🍋Albert x Horny Chubby Reader 🍋

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so kind of like Ghostface x horny reader But different! Read to find out~

Basically this whole chapter is a lemon! Do not read if not interested!

Albert's POV:

I seen that Ghostface guy leave towards the survivors side.

I thought it was odd so I followed quietly when he snuck around to the back of a cabin I followed staying inside the shadows of the trees

'what is this guy up t- Oh one of the survivors is playing with herself'

I watched as Ghostface took a photo of her. Then he started touching himself...

'Should I leave?' I then looked to the survivor it was Y/n she ran me pretty well and seems to get better running from me every match.

As I continued looking yes she was sexy and I loved watching her ass as I chased her, perfect shape as her ass jiggles quite nicely anytime I actually got her on my shoulder I had to restrain myself from grabbing a handful of her ass.

But it seems to be somewhat over as she must have heard Ghostface because when he wasn't looking she stopped and got off of her bed.

I watched as Ghostface looked in the window only to flee from the window as fast as he could as Y/n opened the window looking out for who made the noise

I have still managed to stay hidden from Ghostface 'hmm how would he take it if I confronted her right now?'

I figured why not take her now she seems to be in need of a males touch and if Ghostface is not willing I'll take her for myself.

I walked threw the forest as Y/n was about to close the window but stopped hearing footsteps.

"Hello dear Y/n" I said as I stepped into the moonlight letting her see me, her eyes definitely shot wide open seeing me.

"U-uh oh um W-Wesker n-nice surprise to see you on our side..." She was shocked as she tried covering herself with the curtain

"its been pleasant since I seen you."


There was a long pause like she didn't know what to say next or how to ask the questions circling in her head.

"H-how long have you been out her for?" She looked directly into my sunglasses I sighed and removed them

"For over ten minutes I would say" I meet her eyes looking directly into them she blushed and looked away

"H-have you come before to my window?"

I shook my head "No my dear, but I must ask do you think someone has been coming to your window?"

She shook her head up and down "Y-yes"

"Hm why do you keep your curtain slightly open then?" I asked suddenly expecting her to lose her cool.

This made her sigh and lean out the window closer to me while holding her breasts up getting the hint she wanted to whisper something I leaned up to her.

"I- I wanted someone to see and to maybe help relive themselves with me, and I know your not alone" She whispered for only me to hear

"Ah yes, that I am not alone, I followed someone here" She blushed bright red and was about to go back into the window but I reached my hand up and cupped her cheek.

She stopped dead in her tracks "What is it that you want right now Y/n my dear"

"..." she stayed silent for a minute.

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