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🌗Chapter Three🌗

The wolf knew of the boy's presence the moment that he stepped out of the vehicle for the first time.

It was a new scent after all.

A scent that smelled of cinnamon and spice along with something he wasn't familiar with.

The wolf had watched him as he stepped out of the vehicle the first time and from that moment on the wolf always had eyes on him.

Even when he would enter the Forest with a hunting rifle in hand despite having his own protection the wolf would still lurk hiding behind the trees.

He was never too far behind watching the human from afar.

His pack knew something wasn't right with this new scent lurking in the Forest but he never dared tell them about the human.

This was his prize and his prize only.

That was right. This human was his prey at least that's what he told himself after all why would he go out of his way to follow him around and even come around his home.

The wolf knew that he was supposed to stay away from the cabin in the clearing now that the man before was gone but he simply couldn't help but be intrigued by him.

But then again.

He never took long to kill his prey or even toy with it and he also never waited days to hunt something.

Or even lurk around his home making sure to leave his scent in the area to keep away wolves that weren't part of his pack even to go as far as to claw at his door.

Even with his pack calling to him to come back home since he had been gone for a while, The wolf  would ignore the howls.

That was until the day they finally met. When the wolf accidentally made himself known and you think he would strike, this was a perfect time for him to attack, to finally get a taste.

The wolf didn't move though.

Just like before. He let his chance begin to slip away as he just stared at the human in awe.

His ear twitched as he could hear his pack calling for him deeper in the Forest and this time. He obeyed for it was the call of his alpha in other words the leader of his pack.

So he'd leave him alone for now and return to where he belonged.


Tenya looked over his shoulder as he glanced at his truck.

He had found a new place to park after having to deal with the foolish kid. "This isn't his land.." He said to himself. "If anything it belongs to them."

He held his gun close and headed deeper into the forest only to stop and kneel down. He set the bag that was resting on his shoulder onto the ground and pulled out his last bear trap. He had already set a few in different places in the Forest and remembered the areas well as the trees had markings carved into the tree.

His head suddenly perked up at a sudden sound.

There it stood.

It was easy for him to recognize a werewolf as they were bigger than the average wolf, not just that but they were wild then normal wolves.

Though that wasn't a surprise being one of them was more of a curse then a blessing but that's what iida was here just like the rest of his family the man was here to get rid of them saving these beasts from their curse and protecting the innocent from being harmed by them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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