A new beginning

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[Picture above is what the cabin looks like]

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 🌑

The sound of snow crunching could be heard as katsuki's boots trudged  beneath the snow as he walked to the back of his car. He hadn't even been outside long and he was already freezing his ass off even while wearing a bundle of clothes beneath his coat.

He opened the trunk of his car and threw his bag over his shoulder taking another quick look at the cabin that stood before him.

It was almost too good to be true having seen the cabin on a post online at first, he thought it was a scam but his desperation to get away from back there made him take the risk of getting this place as it was in his budget and to make things better for him the owner was in quite a hurry to move out.

While it did have its cons like not having central air and heat and being out in the woods and the nearest town being about an hour away.

It was okay because katsuki was away from them.

If he had service out here they would probably be blowing up his phone with messages and calls and katsuki knew that she would be telling the boy that he was a fool for doing this while he would just beg him to return and forget about this.

Katsuki knew exactly what he was doing getting into this lifestyle.

Despite the hard labor he was going to have to do to survive and live in this home it didn't bother him in the slightest as he was prepared while he could go to a store to get what he needed, katsuki was a little bit stubborn and wanted to do this all his own that and he seen this as a way to get his mind off the past after all this was a new start, a new home.

The blonde had packed everything he needed for the move though he had to leave some things behind but it was all worth it.

He grabbed the axe from the trunk it was covered with a leather sheath. He was going to have to start gathering his own wood for the fireplace and hunting his own food and he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little excited to get to work.

Bakugo shut the trunk and began to hurry upstairs to his porch and into his new home, slamming the door behind him as if the cold wind was right behind him.

It was warmer inside but not enough to take his coat or extra layers of clothes off.

It was only his third time being inside the home as he had brought in boxes. His first time was the tour but even though he knew the layout of this cabin as it wasn't that big but still had enough space to get around and not feel too cluttered. His crimson eyes still managed to wander around his new home it was a one-bedroom and already furnished so he didn't have to worry about that but that didn't mean he would change some things.

With a small hum, He put the axe against the door and set the bag on the floor pulling out its contents inside and starting to unpack.

It was quite late when he finally plopped down onto his bed having spent most of his day unpacking boxes and putting things he wouldn't need at the moment in the storage room that was in the back of the cabin.

The boy let out a tired sigh as he closed his eyes.

Though his peace and quiet didn't last long as the sudden sound of howling could be heard nearby and strange enough it sent shivers down his spine. Maybe because it was the first night and time living out in the woods and by himself at that but there was something eerie about the wolves' howls.

It continued on longer than he thought it would cause him to huff and use the pillow to cover his ears.

It actually helped as his eyes began to get heavy and before he knew it the ash blonde was fast asleep.

Not noticing the glowing green eyes that had appeared outside his bedroom window.


The next few days weren't that easy for Bakugo and this may have been because he was in a new place but he felt like he was being watched even when in the safety of his home.

Even when he spent daylight collecting wood and hunting which unfortunately for him, he could only snag a few rabbits but fortunately no run-ins with wolves or any other dangerous animals.

Even While his nights were now becoming sleepless thanks to his Canine neighbors who didn't stop with just howling as he swore a glimpse of one outside his window along with scratch marks at on his front door something he woke up to find one day which didn't really help with his paranoia.

Bakugo had always been an early bird so waking up later in the day was clear his sleep schedule was ruined by the wolves as it kept happening regardless of what time he slept.

Today he was out hunting again and was looking for more than a measly rabbit.

The blonde had used his pocket knife to leave carved markings on the trees so he could find his way home something he was still doing as he went deeper into the forest the feeling of being watched didn't leave him.

He found himself looking behind him ever so often even though he was armed with a shotgun and a book bag over his shoulder that held other items he needed inside.

Katsuki let out a sigh as he got on his knees and sat his backpack in Infront of him and pulled out a bear trap since he still hadn't found anything the boy decided it was best to leave different traps on his way home.

He forced open the bear trap and covered it in snow hiding it from the animal that would hopefully fall for it.

Just as he stood up and dusted the snow off his pants, a sudden twig snapping caused him to freeze in place.

He didn't move a muscle as his eyes darted around soon finding the source of that sound making his eyes go wide.

Not too far from him stood a wolf.

Word Count: 1082

Sorry if this chapter was a bore. I promise there will be dialogue in the next chapter.


𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒓 |𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒖𝒃𝒂𝒌𝒖|Where stories live. Discover now