rescue mission!? [self insert]

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hey you guys!! I'm happy people read this lmao because I really like writing self inserts!!



"Hi hiii!!" You waved at Mk. You met up with him to finish deliverys. "Hey y/n!! So glad you could make it." Mk cheered.


You both finished up deliverys and started to head home on his tuck tuck. "So what're you gonna do later?" You asked. "I might go hang out with red or something." He replied. "Cool!" You responded. You knew red and Mk were together and you didn't just want to invite yourself. So you would probably just kick back with mei. Plus red boy had a temper when it came to other people besides Mk.

Just as Mk was going to turn the corner a massive explosion hit the truck. I mean massive explosion. You went flying in another direction as Mk did the same. You both flew far. Real far. You landed in an almost dead forest. You blacked out for a good second and then got back up when you felt somewhat okay.

'Where am i?' You thought looking around the forest. As you brushed through some dead bushes and tree leaves you look up to find a very, very big house. The demon bull kings house to be exact. You took a second to sit down on the dead ground. You processed everything. Where were you and more importantly where was Mk?! You started to panic. You had to ask red son for help. It was your best bet!

You quickly ran up to the castle door, covered in scuffs and scratches.


You eagerly knocked on the door and waited. You were getting ancy until finally someone opened the door. You quickly zipped inside thinking red son had opened the door but nope. There stood a bull clone, and a few more surrounding you.

They tackled you as you were crushed under the heavy metal pile. "A-ahk-!" Your breath became hitched as you tried to break free from the holds on the robots. You then heard another door open.

"Get off." The voice snarled.

You felt the weight on your back get lighter and lighter. The bots scrambled in a line, going as stiff as bricks. You got up slowly, as if you weren't injured already the bots had to go and make it worse! Your open wounds slowly bleeding.

"Be more mindful of who you attack or I'll have you dismantled!" A stern voice threatened. "Ill have to program it into your memory chips that whenever you attack this one is off limits as well, got that?" The voice hissed. The bull bots nodded and all scrambled away.

You looked at the voice to identify who it was. Red son. You gulped and looked at him. He looked very neat and tidy, all of his clothes smoothed to perfection yet he stood a bit stiff. His hair in a perfect ponytail. "Now talk. What brings you here?" He crossed his arms. "W-well I need your help!" You stated, somewhat nervous in his presence. I mean it's not like you were scared but more worried how he would react if he found out Mk was gone. Would he explode?! You didn't know, so you were cautious. "Oh? A mere peasant asking me for help?" He gave a smug grin.

You growled a bit at his cockiness. Why does Mk even like this guy? "Well me and Mk were on our way back home and some massive explosion hit us and we went flying in different directions! I was completely lost and the only place I found to ask for help was your house! I don't know where Mk is and I thought you could help me look!" You finished. You took a breath but winced at your injuries. You were seriously banged up.

"Oh...alright well calm down and let's get you settled." Red son stepped toward you and awkwardly helped you up. As panicked as red son also was he knew Mk would be fine, he was the monkie kid after all.

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