Chapter 39: (Y/n)

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I apologize for not updating, kinda forgot about Wattpad for a while there. I would like to say that the concert was  amazing and I had so much fun. From now on, I will try harder to remember to update. Eventually the chapters will get longer but  i think for now, they remain around the same length because as of right now they all follow the same guideline. But for now enjoy!

I wake up and notice that willow is leaning up  Ronnie. Looking around, i see a whole lot of nothing.  We were in the middle of the woods, the road was gravel. There were bodies of either people or zombies every so often. It was gross.  

I whisper to Austin who's driving the car. "Where are we? How long was I asleep for?" 

"we are actually almost out of Kansas, you were asleep for quite a few hours. I've filled the car with gas already. I'm fine to drive for  another state or two." He keeps his eyes on the road as he talks. Dre is looking out the window, not really paying attention to anyone else.   

I nod at him and reach over Willow's sleeping body and lightly grab Ronnie's hand. I look over at my handsome boyfriend and his daughter, this is my this point Austin's apart of this family as well. Although I wish the circumstances were different, I'm glad we've all found each other.  Dre seems dismissive and uncaring, but I'm sure he'll warm up to us eventually.  

I glance over at Ronnie  for a moment. He loos so peaceful when he sleeps, and it's adorable the way he's holding Willow. I squeeze his hand lightly before closing my eyes to sleep again. I let go of Ronnie's hand to turn over. 

Again, I'm sorry these are so short. I'm trying my best to come up with ideas for these type of chapters. if you guys have any ideas for the individual state traveling chapters please let me know.

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