Vs Barry

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The flight from Eterna City to Sinnoh’s western coast was fairly short. From the high up in the sky Boe could see the chain of islands in the dark blue waters where Canaclave City was located. Borealis dipped low. Boe could feel the ocean breeze and taste the salty air. It was no wonder why Anon liked living here so much. Boe spotted the one red roof amongst blue roofs and told Borealis to land.
The Pokemon Center in Canaclave City was located on an island east of the Pokemon Gym. The two Islands were connected by a drawbridge. Docks lined the sides of the islands in the canal that separated the two. After landing Boe returned Borealis to his Ultra-Ball and started his search for Anon
Canaclave City gym was the first place Boe looked to find Anon. The place had not changed at all. Without any hesitation Boe walked through the double doors. He was greeted by a man wearing a white keikogi with a black belt named Ricky.
“. . . evening trainer,” Ricky said, “I’m sorry but the gym is getting ready to close for the day and Byron has already left.”
“That’s okay,” Boe explained, “I’m actually here to see my little brother Anon.”
“Wait, your Anon’s older brother?” the Ricky asked confused, “I would have never guessed.”
“Actually, I’m one of his older brothers,” Boe further explained. Ricky nodded. Boe then asked, “So is Anon here.”
“Oh no,” Ricky said shaking his head, “Gym leader is gone for the day so most of the staff has left.”
With nothing more to say so Boe politely turned around and left the gym. After leaving Boe made his way south to the docks. There he ran into one of the ferrymen and for a small fee Boe was on his way to Iron Island.
Boe had only been to Iron Island a few times, only one of those was to Anon’s place, and that had been a while ago. The moment Boe stepped onto the docks he remembered; this place was nothing like Canaclave City. It had a hard rustic feel. Everything seemed to be made for practicality and not visual appeal. The simple designs did make it easy to find your way around though. So much so, Boe could manage to not get lost in a place like this.
While walking up one of the many hills on Iron Island Boe could smell something delectable. He stopped, looked around and saw a sign for a small restaurant. Boe thought about heading right to Anon’s, but his stomach made and audible growl. Without a second thought Boe walked into the restaurant.
The restaurant was a small on the inside as it looked on the outside. It was ‘L’ shaped with a bar along the back wall that curved around to the front. The other half of the restaurant was filled with four-person square tables. An older woman with her hair tied up and wearing a V-neck shirt and black apron greeted Boe at the front door.
“Go head and take a seat anywhere,” She said carrying a pot of coffee, “I’ll be with you in a bit.
Boe scanned the room for an empty seat. Most of the tables and chairs were already full of people in either white coats or green jumpsuits. In back corner all by themselves was a familiar face. He was taller than Boe and a bigger guy with short dirty blonde hair. He was the only one wearing a white polo with a back collar.
“What’s up Boy,” Boe said sitting across from Anon.
Startled Anon took his eyes of his phone and said, “Oh, hey! You made it.”
“Well, I said I would, did I not?”
Anon looked down at his phone then back up at Boe, “I never doubted you would, just didn’t think you would make it so soon.”
“Ha-ha,” Boe faked a laugh, “Not funny. So, what’s good to eat here?” Boe asked.
Boe looked down at Anon’s food and saw he was eating a hefty bowl of ramen. It had all the typical toppings, sliced pork, dried seaweed, bamboo shoots, and scallions. That was what he could smell from outside. Boe’s stomached growled again.
“I mean, I always get,” Anon started to say.
Boe interrupted Anon, “I’ll just get whatever you are eating.”
Anon shook his head deflated he said, “That’s a good choice.”
It did not take long for the waitress to come around and take Boe’s order and return with it. Boe scarfed down his food and it was as delicious as he expected it to be.
With their meals out of the way the two brothers got to chatting. At first it was simple pleasantries, how are you and what have you been up to. Then the two got to recent events. Each brother shared their accounts of Rawc and Stealle. Both trainers were odd in very different ways. It was an odd coincidence that both trainers had on a version of the Galar Uniform.
