Another nightmare

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You can skip this I regret this

I'm sorry for Steve he is my second fav character dusty Is my first.

Also "" means in the nightmare

TW mention of bl00d and SA R@p€

I'm going to hell for this chapter and for all the shit I have ever done 😙

Steve POV

"" 'You are going to pay for being a f@g Steve.' My -dad- says. 'How? Disown me AGAIN?' I ask. 'No but with these.' He says laughing. He punches me until I'm on the ground. I tried to get up but he put his smelly foot on my chest so I couldn't get up.

I saw him get a sl^t that has been waiting for him to stop punching me. 'What are you doing?' I grunted. 'Making you a none f@g.' That was all he said before the sl^t was on me. 'Get off! Stop!' I yelled. The sl^t only laughed. 'How about no handsome?' She said. She shoved her leg near my crotch. I tried to hide the mo@n but that failed miserably. 'Stop..please.' I beg.

She only laughed and shoved her leg into my crotch. (They were in a bed. Yes that all happened on a bed.) 'ARGH!' I mo@ned loudly. She took off my shirt and threw it to the ground. She kissed me.. on the goddamn mouth.

She took her hand and forced my mouth open to give her entrance to my mouth. A tear came out of my eye. How could someone do this? She still was kissing me but took her hands and took off her shirt and bra.

She grabbed my hands and put them on her chest. I cried more and more. She made me squeeze her chest. (I do not like saying t!tt!es.) 'stop.' My muffled voice came out. But she wouldn't listen.

She stopped and took her hands away. But since she was on top of me, she put all her weight on near her chest so my hands wouldn't move. She took off my pants and her own pants. Now we were only in our underwear. 'Please stop.' I try to keep begging. She then took my hands off her chest and leans forward.

Her breasts touched my chest. My eyes widened. She took off my boxers. 'No stop!' I say. I try to move but she moves both her hands and takes my wrists above my head and then takes two handcuffs and places one on the headboard of the bed.

And cuffs in in the middle of the second one and cuffs my wrists to the second one. She does the same with my legs ambit they are spreader apart. She took off her underwear and started to suck on my €0€k

There was unstoppable mo@ms coming from my mouth and tears from my eyes. Once she stopped sucking, she positioned herself on top of me. She pushed my €0€k in her entrance.

She mo@ned loudly. She started to bounce up and down. I regret being in full bliss. This is disgusting. She started to ride me like she has done before since she is a sl^t. 'You like only girls, yet?' She asks. I shake my head. 'You cant change my sexuality!' I yelled.

'Fine.' She said. She started to go harder and faster. 'Stop!' I yelled. The sensation in my stomach was to much. The bounces started to get sloppy and sloppier. Before I knew it, white seed Shoots out of my €0€k and into her.

when I was done, she made my €0€k pull out of her. She came over to my face (can girls even €^m?) and pulled my jaw open and white seed filled my mouth. She shut my mouth making me swallow the nasty seed.

She then started to kiss me again. But more rough. She then made me suck her..fingers? Like all of them. She moved and shoved three finger in my entrance. 'Argh!' I mo@ned. She stretched me until I was ready for... something.

She then made my grab my breasts again. She grabbed a... vibrator?! She placed it near my entrance and made it enter. She put it to the highest level, level ten. 'Argh! Argh! Make it stop!' I yelled.

She only laughed and made me squeeze her breasts. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. Bliss and stars is what I only see. She then put it to level fifteen? These more levels?! 'ARGH!' I yelled. Level twenty.

'ARGH MAKE IT STOP~~~' I yelled. Level 30. I squeeze harder. She gasped and put it all to level.. 80?!?! That only made my mo@n louder and squeeze harder. Level 100?!?!?! What the fu- 'ARGH ARGH ARGH MAKE ARGH IT ARGH STOP ARGH AHH MMMMM!'  I managed to get out from all the mo@ning.

She kissed me to quiet my mo@ns. I was full on sobbing. This kept going for 13 hours until she left but still had the vibrator on and on me. She put it to level...200?! I lied there unconscious. Apparently my -dad- came into the room and threw glass on me.""

"STEVE!" Hopper yelled to wake me up. I woke up in a terrible sweat though. The thought of the sl^t r@₽!ng me is just...terrible. And the vibrator is still in me.

"Your finally awake!" Dustin yelled. "What happened?" I asked. "You fell asleep when I was still getting the food for you." Hopper answered. Goddamnit the vibrator just turned on. I believe it's level 3 though.

Level five. Level 10. Level 15. Level 25. Level 40. Level 66. Level 80. Level 100. Level 150. Level 200.

Too much for me. "You alright?" Hopper asked me. I nod. It finally turned off. It turned on again but it stayed level 2. "Well then eat. You have to be starving." Dustin said.

I can tell he's still worried about me. I mean I am his best friend so I'd think that would make sense. "You sure you are okay??" Dustin asked. "I'm fine dusty. I promise." I told him.

"Just making sure my mom is okay."  Dustin said. "Mom?" I questioned. "Uhh.. because you act like a mom plus your my mom. And only MY mom." He said loudly during the 'only my' part.


1017 words? Let's go! And posted two parts in a day? HAHA YES!

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