𝘉𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 F!Fance Part 2!

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No one's P.O.V
Next day

Finney woke up a tad bit early this morning, he seat up on his bed and check the time "woah- it's 6:35, never thought I would wake up this early"

He started getting ready after a couple of minutes, once he was already for school his alarm when off and he turned it off


He walked to his bus stop not expecting much, he kept his hands in his pockets because he had forgotten his gloves at home

I stepped next to my bus stop, I glanced around to see some unfamiliar faces it wasn't anything unusually

Vance was walking from his house to the bus stop, once he got there he stopped next to Finney, Finney noticed that Vance hadn't brought gloves as well

It didn't take him long to notice that Vance didn't have any pockets to put his hands in, Finney wanted to do something but was sure about it he felt like if he did it that Vance won't it like but then again he might like it..?

He took a chance and took Vance's hand and pulled it in his pocket to keep it warm, Vance looked at him annoyed he was about to say something but stopped himself. He took his hand out of Finney's pocket, he then when behind Finney and put both of his hands in Finney's pockets he intervened there fingers together and put his chin on Finney's shoulder

Finney felt his face heat up at sudden affection "You're something else Finney" Vance said softy in a raspy voice"I am..?" Finney said back a bit confused tone

"Mhm you are" Vance said slightly nodding, Finney smiled to himself "Thanks Vance"

A couple of minutes later there bus arrived, Vance took his hands out of finney's pockets and went in the bus, Finney followed after him and stayed close to him through the ride to school

His anxiety from the last bus ride was still there as he stood next to Vance, Vance noticed it and put his arm around Finney's shoulder which calmed Finney down he was slightly questioning what Vance planning

_At School_

Vance and Finney walked down the hallway, Finney was grinning holding Vance's hand

Some people stared at Vance Shocked, while others couldn't care less and continued rubber Jing through there lockers or backpacks

As They got closer to Finney's locker Finney spotted his best friend Robin, He waved to him and noticed that Bruce was with him as well Finney tilted his slightly confused since he had never seen those two together before

Finney walked over to them pulling Vance along with him, causing for Vance to almost trip over but thankfully he didn't

"Hey Robin!" Finney greeted Robin with warm smile while Vance just stared with a blank expression

"Hey Finn, what's up?" Robin replied back smiling "nothing much, what are you doing with Bruce?" Robin looked over at Bruce a small smirk come over his face, he looked back at Finney "we're going to be the library to study" Finney nodded believing them

_Bell rings and they all head to class_

Finney would usually seat in the back all alone but this time he wasn't alone, Vance had switched seats and was now seating next to Finney which did cause him to question Vance more

While in the middle of class a kid started to throw paper balls at Finney which caused for him not to be able to focus, Vance noticed it quickly and gave the boy a death glare which then made the boy stop since he got scared and Finney was able to focus after

_after school_

Vance was walking through hallways but slowed down as he was getting closer to the bathroom he heard some noises and Finney's voice which sparked his curiosity. He pushed open the doors as was meet with Finney getting beat up something just snapped for Vance maybe because he hadn't had any alcohol or it was because he was sober but his anger was just over the roof high, it take for him to grab a boy and throw him into one of the stalls he kicked another boy into sinks making him fa down Vance looked over to the last boy who slowly backed away "Where do you think your going..?" He asked in pissed off tone with made the boy stand up and run out of the bathroom crying "Fucking pathetic" he said as the boy run out

Vance looked over at Finney who was slowly standing up "Thanks Vance.." Finney said softly blushing and smiling "yeah yeah, you need to learn how to fight back" Vance said grabbed some tissue, he grabbed Finney's chin and started to clean the blood from his nose "I don't know how- plus I'm not strong" He said letting his shoulders down "who says you aren't?" Vance ask upset at Finney, he finished cleaning his nose and throw the tissue away "it's just the honest truth- I don't knoe how to tell you" Vance sighs getting more annoyed "How about you shut up and stop talking bad about yourself, okay?" Vance rolled his eyes and picked up Finney over his shoulder "Jesus- how strong are you???" Finney ask grabbed the back of Vance jacket "Do you want to actually know?" Vance asked, Finney thought about then shook his head "Good" Vance added before he walked out carrying Finney over his shoulder

_At the park_

Finney and Vance were seating on a bench not talking Finney was looking down while Vance was smoking, a couple of minutes later Vance grabbed Finney's chin and made Finney look at him Vance leand in closer Finney's eyes fell down to Vance's lips thinking he was going to kiss him... But Vance took him by surprise and blow smoke in his face which made Finney start to cough and wave his hands so smoke would get out of his face faster, Vance burst out laughing at Finney "what was that for??" Finney asked after calling his coughing down, Vance smirked smugly "I just want to play with you" Finney didn't know how to react and was just frozen questioning

"Jazz you are as dense as you look"  Vance chuckled, Finney pretend to get offended by it but was actually confused.
Vance noticed that Finney didn't understand "I'll show you what I mean" Vance said moving closer to Finney and kissing him, Finney was caught off guard for a moment but slowly returned the kiss after a moment...

I'll probably update you all again tomorrow bc for its 11pm rn- and I need sleep :'))

BUT JUST YOU ALL KNOW a book is coming out, getting new chapters, and Vance x Robin is coming as well!

Good night, evening or morning whatever time it is for you have a wonderful day because you deserve it<33
(Sorry for any mistakes I was a bit in a rush trying to get this out as early as possible)


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