''a rainy night''

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(note: i forgot to say that in the previous chapter, izuku's friends didn't ask anything about his red eye because izuku wore a patch and the LOV members haven't seen tomura since 2 weeks ago because they were on a mission..... why yes, Dabi and toga together with the other members of the league knew each other before ^^'')

narrates the writer

after izuku went into the bathroom, tomura decided to take a look at the freckled man's room.

he approached the window and opened the curtain a little to see outside, a tornado sounded entering the light to the room, tomura saw it again and saw to one side of it, the freckled man's desk where there were some books, tomura was curious and began to see them but there were some which caught his attention

''analysis of heroes No. 1'' to ''No. 13''  but he saw that the number 14 was battered and he took it in his hands carefully and opened it.

He could barely read it but he was amazed to see that the information was correct, from how to use those quirk to their disadvantages and they even had some drawings for reference!

tomura remembered that in izuku's memories he only spent his time watching news of heroes and writing nonstop and being made fun of...the latter for some reason annoyed him a lot.

tomura continued reading, put it down on the table and saw something that, if he had seen it before, he wouldn't have hesitated to read it

''my diary''

he was going to take it but then he heard how the bathroom door opened and tomura approached the window quickly opening the curtain slightly simulating as if he was looking outside

izuku entered the room already dressed in his pajamas that happened to have a white bunny print, the freckled man saw tomura leaning out of the window and just lay down without saying a word to him

tomura watched as the red-haired man lay down and said

tomura:...you won't mind if I go through your things will you?

izuku: n-no way...m-manolo *he said this last quietly but tomura heard him*

tomura: ah! and look who's talking bush-head *said starting an argument*

izuku: *turns to look at him with a frown* b-better sleep you okay, I have to go to class tomorrow and I need to rest *she said irritated turning around to turn her back and sleep*

tomura:....*see izuku's journal but...*

izuku: don't even think about it shigaraki tomura *she said seriously looking at him*

tomura: tsk *clucked his tongue and lay down on the bed with his back to izuku*.

the two of them said nothing after that....

[2:54 am]

the lightning sounded very loud and the light was coming through the curtains

izuku who was lying down, was trembling because he was afraid of the lightning and he couldn't sleep because of it, tomura who was next to him felt slightly how the freckled man was trembling with fear and because of that and the sound of the wind and rain didn't let him sleep and he was fed up with that, he wanted to sleep and the sound of those damned lightning and izuku's trembling didn't let him! so he decided to stand up and close the curtain and so he did it, when he did it the light didn't enter through the curtains and he went back to bed but this time he hugged izuku so he wouldn't keep shaking and let him sleep...

narrates izuku

this rain and lightning don't let me sleep and I have classes tomorrow, I need to sleep but I can't! I've been afraid of lightning since I was little because I have bad memories of it, I'm shaking with fear when I feel how Tomura got out of bed and turned to see what I was doing and I see how he closed the curtains well avoiding the light of lightning and went back to bed, I was going to turn over to try to sleep again but I got a big surprise when

Tomura hugged me! and by the way she is saying nice things to me to try to put me to sleep and calm me down!

I'm 100% sure I'm red up to my ears because I feel my face hot and my face is on his chest, how embarrassing!

izuku calm down! what time is it?

tomura: it's 3:00 am *I answered tomura in a whisper, apparently he's getting sleepy...wait, did you hear me whispering?!

izuku: y-you, did you understand what I mumbled? *I asked nervously*

tomura: yes, and it's annoying when you mumble *she said to me angrily*

izuku: *red with embarrassment* s-sorry! *I apologized in embarrassment and nervously*

I'd better shut up and try to sleep because it's already late and I don't want to get a scolding from aizawa-sensei if I fall asleep in class...

narrates the writer

the two boys tried to sleep hugging each other and that way izuku stopped shivering and tomura could sleep more comfortably...

it seems that tomura has the lead in this play, although it won't be for long....

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