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Somi's breath hitched in her throat, her sudden change of mind and the determination that ensued began to wobble as she realised she was in front of an imaginary crossroad: tell Mingi the truth, or keep up with the lie she had saddled him a few moments before?

Mingi, among the group, had been the only one that showed a trace of mercy for her, and the only one with whom she had spent the most time, considering that time when he asked her for lunch. And, as she had already hypothesised, she would've "used" him as an accessory whenever the déjà-vu would hit when she was around the group so that he could cover her or anytime she needed information regarding the group or Jongho, more specifically.

She nervously fidgeted with her fingers hidden behind her back, a sulk created as a reflex of her gulping the anxiety flailing in her chest, "If you think I'm crazy, it's completely fine, I think that of myself, too." She broached before chewing on her lower lip as if it could help her find the right words, "I have a special talent." She began, remaining vague. In the meantime, Mingi had folded his arms on his chest, the elastic fabric of the black turtleneck dressing his shoulders, arms and chest stretched to fit every line of his well-defined muscles. He tilted his head to the left, waiting for her to continue. After seeing he wasn't moving an inch, Somi gave up, "I have these visions whenever I touch something related to or that reminds me of a person. I call them déjà-vu because the feeling is the same." She summed up without making their stares meet.

A rock had been lifted from her chest, and the sudden feeling of her body being weirdly light brought a sense of peace with herself, though, was soon replaced by regret as soon as her eyes met Mingi's when she heard no response. On his face, there was an astonishing expression mixed with confusion and a pinch of interest, "So, you can predict the future?"

His question, and the reaction that pushed him to pose that question, floored Somi, whose jaw almost touched the ground when he spot no amused reaction from him. To wake herself up from the admiration for him, she shook her head, "The visions have no time references and, for that, I don't know whether something had already happened or will happen." She clarified, realising how intricated her skill was, "Just like a déjà-vu: when the scenes play in your mind, you never now if you have already lived that moment or not."

The same feeling she was sensing, reflected on Mingi's face, however, she expected an inquiry or an affirmation different from the one he spoke, "Did you see anything about us? Us Ateez, I mean." A veil of embarrassment surprised his words and probably his face as well, but the alley was too dark to tell with certainty.

Somi did her best to remember whether she had seen Ateez in her vision before and snapped her fingers when the memory surfaced in her brain, "I saw Seonghwa and... You!" She exclaimed at the end, realising only at that moment that the man next to the ponytail man that appeared in her vision for the first time was Mingi. However, her cheerfulness lasted shortly whilst, piece after piece, her mind managed to reconstruct the images of that déjà-vu. Mingi and Seonghwa in what looked like a newscast, the store shambles with the glass of what once composed the shop window scattered on the ground.

Mingi's face painted a puzzled mood, perplexed by Somi's sudden silence. He raised one of his eyebrows and tilted his head to the left to have a better view of Somi's visage, "And?" He spurred her, a sense of urgency creeping up from the pit of his stomach.

She broke out of her brain and resumed where she left the male, "Oh, er..." She attempted to tidy her brain up, "There were you and Seonghwa and then the image changed, focusing on the shop where I work. A-And it was destroyed."

The man's eyes gaped, "What? How? Why? Who?"

Somi shook her head, also a little startled by his river of queries, "I don't know, I don't know! I can only watch the images, there aren't subtitles that narrate the story!" She replied piqued and showing signs of a giggle for her joke.

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