Intellectual Divergence in Homo sapien sapien - Part II

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Though we should all be deeply ashamed to share the same genome as the Zeta male Homo sapien sapien (described in Intellectual Divergence in Homo sapien sapien - Part I) we should rejoice for the attributes of their Alpha and Beta male conspecifics. In many lower vertebrates dominance within a population is a function of an individual's strength and sexual dexterity. But this is not always the case in 'so called' higher vertebrates.

As much as the Zeta male is defined by its level of social and intellectual retardation, the Alpha and Beta males have the diagnostic of a relatively high level of intelligence. No-one is certain of the origination of this, but it is a defining trait. A higher intellect enables the Alphas and Betas to make the exhaustive succession of sensible life decisions that will inevitably increase their longevity and assure the continuation of their lineage through successful procreation and the production of young with a high level of Darwinian Fitness. One example of the intellectually superior morph type of Homo sapien sapien is Dr Anthony Collins who is a Gerontologist and avid bird watcher.

As an aside, you must understand that ornithology is a skill that provides a clear indication of the caliber of ones intellect. The ornithologist must be able to immediately recognise the colours, shapes, patterns, forms, flight, acoustics and intra-age and race polymorphism across no less than 800 species in Australia alone and be able to record birds observed with a level of reliability and dependency worthy of publication in peer-reviewed scientific literature (i.e. it is a tough gig to be an ornithologist). Among the ornithologists, social structure is well defined and held in high regard and Alpha ornithologists are known to be of exceptional pedigree.

Let us take Dr Collins as a case study. With a deeply intrinsic understanding of his mind and his body, refined by his expertise in a much specialised field of gerioncology, Dr Collins leads a full and rich life which has provided him the years and the opportunity to ascend to the level of Alpha ornithologist. Whilst surveying the magnificent Headly Gorge I witnessed the 79 year old Dr Collins move briskly through a rugged sandstone ravine with all the dexterity of Purple-necked Rock Wallaby, whilst remaining as covert as a Northern Quoll. Such stealth enables the observation of more species of birds. At 79, this patriarch tolerated the sort of environmental exgeniencies that would prove fatal to the drinking, smoking, lethargic or even completely sessile Zeta male. All this whilst keeping two hands and both eyes on the birds around him. That is how he has become as good as he is.

But the most amazing trait of these intellectually superior Alphas is not what they know or how they themselves survive and prosper. What is most interesting, from an evolutionary perspective, is how astutely these Alphas recognise and accept their own mortality. What comes of this self-awareness and how do they use this knowledge to the greater good of their species?

Whilst still very much alive and full of vigor, the Alpha Homo sapien will actively elevate subordinate males as part of a perpetual succession plan. This is the ecological crescendo of evolution and natural selection - the cognisance within a species to recognise and accept the limitation of one's own tenure as the patriarch and the selflessness to anoint another to your role.

In almost every other species, the Alpha male will fight for superiority and dominance until it can fight no more and the subordinate male literally pushes the bleeding carcass of the fallen Alpha of it's perch. How primitive! Not so in Homo sapien.

During covert and very much protracted field observations I witnessed the young Beta ornithologist Warren Harrington, a Materials Engineer for Bluescope Steel, make a ornithological observation that caught the attention of the Alpha ornithologist Dr Collins. Wazza had twitched out the elusive Purple-crowned Fairy Wren. The Patriach recognised the significance of this observation: the skill, dexterity and tenacity of this subordinate male. He knew it was Wazza's time.

I followed the Patriach and his prodigy back to their overnight refugia and by the light of a full moon and mottled by the plumes of smoke from the camp fire I witnessed a very rare display of intra-species, intergenerational transfer of social status as Warren Harrington was anointed from Beta to Alpha Ornithologist: thus completing Dr Collins obligations to the species.

One simply hopes that the evolution of the species will see limiteless proliferation of intellect and selective pressure will see the competitive exclusion and demise of the Zeta male.

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