Things Changed

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         (Highschool AU)

          Nico di Angelo was the kid that everyone knew of, but no one knew. The kind of kid that others dare you to try and get more than three words out of. He was the one that sat in the back of the class, a ring of empty seats around him because no one dared commit social suicide by sitting near, yet still seemed cool. He didn't seem interested in foiling this reputation either, wearing clothes that plainly stuck out amongst the outfits of the other boys that attended the school. Black t-shirts usually with band names or death related symbols across them, black skinny jeans, his signature aviator jacket, and eyeliner, accompanied with foundation on bad skin days. 

          The Italian expected this science class to be like any other as he took his normal seat in the back corner of the room. He internally remarked that if he had wanted to he could have sat in the very middle chair in the room and caused every other student to cram themselves upon the furthest seats from him. This thought made his pale lips contort into a small smirk, surely he'd have to try it. After all, who didn't like fucking with their fellow students a little? 

       This train of thought, and all bodily function, cam to a screeching halt when someone he didn't recognize walked into the classroom. That was a lie, he did recognize him from occasional passing in the hall, but he had never been in this class before. The boy in question was rather tall, had freckled tan skin, messy blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. Nico felt like one of those stupid Disney Movie protagonists, and hated that feeling quite a bit. Still, he couldn't tear his eyes from the beautiful being that had entered the classroom now and was striding ove- Shit he's going to sit right next to me. 

         "Hi, is this seat taken?" The handsome boy questioned with a slight smile, the shorter did his absolute best not to turn into puddy. Of course he had perfect white teeth, of course he looked better up close, of course he was a total dork and was wearing a greek mythology shirt which didn't help Nico's cause at all. Seriously a hot boy who was into the same myths as him? What the actual fuck Aphrodite. 

       "Uhm no," The Italian managed, that seat was never taken as it was right next to the emo wonder of the century. Now the pale boy's thoughts turned more suspicious, was he dared to do this? Was there some giggling girlfriend videoing this encounter from out of sight? Was the blonde filming this? Was this a set up? Was something about to be dumped on his head while he was distracted? Did someone find out he was gay?

       "Ok cool then, I'm Will by the way," The taller introduced himself while sitting down and slipping off his book bag in one motion. Nico nodded in acknowledgment to the statement, still lost in his own panicking bubble. "Usually this is the part where you tell me your name, I mean I can just call you death boy, but I have a feeling you're opposed to that,"

      "Yes, yes I am," The ravenette confirmed. "My name is Nico," Will smiled a little at this, he had known the other's name to begin with, he wasn't immune to hearing rumors, but he had never actually been off put by the pale boy. Rather, he had found him sort of cute, and had always wanted to start a conversation with him, which was finally happening thank the gods.

       "Well then Nico, do you mind catching me up in what we're doing in this class, I think the one I transferred from was a little behind," The blonde explained, he wasn't exactly lying, the class had been pretty behind, but he definitely had the other explain to him much more than was necessary. In those minutes before class Nico had come close to smiling more times than he had in the entirety of the school year so far. He was actually rather annoyed when the teacher began the lesson, and they were forced to stop talking. 

        The Italian didn't even notice that his paranoid worrying over the intentions behind the other's actions had disappeared. Now, as the class dragged on for what seemed to be an eternity, he was working up the courage to do something. He tried to convince himself it wouldn't be a big deal, that people did it all the time and it would come off as platonic. After tapping his leg anxiously in thought for a bit, he eventually just grit his teeth and did it. He pulled out a piece of paper, ripped a chunk off, and wrote on it his name, number, and 'If you need more help call me', then passed it over to Will.

        The blonde took it, and had to stop himself from beaming. A cute boy had just given him his number, not just any cute boy, Nico fucking di Angelo. He barely managed to play it off in a non fangirl sort of way, simply slipping the paper into his pocket and nodding at the boy who had given it to him. Safe to say Will needed a lot of help with science that year.

        (Hope you enjoyed! Please vote and leave requests I appreciate it!)

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