𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴

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Here is the updated some were really wanting- 😭

I'm really sorry that I haven't been writing its because I have finals coming up and I need to study a lot

No one's pov




Finney and Robin were hanging out at the park talking about school and games, Finney was telling Robin about some teacher that kept saying he was cheating on his tests which of course he wasn't

A moment goes by and Robin interrupted Finney

"Shush─ look who's on the swings"
Finney glanced over his shoulder and saw Vince “Whatever your thinking of Robin I'm not doing it” Finney exclaimed and glared back at his friend

“and here I was thinking you want a challenge but I guess your to much of a pussy” Robin added, crossing his arms and staring at Finney

He knew that in a couple of seconds that Finney was going to break which to his luck he did “Fine! Tell me what's your stupid challenge??” Finney was visibly annoyed by the fact that Robin knew what exactly to say to get on his nerves

Great! There is going to be a party tonight at my house, Vance is going to be there as well and your challenge is to make him dance with you” Robin explained to Finney with smug smirk on his face while Finney glared at him shocked and annoyed

“What? Cat got your tongue or are you to excited to dance with him?” Robin teased Finney laughing, Finney rolled his eyes and punched Robin's shoulder playfully
Shut up dude!” Finney said laughing a little

“whatever, so you up for the challenge Finn?” Robin asked looking over at Finney
“Yeah yeah, I ain't pussy like you!” Finney answered flicking Robin's ear, he quickly stood up and run away because he knew that would set Robin off which it did because not even a second later they were running around going to around trees and other stuff

Finney was trying to escape Robin but then suddenly got an idea “If I have to dance with Vance you have to dance with Bruce Robin!”  Finney yelled out to Robin and glanced back which he regretted because Robin tackled him to the ground in second
“Rule number one when running away from someone, never look back because you don't know where they might be” Robin said before standing up and grabbing Finney's hand pulling him up “I have a better challenge, who ever gets the first dance gets free ice cream” Robin said excited

“Bet see you tonight, get yourself ready to buy me ice cream!” Finney said confidently
On your dreams Finn” Robin said before walking away with a smile

─Time Skip─

At the party Finney was with Bruce talking about their favorite shows, Finney stopped half way noticing Vance walk in with Robin Finney groaned realizing that Robin had did the same to Finney “What's wrong Finn?” Bruce asked looking over to where Finney was looking then he understand “Oh... Do you think he told him??” Bruce asked again looking at Finney now surprised and course to know the others responds, Finney sighed but then smiled slightly “He thinks telling him will make it harder for me, well he has another thing coming for him if he's going to cheat well I will too” Finney said looking back at Bruce with 'I'm dragging you in this' look which he gives to Bruce every time he has a horrible plan in mind “And your going to help me” Finney added with a smile, Bruce sighed and slightly nodded agreeing to help with the plan


As Finney and Bruce were chilling in the kitchen talking about baseball, Finney felt like something was off he paused and glanced around and noticed Robin his best friend staring at them Finney looked back at Bruce and said in a nervous voice while covering his mouth with his hand "Don't look but Robin is starting at us" Finney whispered then added "Are you good at running? I mean can you escape Robin without getting caught??" He asked putting his cup down on the counter Bruce kept eye contact with Finney and nodded, he was sure he can out run Robin

Finney uncovered his mouth "you better get a head start then, good luck" Finney looked back at Robin and his smiled drop, Bruce looked confused at Finney's sudden expression change he looked over his shoulder and saw Robin running towards them "Holy f-" Bruce put his cup in Finney's hand and jumped over the table to get away from Robin, he quickly continued running after that exiting the house from the back door

Finney watched as Robin run after Bruce in such a rush, he sighed realizing he didn't have much time He put Bruce's cup down and run to the living where some people were gathered playing games he looked around for Vance but he couldn't find him anymore he shoot his head and run towards Robin's room because he knew that was the only place where Robin could have hidden Vance

Once he got in from of it he tried to open it but it was locked from the inside "Shit!"  Finney blurred out pissed off, he quickly run to the back door and run outside the house where he saw Bruce and Robin running around in big circle he tried not laugh but then realized he nether did have the time and he was sure if his Bruce saw him laughing that he would stop running

So Finney just went around the house to Robin's bedroom window and jumped in his room where he meet Vance leaning against, Thankfully Vance hadn't noticed 

Who will win?
A) Finney
B) Robin
C) Neither

The Black phone VanceXFinney (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now