vs Stealle

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Anon set his phone down and leaned back in his chair. He stretched his arms back and brought them back on his desk with a smirk. He could not believe it; his older brother was about to move into the Ultra Class. Rank 101 he was just one good battle away. Anon hoped he could see that battle live. Repays and highlights never did Pokemon Battles justice.
Well better call and congratulate him, Anon thought to himself as he picked his phone back up.
The phone rang for several seconds. The video call connected and Boe’s face appeared on Anon’s screen. Boe must have been hiking because his video was shaking up and down.
“What’s up boy?” Boe asked.
Anon shook his head. Sometimes he wished his brother would quit calling him boy or the boy. He was almost and full adult now. He even had job to set him up for the future, unlike his brothers who were off still wondering the regions. Someone had to be the practical one out of the three boys. Anon was grateful for what he had.
Anon rolled his eyes and answered, “I just saw the highlights of your match. Congratulations on your win and rank up!”
“Thanks!” Boe said excitedly, “Didn’t come out this way for a match but I won’t turn one down.”
“On that note, I thought you were coming over to Iron Island for a visit?”
Boe’s video settled as he explained, “Oh I am but I wanted to head to Eterna City first. I was told by Professor Juniper that I needed to see something.”
Exasperated Anon asked, “You couldn’t have come from the west and seen me first?”
“Well about that,” Boe said scratching his shaggy hair, “The earliest flight I could get was into Veilstone City otherwise to fly into Canaclave City was next week.”
Anon had to calm his nerves. Ever sense Anon could remember Boe would drive his anxiety up with his rash decision. Boe was lucky he was a hardy individual because some of his choices put him in peculiar positions.
After a brief pause Anon explained, “Why didn’t you use a Pokémon to fly over here?”
“Because I didn’t bring one with me.”
Anon sighed, “Is there not a Pokemon Center in Veilstone City? Where you know you could have swapped Pokemon out?”
The light seemed to go on in Boe’s head because he made that unique face he makes when he finally understands. To this day it astonishes Anon, Boe has made it this far in life.
“Oh yeah,” Boe said before cursing under his breath, “. . . As soon as I get to Eterna City I’ll make the swap and fly over. I’ll be there by the end of the week tops.”
“You better,” Anon was interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked back at his phone and said, “Hey I got let you go someone is at the door.”
“Okay, talk . . .” Boe’s words trailed off.
Anon got up from his chair and walked out of his bedroom and across his small living quarters. There was another knock on the door. Anon undid a couple locks and opened the heavy wooden door.
Standing behind the door was a short woman who Anon recognized instantly. She had a curvy figure and dark wavy hair. Her make-up was done up like normal with shadowy eyeliner and flesh colored lipstick. On her back was a small pack and in one hand she wheeled a small suitcase.
“Hello Anon!” Teddi said with excitement, “How are you hun?”
Anon stood confused for a long second. He could not understand why Teddi was standing at his front door. She was Boe’s fiancé after all. The two had met after Boe’s return and quickly hit it off. After a few short months, the two were engaged.
“Hey Teddi,” Anon said confused, “What brings you here?”
“I’m sorry to drop in but the professor told me Boe was going to be here so I thought I would drop by and surprise him,” Teddi explained.
Now Teddi is going to be the one surprised, Anon thought. He stepped out of the way and gestured for Teddi to come in. “No need to have you standing in the doorway. Come in and take a seat.”
Teddi did just what Anon said. While Teddi took a seat on the two-person couch Anon grabbed her suitcase and put it in the corner. Before joining Teddi, Anon walked to the fridge in the kitchenette. He grabbed two cans of carbonated beverages, one for each of them.
“So where is Boe?” Teddi asked taking the drink from Anon.
Anon took a seat in the chair off to the side of the couch. Before he answered Teddi’s question, he took a long drink from his beverage. “Well not here.”
“Like out in town not here?” Teddi asked confused.
Anon shook his head, “No like not in town at all . . .” Anon explained the situation to Teddi. She was not surprised at all. In the short time she had known Boe she had him figured out. Both had a good laugh about it. Anon ended by saying “Like I said I’m sorry, but you can stay here if you would like.”
Teddi looked around the room and saw the small accommodations. Humbly she said, “Thank you for the offer hun but I’ll decline.” Anon held back a sigh of relief. Teddi continued, “There is an inn attached to the Pokémon Center. I’ll stay there for the time being.”
Looking up at the clock Anon said, “I’d love to chat, but I go to go to work.”
