𝘗𝘪𝘯𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘦 C/S!V!SM!Fance

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Slightly Smut warning

Vance's P.O.V

I was in my usual shop playing Pinball, I wasn't alone this time I was with some of the people I know and they were playing truth or dare, I could have caredless about what they were doing until they dragged me into it then I was pissed off but not as much because before they dragged me into there game I had beat my old score so there lucky for that

"Okay truth or dare Vance!" one of the guys said as the door of the shop opened and closed, I didn't really care who came in "dare I ain't a pussy" I said in annoyed tone, the guy looked around the shop trying to think of something before looking back at with a smirk "I dare you to teach that kid over" he pointed the kid who probably just walked in, I got a look at him and he had brown hair that was curle and short he looked a lot short then anyone in my group "how to play pinball without beating him up even once, I snapped my head back at the guy " fine I'll beat you then after I finish the dare." I started to walk towards the kid and when I got close enough I realized he was short as fuck─

Finney's P.O.V

I was looking through the snacks seeing what I want to buy, I saw some boys at pinball mechanic when I walked in, some of them I know by name some I didn't but almost all of them were my bullies or past bullies which I feared a lot

After a couple of minutes of me walking in I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I started to get nervous 'what if it's one of my bullies??? What if they want to steal my money??' The footsteps stopped right behind me and I felt a huge hand my shoulder spin me around I looked forward and I was faced up with someone's chest, I slowly looked up scared "h-hi" is all the come out my mouth while I was faced up with Vance the most scariest guy I know "Tell your parents you ain't coming home until late." He said with a resting bitch face which scared me "what is he talking about-? Is he going to be beat me up!?" Is what run through my thoughts before I nodded like a dumbass

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the rest of the group of his friends which made me panic a lot more I started to overthink about what was going to happen me

Vance's P.O.V

I pulled the boy to the pinball mechanic and put him in front of me before putting my hands on the mechanic, he was shivering for some reason I didn't really care, I started showing him how to play and I noticed that he was confused which some how annoyed so I repeat myself louder and he quickly nodded showing he heard me

-Little time skip-

After half a hour all the people I was with left and I was still stuck with this boy and teaching how to play my favorite game, the boy was lucky I wasn't allowed to beat him up even though I wanted to really badly "please- Vance I don't know how to play this game- I'm sorry" I hated that he wanted to give up so annoying
"No! I'm teaching you how to play this game no matter what!" I said pissed off he sighs before I moved closer to him, my chest against his back and my chin on the top of his head

Finney's P.O.V

I felt vance chest against my back and his crotch against my... butt I had started to heat but I tried to keep my focus on the game and not on his position after a couple of minutes he took his head off my head I let out a little sigh of relief thinking he was going to back but no- he did back away only to get even closer to me after and press his body against my roughly "what are you doing?! Are you even paying attention!?" He yelled at me

Putting his hands on top of mine they were so big they covered my hands with easy "s-sorry" I tried to take my hands back but I founded that Vance's hands were much more worm then mine so I decided to keep them there for a little longer he still continues to yell in my ear about how I could have lost the point but I didn't listen much

-little time skip-

After I don't know how many of hours I had spent on playing this pinball game Vance was obsessed with, I was dead tired and I had no energy to continue but Vance on the other hand was full of energy and wasn't tired at all like he didn't even stop to notice what he was doing to me, I sighed and slowly moved my hand behind me and down on my butt so Vance couldn't grind against it more

Vance's P.O.V

I felt a hand against crotch which pissed me enough to look down at what he was doing then realized he was only placing his hand against his butt so I took a step back grumpily I haven't noticed before but
'I don't really care about anyone's personal space... Then why what was he so special for me to care about his personal space?' I thought to myself looking at the back of the boys head "what's you're name short boy?" I asked shamelessly he was quiet for a little "I'm Finney Blake"he said hesitantly "Okay Finn, come here tomorrow." He turned around and nodded I took stepped back and let him walk away,

I stayed the shop for a little longer before heading to the park, once I got there the lights weren't on still even though it was dark I seat down next to a tree and relaxed, I heard footsteps and someone kicking rocks before I felt someone accidentally trip over something and fall straight on top of me "ugh-! What the fuck!?" I said pissed off  "sorry I'm sorry-" I felt the boy lift himself off of me I stood up annoyed and pissed off "are you blind?!" I asked with the most scariest tone "no- it's just really dark and I can see anything- I'm sorry" he apologize more which annoyed "Shut up already."  I seat back down on the cold grass and lean my back against the tree, he started to back away but he didn't make it far before I grabbed him and pulled him down next to me he flinched and seat next to me shivering "why aren't you home?" He looked over at me "uh- uhh the doors are locked and I don't want to annoy my sister.." He said with such hesitation that it sounded like a lie "tell me the truth." I said and he sighs "I don't want my dad to beat my sister if she gets caught trying to help me..." He mumbled and I was barely able to hear it I nodded putty my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer to me I don't know why I did it but I did

Soon after I noticed he had fallen asleep I yawned before putting my head back and slowly drifting off to sleep


Hey! This chapter is done but if you want more of this chapter tell me in the comments or dms!

I'll be doing a lot more!
Tell me if you want more something because I will try my best to make more of it!! :)))

Have a good day/evening/night!! <33


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