Pictures of Love

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(Ok so as sort of explained above this is a soulmate au where images of what your soulmate loves show up on your body. I thought it was a cool idea to play with, so enjoy)


         Ever since Will was quite young he'd wondered who his soulmate was. The first image he could ever remember seeing on his body was of two women. One was older than the other, both had long dark hair and similar smiles, and he had assumed they were his soulmate's sister and mother. This gave him some semblance of what this mysterious person would look like, dark hair, probably olive skin, and a smaller build, or at least that was his assumption. Later, an image of a girl with dark skin, cinnamon colored curly hair, and gold eyes had joined the pair, Will had assumed this could be an adopted sister, or something along those lines. 

          Though the image of the girls, which was located on his right shoulder, was the first of his soulmate's loves, it was not the last. Over time he had also gotten a splotch of black on his wrist, a logo for a card game called Mytho Magic on his back, a couple band names that would fade in and fade out interchanging on his left arm, and finally the on that had bugged Will, an image of a boy. 

           The boy had black hair, sea-green eyes, tan skin, and in the image was laughing a bit. This boy had appeared when Will was about 12, and had since then nearly completely faded away. Nonetheless for some reason it still nagged at the blonde, his soulmate had fallen for someone else? Did the fact that the boy was still there, laughing on his right side, mean that his soulmate still loved that person? 

          These questions seemed to follow him everywhere, like a nagging swarm of bugs buzzing in his ears. He tried to ignore it though, it could be a platonic love, maybe even brotherly? This was what he was trying to assure himself with as he walked down the sidewalk to a nearby coffee shop.

           He wasn't usually a coffee drinker, but the place had just opened up, and he had nothing else to do on a Saturday morning. The place seemed cozy enough, and not overcrowded, which was nice. Will pushed the door open hearing a little ding! as the bell above the door went off, announcing his arrival. 

           "Welcome! What can I hel-" A girl behind the counter started, before turning to the boy on shift with her. The boy in question had a mop of black hair that was loosely held up in a short ponytail, dark brown eyes that looked bored, pale olive skin, and was wearing all black underneath his apron. The blonde felt his heart race, the girl who had spoken was one of the one's on his shoulder, the later addition. "Wait! Nico! You're supposed to greet this one," 

            "Fuck no, you want them greeted, you greet them," The shorter boy, who was apparently named Nico, responded. The girl rolled her golden eyes in annoyance, and Will just watched the interaction trying to figure out how to phrase his realisation in a polite manner. 

            "Hey, uhm, sorry to interrupt, but, well," The customer tried to put it into words, but instead just pulled up his short sleeve a bit, showing the image of the three girls. Both of the worker both stared for a minute, the girl with golden eyes looked at herself in the image, then turned to Nico quickly.

             "That's your mom and sister isn't it?!" Her voice was excited, and she was practically jumping up and down. Nico nodded a little in response, eyes mainly focused on his soulmate in front of him. Looking at the Italian Will knew where this was going, and it also made sense in some capacity, most of the images on his body definitely seemed like it'd fit this person.

              "Uhm I'm Will," The blonde introduced himself, not sure what else he was supposed to do in this situation. Nico seemed just as unsure because he was spinning the silver rings on his finger quickly, which Will thought was kind of cute, in honesty he thought everything about his soulmate was kind of cute. The slight flush on his cheeks, his short ponytail, how his eyes kept flickering away from the blonde just to look right back at him a second later.

               "Nico," The shorter responded, trying to ignore the girl that looked like she may just start squealing any second that was next to him.

               "Why don't I uhm give you my number yeah?" Will suggested, already scribbling the digits down onto a paper towel. The Italian just nodded dumbly, still shell-shocked from this sudden change in circumstances. The blonde gave him the paper towel then quickly left, confused, hopeful, but mainly surprised. He had found his soulmate.

           (This was kinda short, but I hope you liked it. Please vote and leave requests! Thank you!)


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