Chapter 4

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Ten months has passed since Tsunade became hokage and Naruto's return to the village. Many has changed in Konoha since then for example the civilian council is now reduced to four people while the Shinobi council grew with the addition of minor Shinobi clans. The academic curriculum was returned to the pre kyubi attack curriculum also the return of the Uzumaki clan in history lessons, a medical program was added in the academic curriculum as well as fuinjutsu lessons.

A day before the genin exams

In the classroom of the clan heirs and heiress's.

The clan heirs along with some civilian born students we're talking about the upcoming genin exams which the Senju heir will be participating in.

The talking was stopped when a man of average height and build. He has black hair that he keeps in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose which he has had since his youth. He wears the standard Konoha shinobi outfit complete with forehead protector, sandals, and flak jacket. His sleeves are also rolled up about ¼ way.

When the class saw him they immediately went silent he then sighed then said "as most of you here are talking about the genin exams I have here the list of those who can enter it from your class. Of course it will be up to you to decide if you want to join or wait for another year."

"Now the list includes Sasuke Uchiha, Shino Aburame, Sai, Shin, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, Tomoko Uzuki, Megumi Kyoraku, Misato Kogune, Mika Urameshi, Tsubaki Mogurune, Maki Hitsugaya and Asuka Yamamoto."

As his name was called Sasuke stood up and said in a confident tone "Iruka sensei I'd like to join the genin exams.

Iruka nods after which the nine girls decided to join as well making the chunin instructor sigh.

Sasuke then sighed as he hears his fangirls utter bullshits.

Iruka then said "alright then the ten of you will go to room 310 tomorrow for your exams and I wish you luck."

Head teacher's office

After Iruka wrote the list he immediately go to the head teacher's office to report who will be added to the current list of genin hopefuls.

In his seat was the Sandaime hokage still working but now as head teacher of the ninja academy. The now retired hokage was currently looking at the list from the batch of the clan heirs and heiress's and sighed he then look at Iruka and asked the chunin.

"Why are almost all the clan heiress's and a civilian wanted to join the genin exams?" He asked but deep inside he knew the answer to his questions.

Iruka sighed and replied "as you may know sandaime sama most of the heiress in the batch are fangirls of Sasuke Uchiha so when the boy decided to join the exams they quickly decided to join as well in hopes that they will be teamed up with him lord Sarutobi."

"I see." Hiruzen replied

Meanwhile with Sasuke

After he and his fangirls we're dismissed early to prepare for tomorrow's events Sasuke decided to hide from his annoying fangirls by using shunshin as soon as he was dismiss from class.

Arriving at the training ground to meet his clan head for advise on what to do tomorrow and also do some training.

Flashback 10 months ago

Sasuke was walking aimlessly in the streets of Konoha when he saw a familiar face walking towards him.

He then called the man. "Shisui?"

"Sasuke?" The familiar looking man called Sasuke.

"How are you here? You're supposed to be dead? Is this a dream or a genjutsu?" Sasuke asked in a panic.

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