𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏..

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"Whatchu got a attitude fa now ?." i spoke to Karen while she sat on her phone pouting, We went to my parents house to have dinner and let them know we were official "Nothing i'm okay .. just hungry" Karen spoke .. i could tell she was lying through her teeth .

"Bae you know my mom cooking right now so try again ." i say, She pulled me upstairs into one of the rooms and closed the door "Fine .. i haven't been feeling good and i'm scared Sebastian." she said folding her arms .

"Whatchu scared fa ma ? you gone be good." i say hitting the blunt in my hand "Sebastian i'm serious .. what if i'm pregnant? i can't be pregnant right now we just got together and what if i'm not a good mother ? i just can't-" I pecked her lips while she spoke .

"Baby chill .. we don't know yet , i'll take you to the doctor tomorrow okay ? just chill out for me .. even if you are pregnant you'll be a great mother i know you will ." i replied , she hugged me tightly and i kissed her forehead ..

I begin to think , what if she is pregnant? ion want my child to enter the world with all the drama with Nia and shit .. but i knew me and Karen was gone be good regardless.

"I don't like how you stealing my bestfriend nigga" Cece spoke standing at the door with her arms folded , Karen laughed "Cece you know he can't steal me from you."

"Yeah y'all tied to the hip .. but i'm gone go talk to pops .. let me know if y'all need me." i say heading down the stairs ..

I opened the front door and Pops was sitting there in his chair on the front porch with his Long time best friend "Hey son ! i was hoping you would come out here ." He said dapping me up , he handed me a cup of Henny .

" Yeah i need some advice .. something on my mind." i spoke "Wassup son ?! something going on ?" he asked "Well .. Karen might be pregnant and she scared .. i don't blame her though especially with all this Drama going around with Nia .. ion want no child around that environment and i'm pretty sure she don't either." I spoke rubbing my head .

"Son don't overthink it .. a Child is a blessing especially with Karen , she's a sweetheart and imagine y'all both with a child . Just pray son it'll all be okay ." My pops said patting my back .

"Yeah you right .. ian gone over think it ." i replied , i look at my phone and seen a unknown number calling me .. i walk back into the house and went into the bathroom "Yo ?" i said .

"Sebastian? it's me Nia .. i know you don't wanna talk but I just wanted to know if you were gonna come back to Atlanta to let me get my things out the apartment ." She asked

"Maybe .. ion know i'm still visiting Family members here we'll see, you could of just texted me if that's al you had to say ." i said while hanging up , i didn't have time for her .. she was acting weird and blowing up my phone from different numbers .. i felt like she was up to something .

There was a knock on the bathroom door , "Yeah i'm coming out in a minute ." i yelled , Karen opened the door "It's me .. I think we need to go i'm getting too tipsy ." i shook my head and laughed watching her almost fall over .

"Come here ." i grabbed her and walked her out the bathroom .. my mom and Cece was drinking and dancing to music in the living room , i laughed watching them dance .

I walked Karen upstairs to the room "Lay here let me know if you need something baby." i said putting the cover over her .

"No stay with me ..." she said pulling me back , i sat on the bed and looked at her low eyes , you could tell she was super drunk .

She pecked my lips multiple times "Fuck me" she spoke , i laughed knowing she didn't mean it because she was drunk "Bae get some rest you drunk right now ma." i spoke moving her Blonde curls out her face .

"I didn't stutter nigga." She said with a very serious look .. i listened to her wishes and pulled her shorts down , she pulled my shirt off and i left kisses on her neck .

I slowly pulled her panties off "Damn .. you really want this ." i spoke seeing how wet she was , I slipped two fingers in and out of her watching her let out small moans "Mhmhm" she whines .

I slip my fingers in my mouth tasting her , i pulled my boxers down and teased her a little before going inside her .

I begin to give slow strokes .. i pick up my pace a little bit "Damn Sebastian!" she yelled , i cover her mouth as i go faster ... my parents are nosey ian want them to see us like that .

"You feel so good baby." i whispered in her ear as she moaned . Her pretty big boobs bounced in her bra as i gave her strokes .

She moaned louder as she felt herself about to cum .. i try to keep her quiet , I slow down and she finally cums ..

Before we could finish Don called my phone "What nigga? i'm busy right now with Karen." i spoke looking at her .

"Santana ass back in town .. i just seen him on the block nigga." Don spoke

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