𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗..

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[ 2 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 ..
𝘋𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘪𝘵 , 𝘔𝘐 ]
𝘒𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯 ...

Today i was going shopping for some New things .. Dorinda decided to tag along since shopping was her favorite thing to do .

Dorinda sat in the backseat with Mani entertaining her as i drove .

After finally arriving to the Mall Dorinda grabbed Mani out of her car seat and i grabbed her stroller out of the trunk .

I locked the car doors and we headed inside "You ready to shop pretty girl ?" I spoke playing with Mani's small fingers while Dorinda held her .

She let out small giggles showing her three bottom teeth "Whew girl i haven't been shopping in so long , i been so busy." Dorinda said looking around .

"Me either .. i haven't went shopping since i was pregnant." I replied , Dorinda's eyes widen seeing a store across from us "We have to go in Gucci !." she quickly ran with Mani in her arms .

I laughed as i watch her run i knew our bank accounts were gonna be in pain .

While Dorinda looked around , i found a purse that caught my eye .. i quickly grabbed it and showed Dorinda .

"Oh that's cute ! you have to get it Karen ." Dorinda says , i nod and smile

"So Karen , you think you'll get into another relationship?" Dorinda asked "probably not right now .. but i wouldn't mind meeting another man and getting to know him." I say looking at the Gucci slides on the wall .

"Well i think i have someone for you ! he's one of my friends that i met a while back .. let me know if you want a sneaky link." Me and Dorinda laughed .

"I'll let you know doe ." i say giggling , we walked to the register and paid for our items .

Once we were done we walked out and headed to the food court "I'm so damn hungry ." Dorinda whined .

Mani fell asleep in Dorinda's arms , Dorinda handed her over to me and i laid her down in her stroller .

Dorinda went over to order our food while i sat down and watched Mani sleep .

Every time i looked at her i was just so amazed .. i didn't know i could make such a beautiful Human .

A few minutes later Dorinda came back over and sat down "Damn theses stores getting high ! i spent 47 dollars on some food ." Dorinda rubbed her head .

"Well that's because you bought a pan of chicken Dorinda !" i chuckled looking at the receipt , she rolled her eyes .


After a few moments our order was ready , Dorinda grabbed our food and sat it down on the table . We held hands and prayed .

"Doe im gonna go grab some napkins." she nodded and i walked over to the Man "Hey do y'all have any napkins we could use." i say with a smile .

"Of course here ya go !" the man replied , "Thank you !" i grabbed the napkins .

I turned around and bumped into a Tall man "I'm so sorry i didn't mean -" my words were cut off from being in shock .

"Karen ?" Sebastian spoke "Sebastian? what are you doing here i thought you were in Atlanta ?" i stutter trying to clear my throat .

"I was but i decided to come back to take care of Kheumaní in person and not just over a phone ." He said , i felt my stomach twist as i listened to his words .

I quickly walked away thinking this was fake .. i thought i was just hallucinating that Sebastian was there .

"Karen !" he yelled but i didn't look back "Doe we have to go ." i say in a nervous voice i felt my palms beginning to feel sweaty "Karen what's wrong ?" she asks .

"I'll tell you in the car let's go ." Dorinda grabs our food and we walk away .

I quickly push Mani's stroller , "Karen are you okay ? what happen?." Dorinda asks eating on a piece of Chicken .

"Dorinda i'll tell you in the car !." i cried .. i wasn't ready to see him again after our Break up ..

We finally made it to the car and i laid Mani in her car seat , i put her stroller in the truck .

I turn around to see Sebastian running after us "Karen bro wait !" he yelled .

Dorinda jumped seeing Sebastian in her presence "Nigga i should smack you ! the fact you have the damn nerve ! ." Dorinda walked up to him pointing her fingers in Sebastian's face .

"Dorinda! Doe ! Doe ! Stop it's fine .. just let him speak." I yelled while pulling her back .

"Can i atleast see her before you go ?" i asked , i nodded my head "She's in the back seat ." i spoke .

He opened the car door and slowly grabbed a sleeping Mani rocking her back and forth kissing her forehead "I missed you so much princess ." he whispered .

"Alright times up buddy .. Mr Daddy of the year for Santana's child ." Dorinda says , i hit Dorinda's arm

"Man chill .. i know i haven't been there but it isn't my fault .. y'all know the situation i'm in and a nigga tryna get out of it .. so just bare with me imma fix this for my daughter ." Sebastian spoke patting Mani's back .

I was set off by his words "You wouldn't be in this situation if you would of stopped letting her disrespect me Sebastian! we would still be together ! but you let that bitch disrespect me too many times ! and till this day you are still letting her do it .. she has so much power over you that you can't even come see your own child !." I yelled .

Tears welled up in my eyes , a tear fell down my cheek .

"Karen i'm sorry ." he spoke , Dorinda stood there in silence "Give me my baby Sebastian." I say trying to grab her "Wait Karen let me just-" i cut him off quickly .

"Give me my god damn baby !" i shouted , he gave her a kiss and handed her over .

Me and Dorinda walked to the car , i laid Mani back into her car seat . i let out a sigh and jumped into the drivers seat .

What just happened .

Hey yall ! how y'all feel about this chapter ? let me know in the comments !

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