“. . . did he also have a logo or design in the upper right corner?” Anon asked then described the logo.
Boe thought about Anon’s description while trying to remember what that creep Rawc had on. “Yeah, I think he did,” Boe finally said.
“So, I wonder if it’s a brand in Galar or something more?” Anon asked, speaking his own thought.
Boe shrugged and took a long drink of his tea, “Without a picture of it, it’ll be hard to look up. Hopefully, we don’t see them again.”
“Agreed!” the brothers said together.
Boe started to get up from his seat to leave. Anon grabbed his arm and said, “Hey can you wait a couple more minutes before you leave.
Boe looked down at his brother confused, “Uh sure but I was just going to go to the restroom.”
“Oh,” Anon said letting go of Boe, “Okay then.
As Boe turned the corner to head back to his seat he saw that someone else was sitting with Anon. He knew instantly who the beautiful woman was. Her black wavey hair was rested on her shoulders. She was wearing green of-the-shoulder dress that Boe had not seen on her before. He could not see her face, but he knew she would have done up her make-up to match the outfit.
“Hello beautiful,” Boe said putting his hand on Teddi’s shoulder.
She turned and looked up at Boe. His heart started racing and he could feel a smile forming on his face. It took all his will power to not give her a passionate kiss right then and there.
“Hi stranger,” Teddi said with a smirk. For a long moment everything was surreal. Then it was gone as Teddi whapped Boe in the arm with her open palm. “Why didn’t you call?”
“I didn’t know you were in town?” Boe said rubbing his arm.
“Of course not,” Teddi said trying to hide her laugh, “I didn’t tell you. I was just going to show up unannounced and surprise you.”
“I can tell you; I am definitely happily surprised.”
Teddi crossed her arms and made a childish pouty face, “I know but it didn’t happen like I wanted it to.”
Boe shook his head. He would like to have said he could not believe this, but he could. He was laughing on the inside. On the outside he was training to maintain a straight face. When he could not hold back any longer, he grabbed Teddi by the chin and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. As he went to pull bag Teddi grabbed him in close and kissed him hard.
“Get a room,” Anon said throwing a napkin at the couple.
“Fine,” Boe said breaking the kiss. He looked into Teddi’s eyes and asked, “Do you have a room at the inn?”
“For the last couple days,” She said with a smile.
Boe had more questions Teddi, like how did she know he was going to be here or how long did he make her wait? Those question and more could all be asked later. Right now, all he wanted to do was leave with his beautiful fiancé.
As Teddi and Boe walked to the exit Boe looked back at Anon and said, “Hey I’ll call you tomorrow and we can hangout some more!”
“Take your time,” Anon waved Boe off, “I like to sleep-in on my days off.”

The next morning Boe woke at an unknown time, but it did not matter. The sun was shining, the starly were singing, and he was lying next to the most beautiful woman in all the regions. He rolled over and kissed Teddi awake. She smiled at him and the two cuddled for several minutes before getting out of bed.
Boe took his second shower in about a week, with the last one being the previous night. Teddi had told him he was not getting into bed before one. Boe obliged and was handsomely rewarded. After the two love birds were dressed and ready, they headed down for breakfast.
The continental breakfast provided by the inn was a nice change from the granola, nuts, and berries Boe had been eating for the past week. Him and Teddi talked during their meal mostly catching up on what the other had been doing sense they had last scene one another. The conversation eventually moved to what they had planned for the day. Boe managed to convince Teddi to go to the library so Boe can look some stuff up. She only agreed so she could get what she wants later.
Canaclave Library was a moderate sized building with three levels. Shelves filled with different books surround several reading tables and chairs. There is a large sign just in the entrance the informs patrons that eating, and drinking are prohibited. There is nothing special about the first two floors. The top floor contained books that are philosophical in nature and delve into the history and existence of the Pokemon world as known.
