The Wolf and the stranger

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Chapter two 🌒


Neither moved.

Katsuki took a moment to study the wolf.

The Wolf that stood not too far from him was bigger than to be expected, His fur was scruffy and mostly a light Forrest shade of green besides his white chest and paws.

The young hunter's crimson eyes locked with the creature's green ones.

You'd think the two were having a staring contest as they kept their eyes trained on one another.

The sound of howling could be heard from afar but the wolf still didn't move for some reason.

Now katsuki could shoot the creature but it wasn't showing any aggression and he didn't have bullets to spare on animals that he didn't plan on making his meal.

But that didn't stop him gripping his gun tightly as he waited for its next move and another set of howls could be heard; this seemed to be what finally got the wolf to leave going in the direction Katsuki could only assume it came from.

The young hunter stood there like a deer in the headlights for a moment before he finally headed home leaving a few traps behind in the area.


When Katsuki made it back home he was quick to take notice of his visitor.

A well built blue haired man stood beside what he presumed to be his truck loading a rifle.

With caution, Katsuki approached the man while holding his own gun close just in case.

"Can I help you?" Katsuki asked.

The stranger didn't even realize that the teen was there until he spoke, causing him to quickly lift his head up no longer looking down at his gun.

"Can I help you?" The blue eyed man repeated back to him as he fixed his glasses and looked the other up and down.

Bakugo's brows furrowed at the stranger. "Why the hell are you out here at my house?"

"Your house?" The man seemed a little confused as he looked at the cabin and back at him. "What happened to toshinori?"

Katsuki knew exactly who the man was talking about. Yagi was the one that sold him the place.

"He moved and I bought the cabin from him" The boy explained and crossed his arms. He wondered if the stranger was the reason the old man was in such a hurry to move as this guy seemed to not understand that people could just move away.

Four eyes went quiet for a moment before he finally spoke "Ah. I see" and just before Katsuki could question the man on why he was even out here, he spoke again.

"Toshinori used to let me park here while I hunt" He finally explained. "I didn't expect him to move though" The man sounded a bit disappointed at the old house owner moving but didn't let it bother him that long as he set the gun down in the bed of his truck and offered out a hand to the young blond.

"I'm Iida Tenya. I apologize for intruding on your land but I must hunt here"

Katsuki didn't put his gun down on the ground and instead let it rest on his shoulder as he used one hand to hold it while the other to shake the man's hand.

"Katsuki. It's fine, we all make- what the hell do you mean you must hunt here? What's so special about this damn place"

"I'll park somewhere else but I need to hunt here there's dangerous creatures out here that are overpopulating the Forest"

𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒓 |𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒖𝒃𝒂𝒌𝒖|Where stories live. Discover now