Halloween is a holiday monsters are to fear due to another species. This time, this year, the settings will change. Join Y/n on her adventure to stopping the normies from destroying their Halloween.
= I'm aware I kept putting "ghouls" instead of "mo...
"That was touching, girls. I'm getting a little misty." I glare at him for his sarcasm. "I'll let you in on a little secret. I. Don't. Care." He dropped his donut on purpose and stomped on it.
"Wait, what?!" He got in his car. "Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Holt did it. They did it. The Bogeyman did it. Doesn't matter. Those people out there demand justice, and I'm gonna give it to 'em." He carelessly said. "You mean vengeance." He scoffs. "When I take that boy up the hill tonight, things can get back... to the good old days. Just like your uncle talked about."
We all gave him glares. 'I feel murderous today. Should I tell my father? I might need to see Ms. Martin again...' I clench my fists. I was going to take a step forward to give him a piece of my mind but Deuce had to hold my arm with two hands.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I got a lot of napping— Uh— I mean— work to do." He started up his car and drove away.
"Oh you'll be napping for a long time once I get my hands on you."
"ugh— Help?!"
Van Hellscream started crying. "I'm so sorry about your friend. I never meant for this to happen because of something I did. He's going to..." Her lips quivered. She then launched onto Clair crying. "Woah! Okay...?! Um... Awkward—" She cried even more.
"We have to do something! We can't just leave Holt here! We have to break him out!" Lagoona exclaimed.
"We're monsters. We have powers. Jealous much?"
Frankie blocked their view from Cleo. "No. If we break him out, the normies would just come looking for him and will start all over. That won't solve anything." I groaned and crouched down to the floor. "We can't just give up, Frankie." I told her. "I know..."
But then her neck sparks out in excitement as she gets an idea. "I have an idea! I-It's risky but it may be the only way."
I was with Frankie, Abbey, Clair, Lilith, Chad, the twins, and some random guy that was willing to help, to put the plan in action. I was gonna be with Frankie to free Holt. The normie townspeople were yelling and cheering for the Trick-or-Treatment, which was annoying and loud.
"Haha! I get it. This is a big prank!" They lock Holt in. The machine was turned on and the big pumpkin popped down. "TRIICK OR TREEAT!!!" It popped down to Holt, almost hitting him. Holt said something but the crowd was too loud. The platform below him slowly rose up to the pumpkin head.
Frankie gave the normies on team monsters the signal, which they gave back. The "monsters" pretended to grab Clair and Lilith. "HELP! A MONSTER'S GOT ME!" The sheriff pointed towards them and more officers went to them.
I stifle a laugh at Clair's tone. Abbey dragged him quickly to behind the Trick-or-Treatment machine. We sneak to by Holt's side.
"Yo Frankie! Y/n!" He said in relief but was still in fear of getting chomped by the pumpkin. "Don't worry Holt, we're gonna get you out of here." Frankie said putting her hand on the lever. "Worried? Who? The Holtster—?" Frankie, with you electrocution ability, was able to shut off the machine. The platform below him snapped down.
Frankie and I each went to his sides to enable the lock. "C'mon Frankie Fine, Morning Shine." I smiled a bit at the nickname. I let go quickly and breathe out. 'C'mon... Uncle Amenadiel...'
I stretch out my fingers and out my hand on the lock again. Veins popped out of my hand as I strongly gripped onto the lock. It broke easily. "Ha!" I threw the lock behind me. I also broke the other lock on his foot.
"It's a trick! Back to your posts!" I look back and see the police officers coming back. "Oh shit!—" Abbey froze Holt's right side of the lock and broke it.
Holt jumped down after being freed. "Come on!" We ran away with the police on our tails. "You're alright, right?" He nodded. "Thanks to y'all!"
Frankie turned to Abbey. "Abbey! We need to take the escalator!" She nods. Frankie turns to me. "Y/n! We need you to blind them for a bit." I nodded. "First floor, coming up!~" I run a little farther than them.
I took out my huge wings and flew up into the air. I see police officers sliding down the escalator. I look down at Abbey and nodded at her, to which she smirked and nodded back. She made another trail for the police officers to go. As they slid I managed to give them a "little" bit of light to which they tumbled off and over the fence.
I swooped down to Abbey. "Need a lift?" She nodded. I hold her tightly by the waist and lifted off into the air. "Wow! Feathers are really nice!" She exclaimed feeling my feathers. I laugh. "Thank you, Abbey!"
I flew high so the normie police wouldn't have sight of me. "Higher!" I chuckle and went a bit higher. High enough so she at least has some oxygen.
"Wow! We so high up!" Her eyes sparkling in excitement. "I hope you're really enjoying this moment because I see the school!"
We approached the school. "There! That grave!" I nodded and swooped down quickly. She cheered cutely. As we landed safely by the grave, she pat my head. "Thank you, Y/n. That was fun!" She opened the grave. "Let's go Yeti!"
We hid as the normies entered the humble area. They look around with their torches and pitchforks. As they approached the main area, the pumpkin fire place fired up, spooking them. More pictures light up to show them moving pictures.
Holt whooped and managed the music. Our outfits from the display came to us as we stand above the humans. I was on top of the staircase, sadly.
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(Picture does not belong to me)
I also had a fancy black and red fedora. My hair was let down in curls. I had hard, black shoes. My horns made me hotter.
'God damn I might consider self-ce—' I mentally slapped myself. 'Father will be proud. Like father like daughter.'
I bowed charmingly down to the normies as my pose. All the other girls got their outfits and posed.
"Oh my ghoul! I'm so glad you came! I was afraid you wouldn't make it our Halloween Party!"