Teddi quickly got to her feat, “Oh I’m sorry hun I don’t mean to keep you,” she apologized.
Anon waved it off, “No, its fine really,” the two walked to the door. Teddi walked out first and Anon locked it behind them, “my offer still stands,” Anon lied he did not want anyone staying with him, “If you need anything just give me a call or swing by later.”
“Okay, I’ll hold you to that,” Teddi joked. The two hugged and went their separate ways.

In the past Iron Island was nothing more than a single cottage on an old, deserted island. After the discovery of fossils on the island a handful of scientists moved in and set up shop to research the caves on the island. One thing led to the next and now it is a small port town with an easy commute to Canaclave City.
The buildings in Iron Island were square and made of colored brink, and stone. They had square panel windows and heavy wooden or metal doors. Roads were freshly paved and to narrow for any auto motorized vehicles. It was a short walk to anywhere in town, so vehicles were not needed. The port had three docks each with a designated ferrymen to boat individuals to Canaclave City and back.
Canaclave City was a port city located on a series of small islands connected by drawbridges. The buildings were built in various designs and sizes all with blue roofs. Some of the smaller islands were known to only have forestland. The city library is located on an island to the northwest. The largest of the islands housed the main harbor in the region. On that same island was the Canaclave Gym.
After the boat landed on the dock Anon paid his fair and disembarked. Anon always thought the air smelled fresher in Canaclave City. Off in the distance he could hear the roar of the ocean and squawks of wingull. While he would have loved to take it all in his time was short.
Canaclave Gym was a four-story building. The first story was made from stone and rock. The next two levels were made from varying sized overlapping pieces of metal. The top story was shaped like a metal saucer with flat edges. Large red curved beams were attached to the left and right sides.
Anon walked through the double doors and was greeted by and man wearing a white keikogi with a black belt. “. . . morning Anon.” The man waved
“Hey Ricky, how’s it going?”
“Well Byron is in the middle of a battle as we speak.”
“Ah man! Thanks, I’ll head up right away,” Anon said excitedly.
Anon ran past Ricky, through a set of double doors in back that lead to an elevator. The elevator made only one stop and that was to the top floor of the gym. It was off limits to all gym challengers because the top floor was the location of the battle arena.
The battle arena was made from polished smooth metal. The metal bench seating was only on one side with on enough seats for about a hundred spectators. The battle ground was the only thing not made of metal. Byron had dirt and rocks from Iron Island brought in to give the battles a more rustic feel.
When Anon got to the stands he saw one of the workers in a green jumpsuit and yellow safety helmet was acting as the referee. That only made Anon a little upset because normally that was his job. Being that close to the action made it easier to watch and learn from Bryon the steal type gym leader.
Taking a seat in the front row Anon looked up at the jumbo screen saw that Byron was battling some trainer named Stealle. Anon found it concerning that Byron was already down to one Pokemon and the challenger’s had not lost any Pokemon. Anon understood that gym leaders lose a lot of battles but normally they are closer than that. Usually by the time Byron is on his last Pokemon so is the challenger. This was strange.
Anon looked back down at the battle and saw that Byron was wearing his usual worker pants, white tank top, and raggedy green cape. In one hand he held his trusty shovel that went everywhere with him. Across the gym challenger’s uniform was grey and white with interspersed of neon green that resembled lights on a machine. Their hair was back and shaved short. Their glasses had three spikes like a trident on empoleon’s face.
“Bastiodon, Stone Edge!” Byron yelled while pointing his shovel.
Bastiodon was a cross between a triceratops and a bulldozer. Its dark gray, square head resembled a castle wall, complete with four cream-yellow, spots with black outlines that looked like windows. Its triangular nose protruded from middle of its wall like head down over its lips. Four spikes jut downward, and four large blunt tusks protrude upward from its lower jaw. Its cream-yellow body is protected by a gray ridge and plates on its back.
The bastiodon howled while slamming its front hooves on the ground creating a light tremor. Four sharpened stones shot up from the ground and stabbed the icy blue hide of the bipedal, Alolan variant pholidote Pokemon sandslash. The sandslash is propelled up into the air and landed on its ice-covered steel quills.
After a long moment of the sandslash not moving the worker ran over to the Pokemon.
“Sandslash is unable to battle! Bastiodon wins!”
Anon clapped quietly by himself wondering what the challenger will bring out next.
