vs Brian

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This planet was a spinning world of amazement, home to numerous creatures to vast to fully understand. Well over thousands miraculously created by the forces of nature using a power only it had. No matter where in this world you find yourself without a doubt you will find these glorious creatures. What are these creatures you ask? Why Pokémon of course. You'll find them flying in the sky above the clouds or swimming in the currents of the seas and rivers. They roam of the majestic mountains and bring life to the vibrant green forest. They make their homes in deep dark caves and wide-open prairies. Even cities big or small are filled with them. In all this chaos people and Pokémon find unity in sharing in the thrill of Pokémon battles, making friends, and aiming to be Pokémon Masters. That includes the Gym Challenger Boe Sen.

Boe was a not a kid anymore, nor could barely call himself a young adult but he did not feel old. He just a person ever seeking adventure no matter where it took him. His usually kept dark brown hair had grown long and shaggy like it was in his youth. He sported a new pair of glasses he bought last time he was in town. He was wearing his loose fit pikachu hoody and jeans.

A lot was on Boe's mind as leaned over a pot of Wild Area Curry, something he picked up on his journey through the Galar Region. He stirred the chunks of meat and vegetables round and round in a red broth. Boe could still not wrap his head around where or when he had just come back from. If it were not for the Hisuian Pokémon that came back with him he would have sworn it was a dream. However, it was not. Arceus had needed him and Boe did what he thought was right. In the end he was back home and just in time for the big World Coronation Series.

Once a year all the trainers in the world can join the World Coronation Series, a worldwide event to determine the strongest trainer. After registration trainers are divided up into four classes: Normal, Great, Ultra, and Master. A trainer's class is determined by their previous years ranking making all new trainers to the event Normal Class. As trainers win or lose battles they move up or down in the rankings. After a set period or time, the top eight or Master Class trainers battle it out in a single elimination tournament.

Winning the World Coronation Series would be the panicle of Boe's career, he thought as he put the lid on the pot of curry so it could simmer. He looked at the Pokémon with him right now. They were his focus and he needed to remember that. He had chosen these six Pokémon because he believed them to be his best chance of winning it all.

Boe's attention was broken when he heard squawking psyduck off in the distance. He chuckled because he remembered giving them some secret potion a couple years back. It was supposed to cure their headaches and it might for a bit. Boe learned later that psyduck have constant headaches from their latent psychic powers. No doubt some other trainer will get suckered into hunting for that potion just so they can progress in the route. The thought made Boe laugh again.

The sound of a waterfall drew Boe's attention elsewhere. He looked up and to no surprise to himself he saw two of his Pokémon taking a siesta under a nearby tree. One was a bi-pedal canine Pokémon with predominantly blue and black fur. There was a rounded spike on the back of his now crossed forepaws. He used the tree as support while he sat up with his red eyes shut. This was a lucario or as Boe had nicknamed him Kamura.

Boe met Kamura during his journey tough the Kalos region. They had an accidental run in when Boe first met Korinna the Shalour City Gym Leader. There was a kind of spark, one could say on that fateful encounter. After Boe beat Korinna in a gym battle the two trainers met at the top of Tower of Mastery. This would be Boe and Kamura's first battle together and the first time they used Mega Evolution. Kamura ended up being vital in Boe's gym challenge there. There bond took them straight to the Kalos Pokémon League.

The other Pokémon sleeping under the tree was a rodent Pokémon with dark orange fur, white belly, and black tail that ended in a yellow lightning bolt. Raichu slept with her head on Kamura's lap. She had been with Boe for a long time. He had received her as a pikachu from a long-time breeder friend as a gift. If it was after the Unova League had ended and his friend thought, it would be a good way to get a fresh start.

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