Chapter 1

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The birth of a destroyer

Our story begins in a realm far beyond the mortal realm. A realm that stretches the imagination of mortal beings. In this realm stands a majestic palace and in this palace a grand door was opening and out came the door was a short male Guide Angel with sky blue skin and white slicked back hair. He has thin hook-curved, eyebrows. He possesses what appears to be a blue-colored halo like those of his children, though it autonomously floats above him instead of hanging around his neck. He's apparel consists of a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, with baggy shoulder pads, that runs beneath his red-colored belt with the kanji symbol for "Grand" (大). The shirt is complemented by a matching color pair of jodhpur-like pants, and white boots that run beneath his shins.

"Interesting, very interesting" the man said as he looks upon the 12 universes surrounding the realm but then one of the 12 spheres moves to make space for another one to appear that surprise him

'How odd' he thought as he looks at the new universe that is formed and realized that this new universe was one of the 6 old universes that zeno destroyed earlier. Not only that but this universe has no god of destruction and an angel attendant and that the god of creation there failed dramatically and so a new order must be established there and before the grand priest was about to destroy the universe to keep it from zen'oh and wasting both their time he was stop by one of zen'oh bodyguards.

"Grand priest, lord zen'oh would like to have a word with you please you are not to lay a hand on the universe that just appeared." The bodyguard said.

The grand priest just looks at him, bows and said. "Thank you." He disappears and so is the bodyguard and appeared infront of lord zeno.

When he appeared he bows and asked. "Lord zen'oh how may I assist you today?"

Zen'oh is very short and small, with a rather large oval-shaped head. He primarily has sky blue skin, except for two sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, which are purple. He has small round eyes, and small rounded grey "ears". His main attire is a magenta and yellow lined coat, with yellow pants and magenta shoes. He wears a black and white shirt underneath, with the kanji for "all" (全) on the front. He typically has a blank expression on his face.

The being now known as Zen'oh said. "Grand priest I would like you to set a new charge for this new universe. Yes the universe is not supposed to exist it should have been destroyed much like the other six I originally destroyed however thanks to that artificial life form known as android 17 his wish gave me an idea so I allowed the recreation of this universe. This universe is in a precarious situation where it's god of creation and god of destruction had a falling out where the god of destruction pretty much died and so I deemed the universe unworthy so I erased it but however seeing the universe again gave me hope, gave me a glimmer of something more than what was."

The grand priest then asked "Lord zen'oh if you don't mind would you tell me your plan?"

Zen'oh then smiled as he continues "Most certainly. I see a young man that can be really powerful if he is unbound by the notions of what it is to be a destroyer god where I noticed all other universes that had destroyer gods or the angels failed to raised their respective destroyer god the right way it's all the times they were brought up only knowing destruction."

Grand priest then look at his lord and said "I see."

Then Zen'oh continues "As we speak the young man we are talking about is being born right now." Zen'oh then open his hand to show the grand priest the projection of a new born baby blonde boy. He then continues this planet right here is called the elemental nations it is like earth of universe 6 and universe 7 however the laws and principles are severely different in this universe. They don't follow the notion of what Goku then would consider is ki, they follow what is known chakra, life force which to me are all the same but only difference is it's manifestation but whatever."

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