Chapter Two

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Everyone buddied up with themself and they were off, following Donnie down through the sewers. There was quiet chit-chat between a few of the pairs, but nothing too interesting. Mainly just questions about relations and enemies.

When they arrived at the lair, Donnie stopped in front of the entrance and told them to wait. He pulled his left arm up and started tapping on it, opening the security system. Currently, the only faces that the system recognized and would not deem a threat were Donnie, his brothers, April, Splinter, Cassandra, and Casey. Luckily, Donnie had left a way for him to add more faces in case they needed to harbor more mutants or humans. He changed this once Cass had become a friend and was thankful for it after Casey showed up.

"Alright, just hold still. If you move, you may be killed," Donnie said nonchalantly, and the four new turtles looked at each other, alarmed.

Sheldon zipped out of the lair, then paused in front of the new faces.

"Who are these guys?" he asked.

"New mutants. They'll be staying for a little bit, so just scan their faces and add them to the security list."

"Yes, sir." Sheldon scanned the other-Leo first, then asked what his name was so he could put it in.

"Leonardo," he replied, "but I go by Leo."

Sheldon glanced at Leo. "But you're Leo."
Leo shrugged. "We're both Leo, I guess. And there's another Donnie, another Raph, and another Mikey."

Sheldon turned to Donnie and said something in code. Donnie glanced at his device and read the translation.

"No, there is no need for extreme security measures. Just scan them, Sheldon."

Sheldon beeped a confirmation, then continued to scan the turtles: Raph, then Donnie, then Mikey.

"All set! Now none of you will be obliterated upon entering the lair. Stay cool, my dudes," Sheldon added, then left them to their business.

"Uh," other-Mikey started, "what did he mean by 'Obliterated'?"

"'Obliterated,'" other-Donnie recited, "means 'to destroy or wipe out'."

"I know, D," other-Mikey replied. "I just didn't... actually, nevermind."

"Can we see Splinter now?" other-Leo interjected.

"Oh, sure. Leon?" Donnie said, turning to look at Leo expectantly.

Leo sighed dramatically. Truly, he didn't care, but he liked to do this to annoy his twin brother. "Fiiiiiiineeeee."

Leo dragged himself into the lair, then began walking normally when he was out of Donnie's view. "DAD!!"

"What is it, Blue?" Splinter called from the sofa chair.

"There are some people who want to see you." Leo had made his way to the left of his father, who was watching some Japanese show about people getting pinched by crabs. Leo understood some of it, but he never really paid attention to their Japanese classes.

"People?" Splinter asked, slight dread dripping into his voice. He looked up at Leo.

"Well, mutants. Other turtles. They're, like... us? From a different universe? I think?"

"Oh, alright. I will be out in a moment." He turned back to the television. "Just let me finish this episode, okay?"

"Sure," Leo replied, then turned and left. He clasped his hands together behind his head and headed back to the others. April must have headed home; it was likely her parents were worried about her since it was so late. "He's comin', just has to finish his show."

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