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          (Hi welcome to my solangelo oneshot book! I really hope you like this chapter, and if you do remember to vote, and leave requests as I go brain dead on ideas a lot! Thanks!) 

          The Ghost King was lying on his bed, dark brown eyes staring at the obsidian ceiling of his cabin. He looked around the empty room and felt a tug at his chest as he looked upon the shadows each of the walls cast upon the other empty coffin-shaped beds. This tug was all too familiar to him, making him much to aware of how large the black cabin was compared to his small size. The ebony-haired boy realized he hadn't spoken to a single person since the sun had rose that morning, and now it was over halfway through its journey from east to west. 

            Normally, he would have spoken with Will over breakfast, possibly been roped into an Apollo Cabin event or something similar, and been forced to socialize with his extroverted boyfriend, and whoever had decided to hang out with the likable blonde that day. This morning, though, the blonde had been on duty cleaning up the medical space he and many other Apollo kids used to keep the campers well, as it had gotten extremely messy over the week. His absence had allowed Nico to slip into the shadows during the first meal of the day and retreat to his cabin to be alone for a while, a too rare occurrence in his opinion.

          That was all well and good; after all, he enjoyed time by himself more than most, but after hours of occupying himself with random activities that didn't require other living people, loneliness had begun pulling at his chest, like an annoying ghost, something he had experience with. He blamed Will for this unfamiliar need, he used to be able to go days without wanting to talk to a single person. For Tararus' sake, he had basically gone over a year with no people to interact with! Unfortunately, now his lover had gotten him quite used to healthily dealing with his emotions and thoughts by talking to other living humans. Which he thought was absolutely ridiculous as other living humans were usually the cause of his negative thoughts and emotions in the first place.

          Eventually though, he submitted, and dragged himself up from his red velvet sheets and put on his aviator jacket. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror of the bathroom as he passed by the open door, and noted that his pale skin and dark eyes had officially made him look like one of the dead souls in his father's kingdom, he decided this was a good thing, and walked out the door.

          The sun beamed down overhead, heating the camp to a very warm degree. Nico almost turned right back around when he spotted what was happening on the volleyball court from his spot. (Seriously who thought the death cabin should go next to the volleyball court? What sense did that make?) Percy and Annabeth had apparently started a game, which he had managed to guess by the fact that each half of the couple were on opposite sides and had fire in their eyes, Annabeth more notably as she seemed to be plotting a million ways to destroy her lover. He figured there had been a minor disagreement, and the best way to solve it had been decided to be volleyball, for some reason, he would never understand straight people. This alone didn't make him pause, did do it though, was that Will was playing on Annabeth's team, and was completely bare chested.

          The son of Apollo wasn't the only one by any means; most of the guys had discarded their orange t-shirts, and the girls were all in sports bras or cropped versions of the shirt. None of them, though, had a perfect tan body, muscular arms, and a six-pack of abs that were making the son of Hades' face turn from nearly white to a brilliant red. Worst of all, was that Percy had spotted Nico, and was waving him over, inviting him to join the game. The Ghost King suddenly wished that he had just stayed in his goddamn coffin bed.

           He did oblige, though, because if he hadn't he would have been hit by a tidal wave. Well, maybe not actually hit by a tidal wave, but if the determined look in Percy's sea green eyes were an indicator, he wasn't really inviting him with that smile and wave, he was instructing him. So, the Ghost King, raiser of the dead and eater of McDonald's, was forced to drag his feet over to the volleyball court, muttering ancient greek curses that probably summoned several confused ghosts the entire way.

          "There! Now I have six players! Time to go down, wise girl, "Percy called, as the Italian shrugged off his heavy jacket, leaving him in a simple black t-shirt that had a skull on it. He had been told to follow dress code a couple times by Dionysus and Chiron, both attempts had failed and resulted in many skeletons fighting off grape vines. Annabeth called back something to Percy's deceleration, probably much more intelligent than her boyfriend could ever come up with. Nico though, was just focused on trying not to pass out from the way Will looked, still oblivious to his boyfriend's wide eyes, only offering a smile and wave. I mean, seriously, Nico knew Will was the son of Apollo and everything, but come on, this was a little unfair.

            Safe to say Percy's team lost, badly. Even on a good day, Nico was barely passable at the sport, and being severely distracted didn't help a single thing, nor did Piper's consistently yelling commands like 'Go right!' when the ball was to the left, or vice versa. Percy argued this wasn't fair at all, and Annabeth told him that he had first pick and should have chosen the daughter of Aphrodite, and having a stupid captain wasn't against any volleyball rules. Eventually, everyone was walking off the court, and Will went up to his boyfriend, looking worried.

        "Hey Neeks, are you alright? You look like you're running a fever and you've been hiding in your cabin all day. Not to mention you seemed really distracted during the game," The blonde worried, pressing a hand to the shorter's forehead to check his temperature, which was quickly shoved off. This at least assured the aspiring doctor that the Italian had his normal reflexes. Nico was only half listening to his boyfriend's fretting anyways, his dark eyes trying to find somewhere to look that didn't make his face turn any redder. This was easier said than done, as Will's pecks were essentially at his eye level.

         "I'm fine, sunshine, and put a shirt on," The shorter responded, muttering the last part as it was the opposite of what he wanted and yet also what he desperately wished he would do already. Will looked confused for another minute, then realization hit him, and he couldn't help but smirk a little.

         "Why? I don't think you can get any redder anyway, so no harm done either way, " The bare-chested boy teased, Nico was extremely close to opening a portal to the underworld and shoving the others into it, but refrained. 

         "Shut it, Solace; I will raise an army of the dead on you, again." The other threatened, not emptily too, as the son of Apollo had once spent an afternoon fighting undead that Nico had sent because he had refused to let the black-haired boy Shadow travel. This was before they got together, but he still remembered it well. He also remembered mourning the fact that the son of Hades probably hated him. 

          "Alright, alright, you win," Will relented, putting on his orange Camp Half-Blood shirt he had left on the side earlier in the game. "You've got to win something, after all, and volleyball clearly didn't work out for you,"

           The blonde got a lot of good running exercise the rest of that day, and so did a few members of the underworld, and Nico got plenty of practice on his evil cackle. 

 (1373 words, and vote please!)

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