I will Be As Good As Dead

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"There's not much to tell. I'm a little embarrassed about everything, but other than that, nada."

"Bullshit!" Charlie yells.

Piper is nodding along to Charlie. I lie on Charlie's bed and look up at the stars sticking on her ceiling. There's some to tell, but I don't want to share my moments with Reid with them. They are my best friend's, but I think I want this to myself.

"Seriously, I woke up hung over as hell, which I still am by the way so stop yelling, and ate with his family. Then he drove me home and that is literally it."

"What's his family like? He's so quiet at school. I don't know much about him." Piper crawls on the bed next to me and asks.

"Interesting. They were pretty cool. He's a quiet guy. Even after us sleeping together I didn't learn much about him during pillow talk."

We all laugh. It's true, the times we slept together I learned weird things about him, but not necessarily personal. I know that likes to sleep on his back with his hands behind his head. That's only because I would I lay my head on his chest and we'd cuddle that way instead of spooning. I know his favorite food is any kind of breakfast food. He told me that his family is incredibly close, but he doesn't have a lot of extended family. He'd rather get up early than stay up late, but it doesn't really matter as long as he sees the sunrise.

"You know what I do know?" Charlie looks up from painting her nails. "He has hot friends."

Piper nods her head. "Hell yes. I know I don't go for those types of guys but man are they hot."

I giggle. "I feel like loner guys are either really hot, or really not. You know what I mean? They are either like Reid and his friends who all wear dark clothes and only hang with each other, or they are creepy. You know, like Marcus and his friends type."

Piper shivers. "Ugh those guys are gross."

I know it's rude to say that, but it's true. Marcus says creepy things to me in the halls. He doesn't say it loud but whispers it to me whenever we are passing each other. Things like, 'Your hair smells nice' or 'I bet you would taste good.' Charlie almost punched him for that comment.

"You know what, yeah. Fuck those guys. Marcus and his friends are creepy as hell. If you have greasy hair and can't shower because money problems or whatever that's fine, I get it. But to say those fucking disgusting things to you even when you ask him to stop is gross."

"I love you, Charlie. Girl power!" I high five her and giggle.

"Are we going to go shopping? I need some new school shoes, and a couple more outfits. I think I got fatter this summer because my jeans from last year are a little tight." Piper makes a face and grabs her non-existent fat.

"You can shut it little miss athlete. Running track, and being on cheer keeps you in better shape than anyone we know. You gained muscle. On the other hand, Charlie over here is packing it on!" I joke and shove Charlie.

"This is why I totally hate you." Charlie punches me in the shoulder.

I'm completely kidding, and she knows it. Out of all of us Charlie is the more naturally thin and willowy one. Piper is the athletic one out of us all. I mean, we're all in pretty good shape but she enjoys doing sports and watching them even if she's ridiculously girly. I, on the other hand, inherited my mother's build. I have to watch what I eat, and work out otherwise I gain weight like no other.

I used to be the chunky kid in elementary school, but when my mom noticed how uncomfortable I was in my body she helped me. We started to go on walks together, and then eventually runs. We watched all kinds of documentaries on healthy living, and from there we learned how to eat properly.

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