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Lol tomorrow is my birthday 🥳
(10/25 = Oct 25th)

I'm turning a year older ;)

I'm getting old :(

No one pov

The way to hoppers cabin was dead silent. (I mean even Dolores [from encanto] couldn't even hear a thing!). Dustin was so obvious about being worried, usually when he was worried he only sounded worried.

But now he has the facial features of being worried and EXTREMELY worried. Can you blame him though? I mean like his mo—sorry!— babysitter/best friend was getting chased by child services.

They were all concerned about his health. But hopper was dead on trying to decide on helping him get child services off of his tail.

"Hopper?" Max asks. "Yeah?" Hopper responds. "What are you going to do? Adopt him?" Max asks. "I was just thinking about that. El, what would you think?" He asks El.

"Brother?" She asks. Hopper nods his head. "I'm great with the idea." She says. "Alright. I will get the papers." Hoper said. As he said that, he parked in the driveway of his cabin.

Dustin hurried out and into the cabin. He wanted to get rid of the 'what if's' in his head.

Dustin's POV

What if he doesn't wake up because of lack of food? What if he wakes up but can barely remember stuff? What if...? What if...? What if..-

"Hey, it's going to be fine. He will wake up soon." Hopper reassured me.


But what if he doesn't wake up? What if he doesn't even remember his own name? Or even birthday? What if...? What if...? WHAT IF...?

By this time I was full on panicking about my mom- sorry I meant best friend/babysitter. "Are you sure?" I ask.

Hopper sighed. "Yes. If your hungry you can go get something from the fridge or cabinet." I nod.

"Where is the television?" Max asks. "In El's room." Hopper answers. El gets cereal from the cabinet and leads us to her room while Hopper sets Steve on the couch.

Steve POV

'Why are you such a f@ggot Steve?' Dad asked loudly. 'I-I' I tried to answer. 'I-I isn't going to answer my GODDAMN QUESTION F@G!' He yelled. "I'm sorry..' I whispered. 'WHAT WAS THAT?!' He asked louder then the other time.

'I said I'm sorry!' I said louder. 'You son of a BIT-' he tried to yell again but mom stepped in. 'Please! Stop!' She pleaded. 'Fine I want him disowned!' Dad yelled in my face. Tears threatened to escape my dreading eyes. 'N-no please..' I tried.

'Please Jacob!' Mom pleaded again. 'I want him out of the house!' Dad yelled. 'NO!' Mom yelled. Her eyes were like waterfalls but with more water falling off/out. 'Please dad!' I pleaded with my mom. 'No GET. OUT!' He yelled. He threw my stuff out the window. He even threw the one thing that Jonathan got me.

That was it. 'FINE! I DIDNT WANT TO BE YOUR SON ANYWAYS!' I yelled at him. 'YIU DO NOT TALK TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT!' He yelled. 'WELL YOU'RE DISOWNING ME SO IM NOT YOUR SON!' I yelled back. I ran out of the house to go get my stuff. I grabbed some food and my keys to my car.

I was leaving for good. 'GET BACK HERE YIU LITTLE SHIT!' He yelled. My breathing was inhuman. Panic attack, I was having a fucking panic attack. No no..not now. Please not now! Please panic attack go awa-

"Kid!" I woke up breathing heavily. "Woah kid. It hasn't even been 40 minutes." I look at the person who has been talking.


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