Vs Rawc

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Boe exited Mount Coronet, crossed the bridge, and walked through a small field. On the side of a rock wall was a sign that read, “Eterna City, The town that ties the past to the now.” That quote hit differently now for Boe Sen. He thought back to his time in Hisui, this area would have been near or on top of the Sacred Plaza. Back then it was not even a settlement, just a small camp.
Shaking off the past Boe took his first steps in a long time into Eterna City. The road into town passed by two small ponds, one to the north and one two the south. There was a three story plain looking brown building by the north pond. Just past that was the Eterna Historical Museum
The museum was a huge building made up of stone with large panel windows. It had an almost castle like appeal. The front breezeway was designed like an hourglass and was almost entirely made of glass. The Eterna Historical Museum housed many artifacts inside like a scale model of the Space-Time Towers and statues of Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Inside the entrance gates, the museum was guarded by statues of the Legendary Dialga and Palkia.
Boe saw the statues of legendary Pokemon and stopped. He was positive that those statues were different last time he was here. From a distance he could not tell so he walked over to them. During that walk Boe realized what was different about the statues. There used to only be one before. It was an odd fusion of the two Pokemon. With some sort of space time riddle written on a placard underneath it.
Boe walked over to the Palkia statue and read its placard, “The birth of Palkia. The one who looked upon the expansion of space. Alive, yet not alive... Everything drifts in space... To arrive in the same universe. It is the blessing of Palkia.” Then he walked over to Dialga and read, “The one who looked upon time's steady pace. The giver of time... In laughter, there is tears... And likewise, it is with time. The same time flows on. For it is the blessing of Dialga.”
Another thing that was different was the empty pedestal. It sat in between the two statues just but closer to the museum’s entrance. It too had a placard and it read, "Once there was a belief in one. It looked upon time's steady pace and the expanse of space. A hero from far away set out: the fullness of future they did seek, the world's far end would they greet. Walking alone a path their own, though they walk with almighty Sinnoh."
Boe was not positive, but he was certain that third placard was about what he did in he past. Boe hoped that there still were no pictures of him still floating around. If either of that were true, he would have some explaining to do. For now, he would need to talk to the professor.
“Greetings,” a high pitch voice said to Boe cutting off his train of thought, “Marvelous statues, aren’t they? First time seeing them up close?”
Boe turned around and saw a taller man with square rimmed glasses and thick mustache. He wore a brown brim hat, brown hiking boots, and carried a black rucksack on his back. His cloths were plain grey monochromatic in color with simple black lines. He introduced himself as Rawc.
Puzzled Boe mumbled out, “kind of but I always thought there was just one statue.”
“Hmm,” the man nodded, “Why would you think that? I mean it has always been Palkia and Dialga.”
“I guess I was thinking of the old Sinnoh Myth,” Boe explained, “You know the one where they believed Palkia and Dialga were one Pokemon called Sinnoh.”
“Oh!” the man said clapping his hands excitedly, “A man of ancient myths I see.”
“I have some experience in the past,” Boe said trying to be nonchalant.
“Experience you do say,” Rawc said leaning in close. His eyes scanned Boe up and down. He shook his head, “Ah! I see it!”
“See what?” Boe asked concerned.
Rawc slapped Boe on the back patting him gently a few times. “Tell me do know of the ancient Daimon and Pearl Clans?”
“Don’t dodge the question,” Boe said aggravated now. He asked again, “What do you see?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Rawc said circling Boe. He continued, “You are an educated man one who has seen his fair share of knowledge.”
Rawc continued to grill Boe on ancient Sinnoh myth. Boe on his part gave half answers or deliberately wrong answers. After each question Rawc would go quiet and look Boe up and down before asking the next question. Finally, Boe got agitated enough and told Rawc that was all he knew and that he needed to get going.
“Are you sure,” The man said shaking his finger at Boe.
“Yes, that is all I am willing to talk about,” Boe said trying to get away, “I need to go please.”
Rawc pressed forward has he continued to talk, “Oh please let’s talk more. Maybe we can stroll through the museum. That’ll surely jog your memories.”
Boe put his hand on the man’s chest pushing him backwards. The nerve of this guy not taking no for and answer. Not only that he was way to close and his smell was starting to make Boe nauseated. He needed a way out and fast.