Boe wondered the shelves looking for books about Hisui Region and myths of Sinnoh. After grabbing a few he found a table and started to skim through the books.
“He already at it?” Anon asked Teddi as enter the third floor of the library, “What does he need to look up that history for anyway? He lived some of it.”
“That’s why,” Teddi explained, “He is looking to see if he is mentioned anywhere in the books.”
Teddi and Anon watched and waited as Boe continued to look through books, one after another. Some books he spent time on while others he would read the title and put back. Time seamed to drag on for Teddi and Anon but next thing they knew it was approaching lunch time.
“Hey baby,” Teddi said getting Boe attention, “Let’s take a break and get some lunch.”
“No,” Boe said shaking his head and closing the last book on the table.
“What do you mean no?” Teddi asked annoyed.
Boe separated the books on the table into two piles. He looked up and Teddi and said, “I think I have what I need. I’m done now.”
“Thank Arceus,” Teddi said looking up. She grabbed her things and started to head to the stairs and said, “I don’t how much more I could have sat here.”
Boe laughed a little then grabbed a few books, “I only found a few things that look like promising leads. I want to talk to the professor about them.”
“A battle challenge has been issued!” a mechanical voice said stopping all conversation.
The entire library looked at Boe as he scrambled to find his phone. Of course, it was at the bottom of his bag. It was another World Coronation Series battle. The trainer’s name was Barry. Boe quickly hit the accept button registering the battle. The battle was supposed to take place nearby.
“Hey guys I got a battle!” Boe said excited.
“We heard,” Teddi said.
“Man, I was ready for lunch,” Anon whined, “I suppose after your battle then.”

Boe met Barry on one of the islands that were covered in forestland.
Barry looked younger than Boe, in that he still had a baby face. His hair was blonde and stuck out in odd places. He wore and orange and white stripped short sleeve jacked paired with a green scarf. He was almost shouting as he talked.
“Oh, hey, you must be Boe,” Barry said point at Boe as he approached, “What took you so long? I’m fining you one million dollars!” Barry laughed, and Boe was confused. Barry put one hand on his hip and thumped his chest, “I’m going to be the greatest trainer ever!”
Boe shook his head before saying, “You think you are going to be the best! I am aiming for the top and nothing is going to stop me!”
Barry laughed some more. He pointed to Boe again, “Let's see who's more worthy of making the Master Class with a battle!”
“That’s why we are here.”
“Go get’em babe!”
“You got this.”
A Rotom Drone flew down from the sky.
“Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! You have been approved for an official Pokémon World Coronation Series Great Class Battle! The challengers today are Gym Challenger Boe from Aspertia City versus Gym Challenger Barry from Twinleaf Town!”
The Rotom Drone created a screen for the battle.
“For today’s battle, each of you can choose three Pokémon. Now I shall explain the rules. Switching out Pokémon is permitted any time by either side! When both Pokémon from wither side is unable to battle, that side loses. The opposing Trainer will then become the winner! The World Coronation Series has acknowledged me as an official referee, and as such, I will oversee the battle.”
The Rotom Drone Flew out of the way.
“Will both challengers please bring out your Pokémon?”
Boe thought long and hard on who he would bring to this battle. The first Pokemon is so important. Without hesitation Boe threw his fist Poke-ball into the air.
“Go Stormfly!”
The mystic Pokemon Flygon flew into the battlefield
“Come on out Staraptor!”
Also flying into the battlefield was a grayish-brown, avian Pokémon. It had small red eyes, and a thin yellow beak with a black tip. There was a circular white patch on its forehead. A red-tipped, black crest extended over its head, nearly reaching the tip of its beak. A red and yellow sash was tied to one of his legs.
“Thank you!” A countdown appeared on the screen above the Rotom Drone, “Three, two, one… Go!”
“Stormfly use Thunder Punch!”
“Get out of there with You Turn!”
