Because I'm Good in Bed.

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"Keith's looking at you again."

"Shut up, Piper, he's not. Now pay attention! Mrs. Stoneberg will make us run laps for messing up her routine."

"Oh my god! Seriously, Aubrey, I swear to god he just licked his lips. He literally licked his lips while watching you!"

I flick my eyes at the football team taking a water break, and sure enough, there's Keith winking at me. Before I can stop myself I groan and my eyes go wide. Shit.

Mrs. Stoneberg absolutely hates when she's interrupted. Especially when her cheer captain interrupts her new routine with a groan.

"Something not satisfying you Miss Fox? Think you have a better idea to take us state this year?"

"No ma'am! I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." I reply with a lame excuse. There's no way she lets it slide. I'll be running laps with the football boys soon.

"Clearly. Keep your mouth shut unless you want to run."

I nod immediately. So what if I'm a cheerleader, that doesn't mean I want to run all of the time. Plus, that means I'll run after practice with all the hot, but very smelly, football boys. It's worse than it sounds. One, they smell awful. Two, it's awkward when most of the boys on the football team have either got with you, want to get with you, or knows someone who wants to get with you.

I'm not ashamed about being, what some people would say, promiscuous. I enjoy sex and that's all there is to it. I haven't slept with every single boy at Martin High, as most people assume, but I have my fair share of notches on my bed post. Which brings me to Keith, oh Keith.

Piper leans over and whispers to me again, "What are you going to do about him?"

I sigh. I don't know. Very rarely do I sleep with someone only once. I have a friends with benefits thing going on with one guy for a few months but then I'll get bored and I'll end it. In all honesty, this is the first time I slept with someone only once. Keith was a mistake and a one time thing and I don't think he'll take it very well when I tell him so.

"Blondie, up front!" Mrs. Stoneberg's voice cuts through my thought. Her vague statement would have confused almost everyone considering more than half of the cheer team is blonde. But, we all know she's talking to Piper.

Piper is the ditziest girl I know. I love her and she's my best friend, but she acts like a stereotypical blonde girl, even if she's a brunette. She glances at me before bouncing to Mrs. Stoneberg and smiling at her.

"Alright, how do you execute the move correctly? Please demonstrate."

Piper was apparently paying attention because she kicks and flips just as she's supposed to. I'm not sure if Stoneberg wanted to catch her for not paying attention or what, but clearly that didn't work. Piper smiles a conceited smile and sits back down.

Mrs. Stoneberg glares at Piper before turning to the squad, and telling us we're free to go. Which basically means I have to tell Keith to leave me alone, and that it was a one time thing. I tell Piper I'll call her later with details.

The sun is still hot even though it's almost dinner time. This is my favorite part about summer even if it does make me sweat a lot. My hair is in a pony tail and still manages to stick to my back. I flick it off my shoulder and saunter toward the football boys who are finishing their practice. Summer is almost over which means the football games are about to start, and senior year.

"Hey baby," Keith purrs into my ear as he slides his arm around my waist.

I close my eyes for a moment and count to three. Finally I let out a deep sigh, and pluck his arm off of me. I really hate dealing with this kind of stuff. When I look up I figure I'll see him looking at me in confusion but instead he's looking at my chest. The nerve of this guy. I cross my arms and a sound of disapproval leaves my mouth.

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