Without saying a word, the challenger returned the sandslash to its Poke-ball. They grabbed a new ball off their belt and threw it up. The ball opened and the navy-blue, penguin-like Pokemon landed on the battlefield. It had a wide, yellow beak that extended upward into three pointed horns that formed a trident-shaped crest bracketing blue eyes. The edges of its wings are compared to master-crafted blades.
In a mono-toned voice Stealle shouted, “Empoleon Use Hydro Pump!”
“Bastiodon! Thunderbolt!”
The empoleon leaned backwards then forwards sending its wings back and unleashed a huge blast of water under great pressure. The bastiodon tried to get out of the way but it was to slow and was clipped by the attack. Getting back to its feet the bastiodon roared firing a strong electric blast at the empoleon. It took the hit but after a short moment it bated one of its wings and the attack stopped.
“Bastiodon get it with Stone Edge!”
“Hydro Pump again.”
Like before the bastiodon slammed its hooves on the ground creating a chain reaction forcing four sharpened stones to shoot up from underneath the empoleon’s feet. However, the empoleon was two quick and jumped out of the way of the stones. While midair it fired another blast of water under high pressure. Bastiodon could not get out of the way this time and took the full force of the attack.
Seeing his Pokemon stumble backwards Byron called out, “We’re not done yet! There’s no giving up! He spun his shovel in the air, pointed it at the empoleon and shouted, “Thunderbolt Once More!”
Stealle stared Byron right in the eyes and calmly said, “End it.”
Before bastiodon could get off its attack the empoleon was unleashing its attack. The water struck bastiodon in the side sending it into a large rock. Bastiodon tried to get up but failed. The worker ran over to the Pokemon giving it a quick inspection.
“Bastiodon is unable to battle! Empoleon and the challenger are the winners!”
After returning bastiodon to it Poke-Ball Byron said, “Hmm! My sturdy Pokemon, defeated!”
Stealle returned him empoleon and quietly walked up to Byron.
While maintaining his strong composure Byron pulled out a badge from his pocket and said, “You were strong enough to take down my prized team of Pokemon. In recognition of that power, I give you this: the Mine Badge!" Without a word Stealle took the badge. Byron carried on, “You now have six Gym Badges. Here! Take this, too!” Byron reached into his pocket and pulled out a CD, “That TM91 contains the move Flash Cannon. If it hits, it may also lower the target's Special Defense.”
Stealle took the CD and whispered something to Byron that Anon could not hear. He turned around methodically and walked away.
Anon understood that gym leaders lose battles, they are supposed to. They test trainers and they should past. However, something about that battle appeared off. There was just something different about Stealle.  He said something to Byron and Anon was itching to know what it was.

Byron was not hard to find. When there was not a battle going on he was underground in his not-so-secret base. Anon took the later down from behind the gym. The underground tunnels ran all over beneath the entire Sinnoh Region. Byron’s base was not from the gym. After a couple lefts and a right Anon was at the entrance. Without a knock he walked right in.
“How’s it going?” Anon asked.
Byron was sitting at a desk with a computer in front of him. At first, he did not acknowledge Anon’s presence. After couple keystrokes he looked up.
“I've faced many a challenger at my gym. I trained on Iron Island while contemplating my worth for days...” Byron paused, “But, I have never seen a challenger like that. He was stone cold.”
“I know sir,” Anon said taking a seat in only other chair in the base, “I saw the end of the match. Sorry for being late by the way.”
Byron waved off Anon’s last comment and continued to ramble. “Something that kid said to me has thrown me off.”
“What’s that sir?” Anon asked. He did not thing it would be this easy to get an answer.
Byron leaned back in his rickety old chair and explained, “That kid called me an old timer . . . and that he looks forward to taking my place.”
Anon was confused. Gym Leaders were handpicked by the Pokemon League Committee. One could not just go and take a Gym Leader position. So endless that Stealle's goal was to take over some day, but he would have to go through him.
“Hahaha! So he did have a sense of humor,” Anon joked, “I thought he was a stiff rug.”
Byron maintained a serious face, “I don’t think he was joking,” Byron asked, “I’m not old man I?”
“No, not even close,” Anon said as a friendly lie. Truly he hoped Byron would retire soon so he could take over, but he’d never admit that.
“Gwahahahaha!” Byron laughed, “That’s why I like you Anon.” Byron waves a finger and asked, “Now aren’t you supposed to be at the front of gym waiting to greet challengers?”
Anyone did not answer right away. He was hoping to talk to Bryon some more. Getting up from his seat he said, “I was just on my way out.”
“That’s good my boy, Gwahahahaha.”
Anon left Byron’s base and headed to his post.

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