At the funeral of Laena Velaryon is was clear to everyone that Daemon Targaryen was not mourning the death of his wife. He stood with his arms around Helaena and Aegon while Helaena stood with a hand on both her sister's shoulders as they hugged each other.
Baela and Rhaena look at their father as he looks at his eldest sons Aemond and Rhaegar. Rhaegar who stands behind Rhaenyra and Aemond who stands with Laenor who has his head into his shoulder.
Daemon looks down at his daughter who looks back up at him and smiles Rhyaella's smile which makes Daemon take a deep breath before he leans down and kisses Helaena's forehead lovingly before resting his head onto her head as she looks back to listen to the reason of Corlys Velaryon's brother's speech.
When he gets to the end Daemon and his children cannot help but snort. Rhaenyra looks at Rhaegar who looks down ashamed as Laenor looks at Aemond who looks down with a whispered 'sorry'
Everyone else looks at Daemon, Helaena and Aegon who look at each other before looking forwards. Baela and Rhaena look at their father before glancing over at their grandparents who are glaring at Daemon.
Viserys and his Aegon look slightly amused while Alicent and her Aemond and Helaena look disgusted.
Daemon looks over at Rhaenyra who looks back at him before looking away with a small smile on her face.
I have school but I will write another part

The Fire Wife || The Dance of Dragons
FanficDaemon Targaryen's wife Rhyaella is one of the most feared women in the seven kingdoms