Chapter 22:the plan (Ronnie)

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It had been a while since my last blood lust. The full moon is in a week. I hope Y/n has a plan, because I sure don't.

"Ronnie, we need to talk" Y/n comes from the kitchen with a plate of fruit. I took a grape off the plate and nod at her.

"We need to talk in private, it's about your you know what"

I nod again and follow her to her bedroom.

"I've been looking for a cure or something to hold you over. The cure isn't easy but finding something to hold you over isn't either."

"Well, I would prefer the cure, as long as it doesn't put Willow in danger. Willow can't protect herself like you and I can."

"Agreed, but we would need to do this together and there is no one to watch Willow. Also, I discovered that part of your cure is a part of THE cure"

Now slightly confused, I ask her what she means by that.

"It means that there's something in YOUR cure that will lead us one step closer the the antidote. You know, to afix the planet"

"That's great and all but how would we get it to the entire world? For all we know it could just be the U.S that's dealing with a zombie outbreak. But at the same time, it could be the ENTIRE world. So, what's your plan for that?"

"That's a good point," she sat there thinking for a moment, "we could do it in large numbers. We could go the super populated areas and just go ham."

"Yea that sounds like a good way to die"
She nods

"But it's worth it, isn't it? To save the entire planet?"

"Yea it is totally worth it, but I have a daughter I need to raise and protect."

"Yea your right. For now, we cure you. We can figure out the rest of the world later."

"Sounds like a plan. do we fix me?"

"Well, we have to find a fountain. Almost like a fountain of youth. But instead of restoring you to your younger self, it has healing abilities, like insanely strong healing abilities."

"And this fountain will heal me from my blood lust? Do you have even the slightest clue on where that would be?"

"No not really. I only heard legends about it. But I do know it's in the states."

"Y/n there are 50 of those. Some are WAY larger than others. That doesn't really help us"

"Yea your right. I have some stuff that will help us. But it's part of my past, the part I'm not proud of. So please don't judge."

I nod my head at her, and she leads us out of the bedroom into the living room.

"What's in here?" She looks at me then walks over to a hidden door, although it's not a full door. It's like a trapdoor except it opens a hole in the wall instead of a hole in the floor.

She starts to mess around with something in the hole and suddenly she pulls out 4 large books, a map, and tons of paper.

"What the hell is all this?"

"This is a map, some books that have a lot of useful information, and paperwork that will lead us to the cure and the antidote. Again, this is stuff from my past. When we go through this, you will find stuff about me. Stuff that I'm not proud of. But I want you to know that I am not this person anymore." She looks at me with pleading eyes.

"I will never judge you. I made some pretty bad choices in my day."

We started to go through all the papers first. There were folders about assassins, who they were and how many they had killed. There was also bits and pieces of evidence that whoever owned these folders had planned for a zombie apocalypse. Like they wanted it too to happen. They also had a whole plan on how they were going to survive. We sorted the shit into two piles. One was for the stuff that we might actually need to look over, weather it was about my cure or not. The other pile was stuff that looks as if it has nothing to do with what we're trying to find, although the information in said paperwork is still important.

All of a sudden, Y/n dives for a folder. It was red instead of the typical yellow.

"What's that?" She tried hiding it behind her back like a 5-year-old.

"It's my personal file. I'm not ready to share it with you yet." She put the file back down on the table but so it was out of the way. I nodded my head in understanding and we kept going through all of the maps, books, and files.

There were a ton of different files. Some were even about severe past events; like World War one and two. Even the revolutionary war. If i was being honest, I kinda enjoyed looking at all of this new information about history.  But even with all this new info, my mind wandered to y/n's folder.  neither of us told each other much about our past, but I want to learn more about her.

I glanced over at her and took a moment to watch her, she was so focused on what she was reading. Her hair was a mess, but in my opinion, it was really hot. She saw me staring and smiled at me.

"what are you looking at hmm?" she carefully set down the book she was reading and turned her body towards me. 

"Oh nothing much. Only the most beautiful girl in the world." I smiled back at  her and slowly walked closer to her. she put her hands on my chest when i got close enough for her to do that. 

"As much as i would love to fuck you right now, we still have a lot of files to go through." I felt her stand on her tippy toes to get closer to my face to kiss me. Her lips barley graze against mine. i close the gap between us, her lips melting into mine. She pushes herself into me, moaning into the kiss.

"As much as I enjoy this sweetheart........we have to get back to work." I cup her face with my hand and look deeply in her eyes.

She nods and goes back to the book she was reading. 

"All right this is the last file, I glanced through it, and it seems to be important." She sets down the book once more to see what I was looking at. She took it out of my hands and set it down on the table, adding to the pile of the important files. 

"Well, so far this book hasn't given me shit so i think we're good to start actually looking through the files." she closes the book and moves around the table to the stack of files. 

"Let's do this shit"   

dd Sorry it took so long to update, i got a computer and it's much easier for me to type on a keyboard then on my phone. Updates will be more frequent now that the holidays are over and whatnot. So hope you guys enjoy and will stick around for future chapters. :)

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