“No, I truly must get going,” Boe said one last time but with more anger in his voice.
Boe felt his heel kick something behind him. He was now backed into a corner.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Rawc said, “Let’s have a one versus on Pokemon battle. If you win, I’ll back off. If I win you and me head to the museum and continue our conversation.”
Backed in a corner with no way to run Boe did not have much of an option. He reached out with his hand and reluctantly agreed to Rawc’s proposal.

Boe and Rawc found an open patch of grass out in front of the museum not to far from the statues. They both stood back-to-back and paced out the appropriate distance. In accordance with the agreement each trainer would use one Pokemon and no items. They would send their Pokemon out at the same time. First to knock out the other wins.
“Go my baby, Tyrantrum!” Rawc called out.
Tyrantrum was a large bipedal, dinosaurian Pokemon that resembled a theropod. Its was mostly brownish red scales with scattered orange highlights. Its head was proportionately huge with a blunt, ridged snout and powerful jaws. Around the Pokémon’s neck was a feathery white ruff that extended over its shoulders like a cape.
Boe had one Pokemon that he would dare call at a time like this. As he let go of he Poke-ball he called out, “Go, Kavar!” The small, slender, dainty Pokemon landed on the battle ground with his fur already ruffled.
Rawc laughed when he asked, “Is that tiny little Pokemon really the best choice right now?”
“Don’t doubt this little guy,” Boe said with a smirk, “he’s got a few tricks up his sleeves.”
Rawc raised his hand gracefully and said, “Well no matter. Let our battle begin.
“Kavar, use shadow ball!”
“My dear use dragon dance.”
The espeon lowered the front half of its body and created a shadowy blob just above the jewel on its head. The tyrantrum began to bob and weave shaking its head and tail back and forth. The espeon hurled the blob through the air. Tyrantrum spun in a quick circle whapping the blob with its tail dissipating it.
“Now please, make this quick and crunch that puny Pokemon.”
At the last second Boe said, “Kavar, protect.”
Tyrantrum darted across the battlefield. It raised its head and opened its massive jaws. In a swift motion crunched down on the espeon with its sharp fangs. Rawc began to celebrate while Boe stood firm. When the tyrantrum pulled back it was revealed that the espeon was protected by a translucent hexagonal shield.
“Now, Burning Jealousy!”
“Quick crunch it again!”
Almost immediately a roaring flame erupted from the espeon consuming tyrantrum in a wave of fire. With burns covering its body tyrantrum crunched down on the espeon. Amongst the chaos a feint snicker could be heard. Tyrantrum staggered backwards proud of itself. It and its trainer did not expect the espeon to transform in bipedal fox-like illusion Pokemon Zoroark.
“You can’t swap out Pokemon!” Rawc screamed, “Where is that espeon?”
“This is him,” Boe said opening his arms to the zoroark, “You don’t think espeon can use burning jealousy?”
“Well, no,” Rawc said shaking his head.
“Okay then, I don’t see a problem,” Boe said with a shrug, “Other than now your tyrantrum is burned.”
Rawc looked down at his tyrantrum astonished at its condition.
“It doesn’t matter,” Rawc said pointing at the zoroark, “Tyrantrum use Scale Shot!”
“En, protect!”
Tyrantrum spun rapidly in a circle while flicking its tail. The motion shot several black and white scales at zoroark. He raised both of his red claws. A translucent hexagonal shield formed in front of the Pokemon from tyrantrum’s attack.
Boe did not hesitate to call his next attack, “En, Night Daze!”
While Rawc franticly called out, “Oh Dear! Tyrantrum Scale Shot before its too late!”
However, it was too late. Zoroark dropped his arms, and his eyes began to glow light blue. A crimson aura surrounded his body as he raised his arms above his head. The aura around his arms grew thick. Then he slammed his arms down on the ground. A pink and crimson glowing force field of energy erupted out in all directions. Before Tyrantrum could make its attack, the energy field slammed into it. Tyrantrum let out a deep roar.
When the energy field dissipated tyrantrum was left laying on the ground while zoroark stood with almost a smirk on his face. Rawc straight for his Pokemon to check its condition. Boe walked up to zoroark, gave it a scratch behind the ear and returned it to its Poke-ball.
