I stand by Cleo as all students- and I- examine the mess in front of our school. The normies came back and they trashed pumpkins all over.
"GUYS GUYS GUYS! We have to tell you something huge!-" Frankie announced excitedly before getting cut off by Cleo, who waved her hand dismissively, clearly bothered. "Not now, Frankie." Gil popped in. "The normies came back." He pointed to the mess.
"HA! That's the best they could do?" Heath takes a pumpkin, only to find himself pulling on it. I widened my eyes.
The ropes tightened and then more pumpkins spring out from behind the school. "Oh crap!" I saw some pumpkins headed for Frankie, to which I left Cleo's side and covered Frankie.
I ducked her down to avoid getting her hit. "Are you alright?" She nodded, inching closer to me. "Thank you." I nodded.
I look back at Cleo and saw that the pumpkins had covered her. 'Oops. Lol.' She looked absolutely pissed.
"AGAIN? Those clothes ruining ANIMALS!!!" She screeches out.
"Hey! Heath just got saved by a girl!" Everyone started laughing at him. He was holding Abbey's hand- to which he quickly pulled away from her hold.
"Attention students! Attention-" Head Mistress Bloodgood ran out, only for a pumpkin to land on her head. She yelped as her head popped off. She quickly caught it and remained posture.
"Will everyone please go to the claudatorium in five minutes for an emergency assembly." Everyone gasped and murmured in worry... Except Holt.
"Come on! Come on, baby! Don't go out of me like this! I need my tunes to be me!" Then his phone died. "No! No! No! No!"
He shifted back to Jackson who quickly ran- bumping into Frankie and I. "Jackson! Slow down!" Frankie exclaimed. "Oh! Sorry! I need to charge my iCoffin. It's not safe to be a norm- uh... me, right now." I frowned at his statement.
Every student was chattering in the claudatorium in worry. "Settle down, please. It is now clear that the situation with the normies in the next town has become... much worse." Some students gasped. "Until Halloween is over, when you are outside of Monster High, please disguise yourselves, hide. Do not let anyone know you are a monster."
Frankie stood up. "Wait! Hide who we are? Head Mistress Bloodgood, this goes against everything we've been taught at Monster High." She turns to us- the audience. "We shouldn't be embarrassed of our differences. We should be proud." Some students agreed with her verbally. 'She should be a politician.' I relax in my seat.
"And we used to be proud. Look, no one knows this. But Halloween used to be for monsters. We were celebrated and admired, not chased and ridiculed. So I say it's time we stop being afraid and take back our holiday! For all monsters!" Head Mistress Bloodgood gasped at her statement.
What made it even more dramatic and powerful was that she jumped onto her seat to say that. I admit, that's a good reasoning. I'm having a hard time agreeing and disagreeing with my father.
"YEAH! LET'S TAKE BACK HALLOWEEN! BY FORCE!" Frankie seemed to get nervous and scared at Manny's statement. "Yeah! We're with you!" A random vampire student yelled out to her. Frankie seemed to regret her decision- but she wasn't exactly wrong.
'Maybe it's just the normies in that specific town... My father went to L.A. with his normie girlfriend and she's very nice indeed. And cute. Would love to have her as a stepmother... even though I'm older than her.'
I entered my huge humble abode. "DAD?" I take my shoes off and put them on the shoe rack. I look around the kitchen. "DAD?!"
It was almost midnight. Reason I'm out so late? Well, had to hang out with Deuce and Clawd. Clawdeen came too. She told me all about Draculaura trying to set her up with random monsters around school.
I heard footsteps run down the stairs. There I saw my lovely father. "Ah, darling. How was school?" He hugs me, and I hug back. "The learning part; boring. But our school was trashed by those stupid normies in that town." He winces.
"Really? I always knew something was wrong about that town..." He sits on a stool. "So it's not all normies, I hope?" He shakes his head. "Well, you've met Chloe. You've met Ella. They're kind, aren't they?" I nodded and sit by him.
"The humane authorities are absolute douchebags, too. And I thought Chloe was changing my mind." I sighed. "I used my powers on them. It was harmless though." He leaned in, smirking.
"What kind?"
"I dropped water on them. That's all. It was enough to drive them away."
"Great job, darling."
I stuff the books I didn't need inside my locker. My iCoffin vibrated in my pocket, to which I pulled it out to check the notifications. 'So Cleo's taking action about this, huh? Maybe I can do a little more damage on those normies, too...' I read over the details and nodded to myself.
I walk in the hall peacefully, hands in my pocket. I saw Clawd face-palm at Heath, who literally almost gave away our plan.
Clawd turned around and saw me. He smirked and he gave me the sign for the secret meeting. I nodded, understanding.
"and you're all just going to sit here, sniveling and afraid. After they disrespected you like that?" The monsters started protesting that statement Cleo made. I just stayed silent, silently agreeing with them.
"They think they are so much better than we are." Rochelle stated angrily. "Exactly! That's why we've got to get them back... and it's got to be something so epic! So legendary! So... De Nile! That they'll put us in the monster history books!"
The monster under her sighed and shook his head. 'Poor guy. I feel like Frankie's statement was stronger though. But oh well.'
"Right! We gotta fight fire with fire!" Heath fired up his fist. "Hey~ I know a sublimely shrouded entrance to New Salem through the catacombs." said Toralei.
"Sweet. They'll never see us coming. Man they really barked up the wrong tree messing with us."
"Yeah! But show those normies what happens when you mess with Monster High!"
We all turn around in shock to see Jackson. He froze like a statue at our stares. I smiled at him, happy of his appearance. He nervously smiled back.
"Hey. Aren't you forgetting? You're half normie!" Manny huffed. "Believe me, I can't go a day without somebody reminding me. But-But-But this is my school too. And if we're getting them back, I WANT IN!"
Manny moved in front of him. "Nice try, Jackson. Can't trust a normie to pay back the normies. Holt can come. But not you." I narrowed my eyes. 'Be grateful that a normie is willing to go against the normies.'

MONSTER HIGH: Ghouls Rule!
FanfictionHalloween is a holiday monsters are to fear due to another species. This time, this year, the settings will change. Join Y/n on her adventure to stopping the normies from destroying their Halloween. = I'm aware I kept putting "ghouls" instead of "mo...