"I never knew you wanted me"

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My heart was pounding against my chest as we got out of the car, we had asked the taxi to drop us where Mick left Seb's car. My breath was heavy. I got off as fast as I could, everything was going in slow motion. My vision was getting blurry and my hands were trembling.

"Brina." Mick grabbed my hand snapping me back to reality. "Let's take a deep breath, all right?" He looked at me and I opened my mouth but the words didn't come out so I just nodded. "Okay, breathe in." He took a deep breath and I imitated his action.

I held my breath for a moment, feeling my lungs fill with air.

"And let it out."

I let my breath out looking straight into his blue eyes. They gave me comfort, I've always said he has nice eyes.

"You're okay. Now, what did Luisa say to you?" He asked, I haven't told him.

I didn't have the heart to tell him what I knew. He'd feel so betrayed too.

But he had to know.

"Mick, I know who sent the out of context photos of Lando and I." I spoke and he looked at me attentively.

"Who?" He tilted his head.

"You're not gonna like it."


We walked in the hotel and saw Luisa and Lando sitting on the lobby. Lando immediately stood up when he saw me.

"You already know, right?" I asked and he nodded.

He sighed and looked to the side, I saw his jaw clench.

"Why the fuck would she do that?" He muttered and pursed his lips shaking his head.

I had never seen him this angry in my whole life. Luisa rubbed his arm and he looked at her, his features relaxing.

"I thought she was our friend." He looked back at me and I looked down.

"We all did." Mick spoke and me eyes went to him.

He looked really disappointed and betrayed.

"We all did." Luisa repeated with a sad tone.


I'd convinced Lando and Mick I'd talk with her first. She was supposed to be my best friend, my person. I didn't know if I was angry or sad or disappointed, I felt all those emotions at once.

I felt betrayed.

I walked in the room and saw her and Heidi sitting at the couch. They were laughing and chatting.

Heidi would actually drag her across the floor if she knew what she did.

They heard my footsteps and their eyes went to me.

"Hey, BrinBrin." She smiled fondly at me but I had no reaction, no emotion on my face.

Her smile was so bright, so contagious and so sweet. I couldn't believe what she did.

"Heidi, can you leave Coco and I alone for a minute?" I asked her and she frowned confused.

"Is everything okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to chat with her." I replied and forced a smile.

"Okay..." Heidi stood up from the couch and walked towards the door. "Are you sure you're okay?" She whispered when she got to me.

"I'm okay, Heids." I smiled at her.

She smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

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