing how Muzan turned the man into a demon.

"Ugh." The man groaned, applying pressure on the wound Muzan gave him.

"Darling? What's the matter? ...Darling?" The woman asked him.

The man had already transformed into a demon and growled at her.

"Uraahah!" The man growled.

"Ahhh!" The woman screams.

"Stop!" Nezuko yells.

A group of people surround the scene.

The woman continues to scream.

"What's this? What's going on? I-Is that blood?!" A passerby exclaims, pointing.

"Grrr... Urahhhg!" The new demon growled.

"Ahh!" The lady screamed.

"...Stop it!" Nezuko screams, charging towards the demon.

She shoved her calf—with stalkings on, of course—in the demon's mouth. 

"Dear!" The woman exclaims, bleeding from the bite the demon gave her.

"Ma'am! You need to worry about yourself! I've got this! Please take a cloth and press hard on the wound!" Nezuko instructed.

The demon gives out a muffled growl.

"Ngh!" Nezuko starts to struggle to keep the demon in place.

"It's all right. Somehow, it will be fine. The wife's wound isn't fatal.' Nezuko thought, focusing on the demon at hand. 

Two men help the woman with her wound, but the woman seems to be in rough shape.

"Do it harder! Do it harder! Tie it with a damn rope!" Nezuko yells, 'it's okay. This man hasn't killed anyone.'

The man growls again.

'Just a second ago, this man was walking down the road...' Nezuko thinks somberly, using her other leg to kick his head down.

The little girl in Muzan's arms starts to cry.

"Are you okay? You mustn't look. It's dangerous here, Rei. Let's go over there." Muzan says to his wife.

Nezuko looks around for Muzan, 'Where'd he go? I swear I just saw him.'

Nezuko looks back and sees Muzan and his 'family' walk away.

She looks at the demon, then Muzan.

'Dammit! Dammit! I can't leave this man here!' Nezuko screams out, "Muzan Jackson! I'm not letting you get away! No matter where you go!"

"Oh my. What is the matter with that child? What do you think, Tsukihiko?" Rei says to Muzan.

"No matter where you go, you're not getting away! I'll follow to the ends of Hell, and I swear I'll decapitate you with my blade! I'll never forgive you! No matter what!" Nezuko screams angrily.

Policemen come running to the large scene going on.

"What the hell are you doing?! Is it a drunk?" A policeman wonders, "Step away from that man."

"I can't! Bring some restraints to hold him down!" Nezuko pleads.

"Shut up and step away!" The policemen yell.

One steps up and tries to grab Nezuko, but she uses her free leg to kick his face, making his nose bleed.

"Don't pull me away! Only I can hold this man down!" Nezuko yells.

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