Harassment 😭💀

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The title💀-⬆️

I hate history man.


Dustin POV

"G'morning dusty..." Steve said. "Morning.. are you better??" I asked worried about him. I heard him chuckle. "You must be really worried.. I'm fine dusty.." He said.

But what if your not? What if you're just pretending? What if you hate me for being too worried? What if you just always have hated me?

"Dusty?" I heard him ask outside of my thoughts. I hummed a bit. "You good?" He asked. "Yeah.. but are you really sure?" I asked. "Yes dusty." He told me. "Okay.." I say.
"But you'd tell me if you not, right?" I ask. "Yep." He says. "Okay good." I say as I lie back down. "What do you wanna do?" Steve asked. "I don't know." I said.

Jonathan POV

I don't know why, but that feeling of laying down on Steve's chest was the best. It literally gave me butterflies in my stomach. He was just so peaceful when he was sleeping. I couldn't resist sleeping on him like nancy did. I just wanted to try it out, to feel what it felt like. But there is the problem, Nancy is my girlfriend.

And I can't just have no reason to break up with her. I could just say I fell out of love and it's bullshit because I've known you've cheated- wait she DID cheat! That is a reason to break up with her! But it's all bullshit according to her breakup with Steve. I get that she was drunk but what she says is the sober mind.

It's bullshit because it's true. But this is not the point, the point is to break up with Nancy. I walk out of a room that I was in and head to the front door. "Where are you going?" Steve asked. I feel my face heat like a toaster. "I'm going to do something bye." I said. "Bye." He said. "Bye!" Dustin yelled after.

I closed the door behind me and laughed a bit. Dustin, Steve's best friend, One out of the other 6 kids that are Steve's. (Including Erica ofc. Also it says 6 because he's the 7th kid.) I have known for a while now that he is Steve's favorite because he 'accepted' him first. Which is funny because everyone is accepting him.

Well at least now, but this is not the point. As I was talking or mentally thinking, I drove over Nancy's house. I went over to the door to knock. *Bang* *bang* could be heard from knocking. Her dad opened the door. "Yes?" He asked. He sounded dead- but that's not the matter.

"Can you call Nancy out here?" I asked. He just hugged and called out Nancy's name. "Coming!" She yelled. She ran down the stairs. "Oh Jonathan, you're here." She said, happily. "I was just about to call!" "Can I talk to you? Out here?" I ask. "Oh? Sure." She said. She went out of the house and closed the door.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asks. "I know you've been cheating on me and I want to break up." I said. Tears formed in her eyes. "Wha- what?" She asked. She sounded heartbroken. "You heard me, I've known you've cheated on me for four weeks now and I want to breakup." I said. "Fine." She said.

"But you will regret breaking up with me you asshead." She added. "What's a asshead, shithead?" I asked laughing. She headed inside crying her eyes out. I just kept laughing walking over to my car then driving away. I drove to the place where I knew Steve was. I got out of the car to get inside the house.

I opened the door to see all the kids near Steve harassing him with questions. "Hey hey! Steve is human, stop harassing him like a doll." I said to the kids.

5 days ago anyways bye!

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