Staraptor flew up high. Yellow electricity formed around the flygon’s clawed hand. It dashed forward flying straight towards the staraptor. As the avian Pokemon dove down a green aura formed around its body. Before the flygon’s punch could hit staraptor it grazed past scratching the flygon’s back. In an instant the avian Pokemon was returning to its Poke-ball in a green blur.
Barry put staraptor’s Poke-ball away and grabbed a second one throwing it into the air. Barry’s second Pokemon was a bipedal Pokémon with an appearance that incorporated features of roses and masquerade attire. It had made up of white rose petals. Down over its back draped a leafy green cape. In each hand it held a bouquet of flowers, red in the right and blue in the left hand.
The quick switch caused some confusion in the flygon but once it saw the roserade it quickly adjusted course. Because of the rapid switch roserade was not ready. It took a left hook from the flygon. Roserade tumbled to the ground but was able to get back to its feet.
"Don't get cocky! This isn't over yet!" Barry said with a smile.
“Nice bait and switch,” Boe said complementing Barry. Then he added, “I bet we can do it better. Stormfly now use You Turn!”
“Slow it down with Stun Spore!”
The flygon was quick. It flew low to the ground scratching roserade as it passed by. Like staraptor in return to its Poke-ball in a green blur. Flygon was replaced by Kavar the espeon, who appeared right in the middle of a cloud of a paralyzing powder.
“Shadow Ball!”
Roserade turned sideways, lifted an arm, and started forming a shadowy blob. There was a moment of hesitation as the espeon lowered the front half of its body. The gem on its forehead started to glow. Roserade hurled the shadowy blob at the espeon. He in return let out a quiet meow. An invisible force knocked roserade back. The espeon tried to get out of the way of the shadowy blob but it was too slow and took the full force of the attack.
The espeon was slow to get to his feet. On the other side of the battlefield roserade struggled to get to theirs. Before either trainer could call a move roserade fell back down on its face.
Rotom Drone flew in close to roserade.
“Roserade is unable to battle, espeon wins!”
Barry raised a Poke-ball up and said, “Fine battling Roserade, return.” Roserade returned to its Poke-ball in a beam of white light. Barry swapped Poke-balls and threw it into the air, “Go Staraptor!” the avian Pokemon flew back into the battle.
Boe knew Kavar was not only paralyzed but also injured. A good rest would do him some good, but it would not help in this battle. He also thought about swapping out but that would only risk giving his opponent a free attack on who he swapped into. His mind was made up, the best course of action would be to attack.
“Kavar Psychic!”
“Around we go You Turn!”
Like before staraptor flew and dove down. The espeon tried to get into position but it was to slow thanks to the paralyzation. Staraptor made a direct hit and retreated to its Poke-ball. The espeon tumbled backwards and did not get up.
Rotom Drone flew in close to the espeon.
“Espeon is unable to battle, staraptor wins!”
Barry’s last Pokemon was heracross a bipedal, coleopteran insectoid Pokémon covered in a blue exoskeleton. It had a long, pronged horn on its forehead that ended in a cross. Its eyes were a yellow and oval. There were spikes near each wrist, two claws on each hand, and one on its feet.
Boe had one choice on his next Pokemon, “Come on back out Stormfly!” the flygon glided back onto the battlefield.
“Heracross use Swords Dance.”
“Stormfly Dragon Rush!”
Heracross started to do a frenetic dance. Multiple light-blue swords circled around it. The swords stopped and pointed towards heracross. The swords disappeared and a red aura then bursts from the ground underneath it. A lighter-colored red aura traveled upwards along its body.
Flygon's antennae started glow light blue and then his body become surrounded in a light blue aura. He then rushed at heracross slamming his body into it. Heracross slid backwards. The flygon flew back doing a summersault in the air.
“Heracross Close Combat!”
The flygon slammed onto the ground making a shockwave come out of the ground and at heracross. It was shaken and rattled but managed to stay on its feet. Once settled heracross charged at flygon and before he knew heracross was pounding him with punches and kicks. One of he punches created separation between the two Pokemon.
