On the run

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Editing the title be like: 🤔

No body pov

Steve didn't know what to do. Child services were on his ass. (Not literally but you get it). He really didn't want to be known as the orphan in the town, by that I mean everyone and I mean EVERYONE has parents.

His parents recently disowned him. And that really took a toll on him. He had no one to go to. He had no one to go to when he needed somewhere to stay. He was in the best position since child services has not to yet find him.

Well that was until the one day when they found out where he went to school. Let me remind you that this was when the party was in high school. He had already graduated but from a young age, like when he was 15.

They went to the school to ask if anyone knew who he was. So the principal made a announcement.

"Hello students, sorry for the interruption of your guys busy school day. We would love to have the people who knows the following person: Steve Harrington to come over to the main office. Please come up to the principals office, of course, with a pass, and remember to have a nice day. Continue with the day."

Of course that confused the party on why the announcement was made. "We shouldn't go.. what if they want to hurt him. We obviously know that his parents disowned him. And our parents would just call child services." Mike says.

The rest of the party agrees and nods their heads. So they go on with their day. They make the same announcement but said differently.

"Hello students, I know you had a busy day and want to get out of here.. but please make sure you stop by the main office to let them know that you know him and where he is exactly. Thank you and you may leave the premise."

"They really want him." Lucas says. "Yeah, like they want him to be one of them." Will says. Everyone Huns in agreement. "What if you ask your mom and brother about him?" Dustin says.

"You're right! I will just talk to mom and Jonathan!" Will exclaims. "Alright everyone bike to wills house." Mike says. They walk out the front doors of the school to go get on the bikes.

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