Chapter 3

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After Naruto pay all of Tsunade's debts and replenishing the Senju account to full again, the blonde senju matriarch then decided that she will adopt Naruto in order for him to become the senju heir then Naruto decided to go back to his planet to give his newly adopted mother a glimpse of what he is capable of and after 2 weeks they returned to meet the daimyo of the land of fire to discuss with him Tsunade's plans on adopting Naruto and also her plans on becoming the godaime hokage after that the group then decided to travel to konoha the group of four and a pig along with the fire lord, his guardian ninja and a battalion of samurais are now in the road north of  Konoha.

Naruto then sighed and said in a whisper that only the angel could hear "It's been five years since that day eh Saké."

Saké seeing the worried look on her charge/best friend reassured the young god."Don't worry Naruto sama they can't do anything to you anymore."

Tsunade then look at her newly adopted son then said "Remember Naruto you are now my son and there is nothing the council can do about it as we have the daimyo of the land which is the highest authority in the land to support us.

Thank you lady Tsunade. Saké replied with a smile.

When they are in the gates of the village they get off the carriage and walk the streets of Konoha to the hokage tower.

The hokage tower

The group then arrive at the tower and they walk through the stairs to the door of the hokage's office the hokage's secretary saw who was coming and quickly informed the hokage. Hiruzen has mixed feelings first he was glad when he heard that Tsunade has returned but he was also shock and fearful as the secretary told him who was with the Senju clan head the daimyo and a blue skinned girl that traumatized him to no end since the disappearance of Naruto.

The group then entered the room and greeted the hokage.

It's been a while sensei you've grown old. Tsunade greeted.

Then Saké greeted the old hokage "Hiruzen Sarutobi it's been five years." Saké greeted the hokage.

The old man look at the girl and he quickly remembered who the girl was but he can't do anything because of the fire lord's presence and the blue skinned girl is with the fire lord.

Naruto noticed the look on Hiruzen's face he then said "Saké that's enough." Naruto said he then look at the hokage and the hidden Anbu squad guarding the hokage seriously.

Saké then bowed to the boy and said "Of course Naruto sama."

This shocked the old hokage even more as he is wide eyed and said in a stutter " n-n-naruto kun i-is t-that r-really you?

Tsunade then noticed the look on her sensei and decided to get his attention said "Well for starters sensei I'm back and I will take the hokage position from you so that you can now enjoy your retirement. After which I will call a council meeting to fix things such as the academy and also clean the house down."

"Also Naruto and his angel attendant here are being adopted by the Senju clan also I'll make Naruto heir of the clan and also my adopted son. So if the civilians council have a problem with that they can choose to either come to me or be eradicated by Naruto.

Also the fire daimyo is with us to see the proceedings and also my inauguration.

The fire daimyo then took the floor and asked "lord Naruto if I may?"

Naruto then look at the daimyo he then smiled and nod at the man.

Hiruzen was even more shock at this 'Even the daimyo gives respect to Naruto.' he thought

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