"Who's the 6'0 American Eagle model?"

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I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I shifted on the bed and rubbed my eyes. I stretched out and looked around. Heidi and Coco were no longer in the room. They must be making breakfast with Seb. Hanna was probably dropping the kids at school.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and looked at it. I had an unread message from Lando.

Norrisio 🫶
you're gonna get burned if you don't release a single

good morning to you too Lando

have you read your comments?

I 'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?

Brinaaaaa 😫

I knowwwww, I'm working on it

you better be

I am, I'm just having a total mind block. It's like my whole freaking system shut down. I can't find anything to write about

soooo....your life's boring? 😅

rude 😑 but you're not wrong

if you came out of your room more often 🫢

you sound like Seb. I'm gonna go get breakfast and try to write something, all right?

okay Taylor Swift

Taylor would be disappointed of me 🥲


I turned my phone off and put it in the pocket of my red Ferrari hoodie. It smelled nice. Probably pancakes and bacon. Seb must be in a good mood today.

I walked out of the room, closing the white door behind me. I walked down the wooden stairs and saw the fridge's door was open. It was covering someone but I couldn't see who.

"What's for breakfast bitch?" I asked, assuming it was Heidi.

I almost died when I heard a deep voice.

"Interesting pet name, never been called that before. It's just bacon and pancakes." A blonde, tall boy closed the fridge, taking out some jam with an amused smile on his face.

Stranger danger. Stranger danger.

I stared at him blinking slowly. I almost crawled down into fetal position. What was this 6'0 American Eagle model doing in Seb's house? Was he here to kill me? I wouldn't mind...wait I would mind. I don't wanna die...yet.

"Uh..." I stammered and took a step back, nervous and scared. "Seb!" I yelled and the boy tilted his head.

"No, no, no, I'm not an intru..." He placed the jam on the counter and started walking towards me.

"Seb!" I yelled louder, making him freeze in place.

"What's with the yelling?" Seb walked in the kitchen and looked at the blonde and then at me. "I see you've met Mick." He walked towards me and I furrowed my brows.

"Mick?" I asked, deeply confused.

"Michael's son." Seb whispered and my eyes widened, my head snapping at him.

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