In the opening Boe called out, “Dragon Rush!”
The flygon did not hesitate. Once again, he slammed his body into heracross while exhibiting overwhelming menace. Heracross flew backwards and was unable to get up. The flygon landed on the ground slouched over from exhaustion.
Rotom Drone flew in close to heracross.
“Heracross is unable to battle, flygon wins!”
Barry pulled out staraptor’s Poke-ball holding it tight he said, "I fully believe in this last one. I have no reason to freak out.” He threw the ball and called out, “Go Staraptor!”
Staraptor flew into battle one last time.
Boe took a deep breath he was not sure what this bird could do. He had only seen it use U-Turn. He did know it was fast and had the potential to hit hard. Boe had to hope he could take it out quick or Stormfly would be knocked out.
“Let’s try this again. Stormfly Thunder Punch!”
“Staraptor Close Combat!”
The flygon never had a chance. Staraptor repeatedly kicked, pecked, and hit the flygon with its wings at a fast speed. Finally, after a long moment of pommeling the flygon flew backwards unable to battle. Rotom Drone declared staraptor the winner.
Down to his last Pokemon Boe sent out Raichu.
“Don’t miss, Raichu use Thunder!”
“Staraptor Endeavor!”
Raichu leapt up into the air just as the clouds were forming up above. A lighting bolt struck raichu and he redirected its energy straight for staraptor. The bolt hit the avian Pokemon surrounding it in electricity. The sash around its leg disintegrated. When the attack finished staraptor was left barely able to stand.
Staraptor used what was left of its energy to dash forward. With all its might it attacked raichu in one swift motion, flying past it, and back around. Raichu let out painful squeak. Both Pokemon stood across from each other on the battlefield each on their last leg.
"We're not done yet!” Barry yelled, “Neither me nor my Pokémon have given up!"
Boe new he could not risk Raichu missing its next attack. He called out, “Raichu Volt Switch!”
Raichu brought his little paws together to create a small orb of electricity. Staraptor’s beaks started to glow white. It took off flying straight at raichu. Raichu released the orb of electricity firing it at staraptor. There was a yellow flash as the orb and staraptor collided in the air. Staraptor fell to the ground skidding in the grass. Raichu ran back to stand next to Boe.
Rotom Drone flew in close to staraptor.
“Staraptor is unable to battle, raichu wins!”
"What just went down?!” Barry cried out, “My team still needs raising?!"
“Good job Raichu,” Boe said bending over to scratch his Pokemon behind the ear.
Rotom Drone flew down to the trainer’s height.
“As a result of today’s battle… there has been a change in the World Coronation Series rankings effective immediately!”
Boe pulled out his phone to look at his new ranking, rank 90. He yelled out with a visual celebration. Finally, he had made it to Ultra Class.
"I guess I'm not ready for the Ultra Class yet! Darn it!” Barry said visibly upset, “You watch, though! I'll get tougher and win my way up the ranks! Because I'm going to become the Champion, the toughest Trainer! Boe! Just you watch I’ll take you down in the masters eight.”
“If you say so,” Boe said with a laugh.
Both trainers met in the middle of the battlefield and shook hands.
Teddi ran over and darn near tackled Boe with a hug. She gave him a quick smooch on the lips. The two broke their hug and stood side by side while still holding hands.
“Nice job,” Anon said walking up, “You made it to Ultra Class.”
“That I did,” Boe said with a smile, “Still have a way to go but I think I can do it.”
Teddi gave Boe a nudge and said, “I know you can babe.”
“Thanks, beautiful,” Boe said giving Teddi another quick kiss. He looked at Teddi then Anon and asked, “Shall we go get something to eat now?”
“Please I’m starving,” Anon said rubbing his stomach.
The three turned to walk away when Barry asked, “Did someone mention food? Can I come”
Teddi, Anon, and Boe looked at one other. They shrugged in unison. Teddi waved Barry over. The four headed back into town.

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