🍋Masochistic Insecurities Ghostface x Chubby Reader x Trickster🍋

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A/n: Its hard writing this basically putting down my own thoughts and feeling about myself and how I feel about my body sorry if you guys don't like it but I sort of wanted to write this don't know if I will post this or not.

⚠️Warnings: Self hate?. Masochistic. Dominant Danny. Soft Dominant Jiwoon.

I was a quiet girl but obsessed with the killers I loved watching them in and out of trials taking a mental picture as they flexed whenever they did anything only one knew about my obsessions and also fed into them sometimes by giving me pictures of himself, Danny...

At the moment I was currently watching from the edge of the killers camp watching the trickster, Jiwoon. I watched as he was twirling his blades in his hands next to the fire...

And then I felt someone's hands grab my shoulders "Awe look at that Y/n I caught you staring again but it's not at me..." Danny whispered sounding almost upset in my ears I relaxed a bit and turned my face to him

"You could take a picture it would last longer"

"Unfortunately I don't have a camera!" I was now upset he had a camera

"I do why don't you come with me and maybe take some photos with me?"

"Look I like looking at you b-but you know I'm not ready to get close to anyone." I whispered shyly

"But Y/n you have been in this realm for a long time now you should really try breaking from that shell you put yourself in and give in to your desires" while Danny was whispering this to me he also started pushing me to the ground tying my arms behind my back with some of the fabric from his outfit...

"D-Danny stop please you know how I feel about this stuff"

Danny huffed and started grinding on my ass after he lifted my body into the right position my body unconsciously moved to grind on him "Tsk Y/n when will you be truthful to yourself... you and I know you want to be fucked very hard but your insecurities get to you making you think no one wants you because of how you look. Well Y/n believe me I want you not only just for sex but for all the things that come in a relationsh-" before Danny could finish saying more I heard a woosh of a weapon.. and then hearing Danny yelp slightly

After I felt Danny's absence from behind me I turned my head and my eyes locked with Jiwoon's at this I was frozen 'how much did he hear'

He took out one of his knives and cut the fabric tying my hands behind my back he didn't say anything as I sat up on my knees

"The fuck man quit cock blocking" Danny shouted

How could I totally like both Danny and Ji-woon I thought looking between the two

"I felt the eyes that were on me leave my form so naturally I looked around and found you taking advantage of sweet little Y/n" I blushed a teeeny tiny bit and looked away from the boys

"She was into it thou-" a knife was thrown at Danny as they glared at each other

I felt like this was to much and stood from my spot "s-sorry to cause problems I'll leave now" and as if I triggered it, the entity chose me for a late night trial...

I sighed and sat on the ground clutching my knees to my chest as I buried my face down I didn't care what killer came for me when I heard my heartbeat pick up fast I silently started crying blocking out any and all sounds around me until I felt arms snake around me pulling me into their exposed chest as their head rested atop of my head as I smelled their expensive cologne.

I heard Jiwoon's humming in my ears trying to calm me down I slowly but surely calmed down before I felt his arms leaving me as I missed the feeling already

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