My Own Steel (5)

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Nezuko is in the air, preparing to decapitate the demon.

"Urokodaki!" The demon exclaimed.

Nezuko manages to decapitate him, he is screaming, "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! My body's crumbling and disappearing! I can't stop it!"

Nezuko sheaths up her sword.

"Dammit... to think that the last thing I'll see is her face..." The demon mutters.

Nezuko turns to face the demon, instead of having a face of anger or cockiness, she had a face of pity.

'How did it come to this...?' The demon thought.

In a dark void, the human demon is crying all alone.

"I'm so scared. I'm all alone... brother where are you? I want you to hold my hand! Like you always do! Why...? Why on earth did I bite you to death, Big Brother...?" The boy exclaimed.

In the real world, the hand demon is realizing what he just thought of.

"Huh? Wait, who's this 'Big Brother' person?" The demon mutters.

"What a sad scent..." Nezuko mumbled, silent enough for only something next to her mouth to ear.

She walks over to him and grabs the hand in front of her, lightly pressing her forehead against it. 

"God, please... make sure this man never turns into a demon when he's reborn..." Nezuko says softly, a different tone from what the demon has heard.

I'm the dark realm, the newly human demon is in the void. He sees a bright light and runs toward it. He is greeted by seeing his brother in front of him.

"Brother! Brother!" The young humanized boy exclaims.

"Hmm?" The older asks.

"Brother! Brother! Hold my hand, will you?" The hand demon, human, said.

"You're hopeless, y'know? Still such a scaredy-cat." The boy chuckled, grasping the younger's hand.

Nezuko is standing in front of the disintegrated demon. Then she imagines the children who Urokodaki had trained, their souls being free to rest, no longer looking for vengence. She smiled at the thought.

'Makomo... Sabito... and everyone who was killed... I won. You can rest easy now. I guess you're going home as promised. Even though you're just souls, you're going back to Mt. Sagiri... and to Mr. Urokodaki whom you love very much. If I ended up dead, my soul would return there, too.' Nezuko thought, turning to walk away.

A day or so later, it starts to rain. Nezuko finds a demon, she leads it to get stuck in tree brambles on the ground.

"Grrr!" The demon growls at Nezuko.

"There's something I need to ask you. How do I turn someone who's a demon back into a human?" Nezuko asks seriously.

The demon growls at her and breaks through the the brambles. Nezuko kills the demon gracefully

Two more demons show up.

"Please tell me... how I can turn Tanjiro..." Nezuko said, evading their attacks.

The demons run at her and growl.

"... back into a human!" Nezuko finishes off the demons quickly.

'I guess I can get answers later, if I actually become a demon slayer.' Nezuko thought, weaving through trees and bushes at full speed.

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