𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕..

289 19 15

𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷 ♙

         The next day Cece and Mama Dianna arrived to the hospital.. Cece cried her eyes out on my shoulders "I wish i was there ! i should of been there" she shouted "Cece do not blame yourself .. he is okay thanks to the man above .. it's okay baby" Dianna said rubbing Cece's head .

I couldn't say anything my heart aches too much for me to speak .. i was just ready to see his face, i wanted to see his smile again that's all i could think about currently .

Doe hugged Cece tightly while i sat there trying to keep myself together .. the words Dorinda said to me explaining how Sebastian got shot just kept replaying in my head .. it's all i could think about .. i felt like this was all a big dream i couldn't wake up from .

The Doctor came out and we all stood up "Y'all may go see Sebastian, we can only have 3 at a time in the room due to hospital policy ." The Doctor Spoke .

"Okay thank you so much." Dianna said shaking his hand "Karen and Cece come on , Rinda Jacky and Don y'all go next ." They all shook their heads listening to her words

My hands began to sweat as we got closer to the door , Dianna opened the door and there was Sebastian laying on the bed slowly breathing with his eyes a little open .

"Bash ??" Cece said slowly tapping him "Hey Big Sis" he whispered tapping her back "I am so sorry Bash i should of been there .." tears fell from Cece's eyes we began to hold her as she cried .

"I-Its not your fault .. it's no one's fault i'm good sis i'm gone shake back " Sebastian said

Mama Dianna kissed his forehead "I'm so glad you're still here with us son .. it wasn't your time" She spoke , She always stayed strong when it came to something happening to any of us all she did was pray and that's why i admired her so much .

"Thank you mom .. i love y'all " He said he tried to bring them in for a hug but he was in too much pain, Cece and Dianna hugged him slowly and kissed him with giggles "We love you too"..

"We'll leave y'all together alone " Dianna said patting my back .. once they left the room tears filled my eyes "Mama don't cry " He whispered .

"I should of never let you go outside  .. i should of just stayed at the table with y'all ." I cried "Baby i'm cool it's not anybody's fault them niggas wanted me dead but i'm still here .. this my 𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ." He held my hand tightly

"I know i just felt like we were just getting started and i thought i lost you for good." I spoke wiping my tears "Mama it's okay you haven't lost me and you ain't gone lose me .. i promise ." He slowly tried to sit up

"Fuck" He yelled from the pain I helped him sit up on the bed slowly .. he pulled my face in and kissed me passionately sticking his tongue in and out of my mouth .. we sat there kissing for a while until he pulled away .

"I missed your lips so much"He smiled , Dorinda and Jacky walked into the Hospital room "You nasty motherfuckers ! the nigga just got out of surgery ." Jacky yelled and giggled .

"Stella got her groove back" Dorinda said hitting me and laughing , Sebastian let out a laugh watching all of us play fight "I'm glad you're okay sebastian.. it's so good to see you laughing." Jacky said .

"Yeah .. i'm very happy to still be alive and i'm glad y'all was there to get me to a hospital, i probably wouldn't be here without y'all ." Sebastian spoke .

"Awwww little nigga" Dorinda said grabbing his cheeks . We heard the door slowly open with a creek ..

"Glad to see you up negroe " Don said with a bright smile .. it was so good to see everybody smiling after crying for 2 days , Dorinda looked Don up and down .

"What is up with y'all and the N word my holy ears cannot take this !" i said covering my ears "Oh Karen shut up like Sebastian don't stick that-" I covered her mouth with my hand her talking was muffled .

She rolled her eyes and i giggled .. We walked out the room to let Don finish talking to Sebastian privately .

"I think i'm gonna head to the store to get something to snack on .. i haven't ate anything really" I said "Yeah you and Dorinda go get some snacks we hungry !" Jacky said .

Me and Dorinda grabbed our coats and walked across the street to this little corner store that we always go to "Hey Karen and Rinda !" Mohammad said to us "Heyy ! " we both said .

Dorinda and me went different directions, I grabbed Me and Jacky some chips and a few candy bars i seen in the Aisle .

I slowly back up into this dude behind me and my things dropped from my arms "Oh my god i'm so sorry i didn't know you were behind me." i spoke picking everything up .

"You good pretty lady .. lemme help you" he said handing my things to me .. i look up to see this handsome lightskin man with his hat towards the back and a tooth pick in his mouth .

He had a tank top on with a jean jacket some amiri jeans and timbs .. "Um .. thank you ... Mr .."

"Call me San .. short for Santana " he winked and my eyes widened i couldn't believe this man was in my presence knowing what he could've done to Sebastian , i quickly walked away and headed to the register .

"Dorinda we need to get out of here now .." i whispered to Dorinda "Why what's wrong ?" she whispered back putting all her things onto the counter .

"I just ran into Santana in the Aisle " I whispered , her face dropped "Get the fuck out of here!" she shouted , i hit her arm "Shh i think he's still in here" i said

"That'll be 22.34" Mohammad said Dorinda grabbed the money out of her purse and handed it to him , we walked out with our bags and rushed back over to the hospital.

I looked back to see Santana watching us walk back over ..

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