Chapter 1.

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Take in the moment, enjoy your read.

Everything was going according to plan,the procedures in changing a new school. I wanted changing a new college since the government was fond of strikes and sit at home.
It was Wednesday morning already and my mother had already booked a hotel for us to stay in until I was done with my IELTS examination.
I quickly got dressed,packed the necessary things I needed for the exams before taking the elevator to meet my mother at the reception.
The elevator opens at the ground floor and I quietly stepped out,a portable school bag hung over my left shoulder.
I was a 300L student and I wanted to continue my course in medicine and surgery in another school,abroad I mean.

On seeing my mother,a smile took my face and she smiles back. Giving me that brilliant and beautiful side of her.
I seat beside her on the couch they had there at the reception and immediately dropping my bag off my shoulders.
I retrieve my phone from inside the bag,checking the time.

"You ready?" My mother asks.

"Yeah sure mom,I have forty minutes" I answer, shoving my phone back into my bag.

"Let's go then" she stands to her feet as I follow.
"I could drive?" I suggest.

"Your hands ain't strong enough plus we need to get there on time"
"I'll drive" she says,unlocking the drivers door.

Without objecting I follow her lead. We got there ten minutes early than the actual time and I was glad. My mom is literally the best driver I've ever come encounter with.

"Have you restudied?" My mother asks,gesturing for me to sit on the chairs beside hers.

"Yeah I have"
"My head's heavy already,I spent the last two weeks reading unstop" I answer her, she smiles, believing my every word.

The supervisor to the exam walked in after the ten minutes was over to tell us to put away every single thing we had on us bags,phone,wristwatches,earrings,and many other stuffs they'd mention. They also told the parents that were with their children to wait at the hall reception,that included my mother.

She helped me put away the things they requested I put out before making a quick prayer for God's guidance as she left me alone.

"Love you love" she pecks my cheeks before walking away and for no reason I want to call her back to stay a while with me, I love having her around.

After waiting for another five minutes I heard my name being called to be scanned and given a seat for the exams.
I was done with my speaking test so this was literally the last test before I travel back to my family residence.
I quickly got up, walking smartly yet faster than I could towards the front where the check in was done.
They asked for my fingerprints,eye scan, and IELTS number. When that was correctly done they gave me a seat number with another printed paper with all my necessary credentials including my white background passport.

I found my way to my seat,arranging my materials neatly beside the table.
I rub my palms together when tension was about creeping in. This was definitely not an exam to be failing.
After like about fifteen minutes the hall was nearly filled with students,and work purpose staffs, the exam was about to begin.

I kept cracking my fingers in anticipation until the examination paper was passed round.
The first test was the listening test so the supervisors passed a headphone too.

"Don't flip your question paper until you're asked to" the supervisor calls out.
After that had being followed we were now able to start.
After like about approximately 3hours the whole exam was done. Both the listening,reading and writing test each having 1hour to finish.
I was done and had no worries on my mind. I was about getting up to leave the hall before this guy across from me turns facing me.

"Nice exam right?" He asks,

"Yeah,smooth" I answer truthfully.

"How was the Essay part?" He asks,

"Not bad, I really enjoy writing" I smile and he returns it.

"Yeah me too." He says,

"I'm Allen Miller" he introduces, smirking as he gestures.

"Selina Scott" I smile sheepishly, readjusting my eye glasses due to habit.

Actually I do that whenever I'm uneasy or shy and right now I am.
"Do you live in the state?" He shifts, as I make way to packing my things from the table. The hall was getting noisy already.

"No I came in for the exam" I answer,putting my pencil in its case.

"Ohh do you live around?" He stands up as I do same.
"Planning on visiting?" I returned the question.

What's he doing with where I stayed.

"You don't want to tell me then" he keeps up he's steps with me as I tried to walk away from him as possible.

My mother was very judgmental when it came to boys, so just like her teachings I believed everything about them.

"Okay fine if you don't feel comfortable,I could get your number?"
"It's not bad having a friend is it?" He presses and I'm in between turning him down and agreeing with him.

Without thinking much into it, I opened my mouth blurting out my digits as he penned them down.

I got away from him and toward where bags and stuff was. I removed the number tag on  my bag and belongings then thanked the security woman who was watching over our things to prevent stealing.

I found a corner outside the hall to wear back my watch and earrings.
I arranged my stuffs inside my bag before collecting my phone and hanging the bag over my shoulders again.
I text my mom,

"*Done with my exams mom,it went well all thanks to God,please come pick me up*"

I send the message and stood outside for some seconds before she responds back.

"*Glad honey,congratulations!! Dad will be proud of you, I'm packed in the parking lot*"
"*use the buildings map*"

She sends and I begin to make my way there. I see a Jeep packed neatly, and I know it's hers as soon as she waves her hands from the drivers window.

I walk faster before joining her inside the car

"How was it?" She beams,

"Like cake" I laugh, and she follows,

"Let's go to the mall I'm starving" she sighs,driving out of the parking lot.

My cellphone vibrates, an incoming call and I already know who it was,Allen Miller. I don't answer it I just shove it into my bag pack, throwing it to the back seats and bending to take the last pack of sandwiches my mom got me for breakfast this morning.

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