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       Dinner in the pavilion was proceeding as normal. Chatter seemed to fill the entirety of the camp as the night proceeded on. Nothing much eventful had happened in the past few days, which was momentous itself, yet still campers found anything and everything a talking point. Among these campers were Will and Nico, sitting at the same table, doctor's orders, teasing and shoving each other like a pair of six year olds.

        "Are you kidding me? Yellow is actually your favorite color?" The Son of Hades asked, staring at the other like the idea of the bright color being liked by anyone was ridiculous. The rest of the Apollo campers had sort of scooted away from the two, to give them privacy, and because they were all a little scared of The Ghost King.

        "Yes! It's bright, warm, and comforting! I don't understand why that's so weird to you," The blonde responded, then looked over his black clothing clad boyfriend. "Ok so maybe I understand a little bit,"

          "You're strange Solace," Nico informed him, getting a roll of blue eyes in return. This petty bickering continued for quite a while, and before they even realized it dinner was through. The pair both got up from their seats.

           "Hey, death boy, try to get some sleep tonight alright?" Will requested softly, knowing well that most nights the Italian refused to even entertain the idea of getting some rest. On multiple occasions the blonde had insisted that this was unhealthy, but that usually led to a brick wall of stubbornness. 

            "Fine sunshine," Nico relented, surprisingly quickly, even though he wouldn't admit it he was exhausted. Even Ghost Kings require sleep eventually, and this one had been running on fumes for white a while. The Son of Apollo smiled, satisfied, and kissed his lover on the nose. This was just so he could see flush spread across the shorter's face, and watch him wrinkle his nose in a way that would always make the taller smile.

           Once Will had walked off with his campers, The Italian started towards his cabin. Two factions were fighting in his mind, the reasonable one arguing he couldn't go without sleep forever, and the part of him that feared what his mind would conjure up in his rest.  Nightmares had always plagued him, after all he was essentially the perfect target.

         Ever since he was little he had an overactive imagination. This eventually fixated into mythomagic, and overall greek stories, but it used to apply to nearly every aspect of his life. This would lead to being able to entertain himself for hours, even if he only had the bare minimum toy wise. Then, Bianca died, he saw ghosts, and a million other things that would drive his childish imagination against him, like a blade pointed at it's wielder. Instead of imagining heroes defeating monsters, or colorful universes that he would frolic in, he would see awful, vivid visions of his sister's final moments, wrapped in memories from his time in literal hell. 

         Nico shook his head, tossing his black hair, he was going to talk himself out of sleeping if he kept thinking about the things his dreams might hold. He had told Will he would at least try, so he would. This was the mindset he had when he pushed open his cabin door, and began getting ready for bed, trying to arm himself with positive thoughts. His nightly ritual consisted of the basic hygiene steps, and changing into black pajamas. He laid in his coffin shaped bed, and shut his eyes, letting his exhaustion finally overtake him. 

          Only two hours later did dreams start to emerge in his head, but not just dreams, nightmares. The pale boy began to toss and turn as a mix of fiction and memory swept across his mind, whimpers escaped his lips, tears squeezed from his shut eyes. The turning got more violent, until at last he mercifully woke himself up with a loud shuddering gasp, his thin frame lurching to an upright position violently.

         Nico's breath was coming in fits, quick inconsistent fits, and he drew his knees up to his chest, as if trying to guard himself. His mind flickered to the razor in the bathroom for just a moment, to release the pain, to feel something else besides this sickening spiral, but he forced it away from his options. Instead, he hugged his knees with pale thin arms, and tried to stop the tears pouring down his face, or the hiccups coming from his mouth. He failed in both, and he heard the door open slowly.

       In his panicked state, he jumped and turned his head to the door quickly. Instead of a monster though; it was Will, looking extremely concerned. Nico only half processed that the possibility of his boyfriend hearing any commotion he may have made from inside Apollo cabin was slim. The question of why he was hear was completely lost when the blond went over to his bed and wrapped his arms around him comfortingly.

         The Italian cried into the other's chest, unfortunalty this wasn't an unfamiliar arrangement for either of them. Will just held the smaller boy close to him, whispering sweet nothings, and assurances that everything was absolutely fine. This went on for a while, each of Nico's breaths grew just a little steadier until his tears were dry on his cheeks, and he was able to think more clearly.

        "You alright now Neeks?" Will asked the Italian in his arms, concern and love laced his every word. The Son of Hades scooted away a little, and the blonde loosened his hold without another word having to be said.

       "Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine Solace," Nico answered, noticing the large wet stain his tears had left upon the other's night shirt. Will didn't seemed to mind though, and just wiped the remaining tears from his lover's pale cheek, studying him with blue eyes.

          "Do you want to talk about it?" The blonde asked quietly, he got a quick head shake in return. Will nodded at the response to show that he understood, and that he wouldn't push the issue, something Nico was extremely grateful for.

           "How much are you against going to piss off some harpies on the beach?" The Italian asked, looking for anything to distract himself. Crying it out had admittedly made it much better, but now he was just embarrassed. What kind of Ghost King cries into his boyfriend's chest like a toddler who just watched a scary movie? 

           "I mean if you bring your massive sword and I grab my bow, then not against it," Will answered, getting a small smile in return as the smaller got up to grab his Stygian iron sword. He would never understand why going to annoy the cleaning harpies pleased the other so much; it just seemed like a death wish. 

           "How much are you against going to piss off Chiron after the harpies are mad?" Nico continued, now wielding his sword that somehow seemed to fit him perfectly. There was a glimmer of mischief in his deep brown eyes that made Will nervous.

          "Very, very very against that," The blonde answered, only getting an eyeroll like he was being unreasonable. The two went to piss off some people with weapons in the moonlight, after all what says emotional recovery like near death experiences? 

          (Thanks for reading! Please vote if you enjoyed, I'd appreciate it! Leave requests in the comments and have a good day!)

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