Rawc was visibly upset when he looked up from his injured Pokemon at Boe. “This ain’t over,” Rawc paused to wipe his face, “I’ll get my answers after I beat you in an official coronation battle.”
Boe looked down at the man who should be arguably should be upset. He just got beat. Boe however, did not feel sorry for the guy. He picked this fight. If Boe saw this guy ever again it would be to soon. However, if he was issuing a challenge Boe would do the same.
“Look, get cleaned up and come find me and we’ll battle again,” Boe said as he walked past Rawc, then finished his thought, “After I beat you again, for Arceus’ sake you’ll leave me the hell alone.”
Boe did not look back after walking away from Rawc. He was glad to be away from that creepy fellow. He truly hoped to never see that guy again. If he did there maybe more than just a Pokemon Battle. For now, however he needed to get to the Pokemon Center in Eterna City.

Eterna City was a small town that was popular for elderly people because of the fresh air that loomed over the city. Its main road that ran north and south was connected to the only road leading to the museum on the north end of the town. Along that road was the old Team Galactic building that had sense been converted into a research facility for ancient history. Right around the corner from there just north of the bike shop was the Pokemon Center.
There was a gentle chime as the sliding doors of the Pokemon Center opened. Boe is senses were filled with familiar sights and sounds. Like the floor that was always yellow and in its center was a poke-ball design. Stairs to the left that led up and stairs to the right that led down. There were several tables and chairs scattered about for trainers to sit at and relax. Vending machines line one wall and video phones lined the other. In the back corner next to the aid station was the PC and Pokemon Transfer system.
“Hello, and welcome to the Pokemon Center.” The nurse said as Boe approached the aid station, “We restore your tired Pokemon to full health. Would you like to rest your Pokemon?”
Boe pulled out five of his six Poke-balls and set them on the counter. “Just five Pokemon today.”
“Okay, I’ll take your Pokemon for a few moments.”
While the nurse was taking care of En Boe headed over to the PC. Because there was no flying taxi service in Sinnoh he needed a Pokemon new the move Fly and that could fly him over to Iron Island. Boe looked at his list of Pokemon and narrowed it down to three Pokemon. After making his decision he gave Professor a quick call.
“Why, hello, Boe! How have you been lately?” the professor’s voice said over the phone.
“I checked out that thing in Eterna City you wanted me to see,” Boe explained.
“Oh, my. What did you make of it?” the professor asked.
Boe explained how before he traveled in the past, he thought there was only one statue, and the text underneath was different. He also explained that he believed the third pedestal referred to his actions. He failed to mention anything about Rawc
“Well, as expected what you did in the past could have repercussions in the present day.”
“I agree but it was Arceus that sent me to the past and brought me back, so it had to have been the right thing to do.”
“No doubt there,” the professor said agreeing with Boe, “However we must stay vigilant.” the next thing she said had a little bit of annoyance behind it, “When you get back, we can talk about these Hisuian Pokemon you left with me.”
Boe laughed quietly before saying agreeing with the professor. He quickly added, “. . . Hey can I get Borealis so I can fly over to Iron Island.”
Professor Juniper looked hesitant. Then she asked, “Why it? Is there not another Pokemon you can fly with?”
“I mean yeah, but he is the most capable,” Boe said with a smile.
Professor sighed and said, “Fine. Put a Pokemon in the transporter and I’ll send Borealis over right away.
Boe placed Swift’s Poke-ball in the transporter and hit send. In a mater of a few short moments Swift’s ball was gone and replaced by Borealis’.
At the same time the nurse looked over at Boe and said, “Thanks for waiting.”
Boe walked over to the station and grabbed En’s Poke-ball.
“We’ve restored your Pokemon to full health. We hope to see you again.”
Outside Boe called Borealis out of its Poke-ball. Articuno was a large avian Pokemon with predominantly sky-blue plumage and wings said to be made of ice. On its forehead was a crest that consisted of darker blue three feathers. Its long, streamer-like tail was longer that its body and the same shade of blue as the feathers on its forehead.
Boe stroked the feathers of his articuno. He explained where they needed to go, hoped on, Borealis flapped his wings and away they went.

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