All The Colors of The Rainbow

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          (Hey! Hope you like this lol, it might be kind of short, but I'll try. Please comment, and send requests and all that)

          It was essentially accepted fact that Nico di Angelo would never wear a color brighter than a light grey. Will had tried, and failed, to grow the Italian's wardrobe a good few times. He was always met with the stubbornness he both loved and hated about his boyfriend. Loved because it showed he was a strong person, and not a push over, like himself, and that was something he admired. Hated because the stubbornness was usually directed at him and some of his requests to change things. He didn't mind Nico dressing in all black of course, but after a while he was nearly sure it was an obsession, especially as he stood now, looking through the son of Hades' closet. 

          "Nico, love of my life, why is the only thing with color in your ENTIRE wardrobe a rainbow skeleton shirt I made you wear for pride month?" The blonde demanded, ruffling through the other's extremely monotone clothing a few more times like he just couldn't believe that was it. The boy in question was sitting cross legged on the black floor of the cabin, watching the other stare in awe at his fashion choices.

         "Why is the only non khaki pair of bottoms you own the ripped jeans you wore to cosplay as me during Halloween?" The Ghost King quipped back, smiling a little bit at the confusion and mental strain just his clothes could cause. Will rolled his blue eyes at the question, and eventfully shut the closet door.

          "Ok that's not relevant, and also untrue, I have athletic shorts," Will countered defensively, which was rather comical as he was currently wearing khaki shorts with his orange camp half-blood shirt.

           "Sure, Solace, sure," Nico replied sarcastically, still sitting like a kindergartner would on the floor. Except, this kindergartner had eyeliner on, was wearing a black shirt that said 'Have a Deadly Day' and skinny jeans. 

          "You've seen me i- alright whatever that's not the point. The point is, death boy, that you need to get some color into your life," The blonde stated, like one of his diagnosis that he would make at the infirmary. 

          "I'm already dating a fucking ball of yellow and blue, I have plenty of color already," The shorter responded, which was a fair statement considering those were the colors Will leaned towards for any assessries to his orange shirt. 

         The conversation of wardrobe ended there, with Will defeated in his quest once more. This time though, as the couple went to dinner, a plan was beginning to form in his head. So, when the sun rose the next morning the blonde when straight to the Iris cabin, bearing gifts of candy and several golden coins.

         The cabin itself was several different colors, ranging across the entire spectrum. The window sills were mismatched as well as the roof, and the door handle was violet. Will figured the two Iris kids that had joined recently had been getting a hold of their powers, and trying it out on different objects of the cabin. Which bode well for Will, and badly for Butch, the head counselor. 

        The blonde knocked on the hot pink door, and was greeted by the two new campers, they were twins, but easy to tell apart as one always had red or orange hair, and the other blue or purple. The two girls were thirteen, and were only staying for the summer, from asking around Will knew that the warm hair colored one was Stephanie, and her cool counterpart was Stella.

        "Hi! What can we do for ya?" Stephanie asked curiously, looking at the boy at their doorstep. Will felt a little awkward, he had been expecting Butch who was someone he knew reasonably well, but figured he couldn't really turn back now.

         "Hey, so I'm Will, Apollo's head counselor, and I've kind of got a request for you guys," He began, peaking the twin's interest, and being led inside. After he had explained his plan, both looked a little apprehensive of the idea. Stacy especially, playing with her now purple hair that she had changed from blue about half way through the exchange.

          "Nico, as in raises armies of the dead on those who annoy him Nico?" Stephanie asked, praying that there was another Nico at camp who also had no color in his life. Will sighed, damn his boyfriend's ability to appear terrifying even when he really wasn't. Well, he wasn't to those who hadn't really pissed him off.

         "Yes him, I swear he won't do anything to you though, honestly. I'd bring you everything you need, he wouldn't even know you were involved," The blonde assured them, really wanting this prank to work. The twins looked at each other, nodded, and turned back to the child of Apollo sitting on a red and green bed.

        "Alright, we're in, but we want all the candy in advance, coins after," Stacy demanded, which Will readily agreed to, and so the prank was on.

        The next morning Nico got up like usual, late for breakfast, and past the time every other camper would get up. He crossed the room to his wardrobe, opened the doors, and began to reach for his usual black shirt. Except it wasn't black, it was salmon, and every other shirt in his closet had been changed too, ranging from pink to blue, no sign of black. He quickly discovered all his bottoms were different as well, remembered he and Will's conversation from two days ago, and knew his lover was involved somehow.

        The boy who's life was currently being threatened in Italian was eating breakfast with is cabin mates, silently waiting for the other's appearance, and what an appearance it was. The Ghost King stormed onto the pavilion in a bright yellow shirt, and neon blue pants, which would have sent everyone into hysterical laughter, if he wasn't flanked by several battalions of the undead.

          "SOLACE!!" He roared, Will was already running at top speed, slowed by his fits of giggling at his boyfriend's outfit. The son of Apollo may have spent the rest of his days making up for it, but in his opinion it was certainly worth it.

       (Hope you enjoyed! Please vote on it if you did, and as always leave requests, bye lovelies!)


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