Intellectual Divergence in Homo sapien

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Whenever I travel for work, I can never really be certain of what or who I will encounter.

In terms of species diversity, when I am doing a biological survey I tend to have a fairly good idea of what I might encounter. Nowadays there are so many ridiculously substantive databases which can spew out the name rank and serial number of nearly every single vertebrate fauna species likely to be encountered in any given area I could possibly imagine going to!

This does not make me at all redundant as a field biologist, however, because almost every survey results in the collection of an individual of a species not know to occupy the area we are surveying. So in effect, as scientists we are constantly contributing to the body of existing knowledge of Australia's ecology. Sometimes we are even lucky enough to collect a new species, but that is a rarity.

However, what never ceases to amaze me is the frequency at which I observe new and, perhaps, never before observed snippets of animal behaviour.

The first and second observations to be reported here, as Part I and Part II, were also the first and last observations of my three weeks out in the middle of nowhere in the Gulf Plains country of north-west Queensland. Together they represent a display of the extremely divergent intellectual capacity of the most prolific and broadly dispersed species on the planet: Homo sapien sapien, commonly known as the Human.

In most higher order vertebrates the social hierachy is commonly comprised of Alpha and Beta males. Alpha males are the biggest, strongest and best hunters that get the most sex! They are go go go, constantly raising the bar and giving the juvenile males something to aspire to. Beta males are more abundant in a population and keep things in society humming along at a reasonable pace.

However, in Homo sapien sapien there obviously exists a Zeta male that is so stupid and useless and so far down the social hierarchy he should be euthanased to improve the overall average quality of the gene pool. He is distinguished by a big yellow streak of cowardice down his spine and he is unlikely to be able to string more than three single syllable words together. Sorry - maybe four. Common sounds emitted by the Zeta male include 'I could root that', 'I hate them poofters' and 'I can shoot that'. The Zeta male can seldom piece together more than two life processes in succession and, as a consequence, it does stupid shit for no apparent reason at all, like shooting a beautiful full grown adult fresh water crocodile leaving it floating, bloated dead in the water with half of its skull missing.

Homo sapien: An Example of Evolutionary TransgressionWhere stories live. Discover now