After a few days San came home but went to Detroit not too long after , I just got off with Sebastian confessing to him about Brooklyn .. i didn't like lying to him but i had to do something for Santana to get closer to him .
I sat on the bed watching love and hip hop while Brooklyn slowly woke up on my chest "Mama" she whined wiping her eyes "I'm here baby" i spoke rubbing her hair.
I carried her into the bathroom and quickly took her clothes off while turning on the water for her bath , I went to the closet to grab a dry towel and wash towel .
"Mama i'm hungry " Brooklyn yelled from the bathroom "Okay baby after your bath i'll make you something to eat ." I said while grabbing her toys .
I threw her toys in the bath then quickly turned off the water and put her inside .
As i begin washing Brooklyn up i hear the door bell ring then a knock "Mama will be right back baby" i said making sure Brooklyn was distracted by her toys on the tub .
I ran to the door "Where's my mother and brother?." some girl stood at the door "Um who's your brother?" i asked with a curious look .
"Santana and don't act like you don't know me Nia it's me Harmony." She spoke
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Harmony Johnson 23, Sister to Santana and Daughter to Carol
"Oh ! hey Harmony i haven't seen you in years ." I said "I can say the same thing about you , now is you gone let a bitch in or what ?" she replied
I moved out the way for her to enter the door , i ran to the bathroom to check up on Brooklyn . She looked up at me and smiled ..
"Soo again where's my mama and brother ? ." she spoke looking around the house "Oh um Santana went to Detroit to visit and Carol went out with some friends for the night so it's just me and Brooklyn ." I replied
"Oh i see you finally came around to take care of yo baby for once ." she looked at me and rolled her eyes "I mean it wasn't like that .. i was in a tough situation with Sebastian and i wanted my daughter to be safe with her Dad." i grabbed a water bottle out the fridge and went into the bathroom to watch Brooklyn .
Harmony walked in the front room "Yo child should come before any nigga so that ain't no excuse Nia" She said lighting up a blunt , I quickly washed brooklyn off and put a towel around her walking her into the room .
"You acting like i don't know that Harmony .. but like i said i needed my child to be safe and if she was gonna be safe with her dad's family then that's what it had to be ." I spoke
Harmony walked in the room watching me get Brooklyn dressed "And like i said Nia yo child come before a nigga , Me and my mama shouldn't have to take care of yo child for a year. Brooklyn birthday in a week and this yo first birthday with her .. she about to be 2 Nia ." Harmony spoke hitting the blunt .
"Don't smoke around my child .. and i'm really tired of you and your brother judging me for being in a rough situation . yes this is my first birthday with her , but least she isn't 15 and i'm just now coming around." I said
"Girl it wasn't no damn tough situation it was you fucking two hood niggas that have had beef with each other for years you knew EXACTLY what you was doing so don't try to play victim because at the end of the day Nia .. you should of been in yo daughter life so Santana wouldn't have to have her calling other bitches mommy." Harmony shouted
i laid Brooklyn down and stood in Harmony face "What the fuck are you talking about ?." I spoke "Oh i guess you didn't know he still fucking Brittish ? and she pregnant by him again .. you thought you was the real girlfriend now huh Nia? ." Harmony laughed .
"You can't leave my brother and think he ain't about to fuck who he wanna fuck .. You wasting yo time boo ." Harmony said , Before i knew it i pushed her "Get yo dumbass out right now !." i yelled
She let out a chuck and pushed me against the wall "Girl if you ever in yo life put your hands on me again .. you gone be six feet under ." She slowly let me go and headed to the front door .
"Oh and Santana most likely took Brittish to Detroit with him .. that's the bitch who wouldn't leave him or her child for a opp ." Harmony spoke while slamming the front door .
I was so pissed after finding out Brittish was pregnant by Santana, i sat on the floor shaking my head .. i thought we were gonna be happy now without all the unnecessary drama .
I slowly walked to the bed and threw the cover over me and Brooklyn's body .
How y'all feeling about new Character Harmony 👀? does she remind y'all of someone? let me know ! im sorry if this chapter is bad 😭 i just needed to get something out for y'all tonight 💝!