Vs Sora

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After a couple of days hanging out with Anon on Iron Island and in Canaclave City Boe and Teddi prepared to head back to Unova. Their flight was early with the sun just cresting over the ocean when they took off. After a long flight and multiple time changes, they arrived in Nuvema Town only a few hours local time from when they started. However, for them it felt like it should be about time for bed.

Nuvema Town was located on the most southern tip of Unova’s eastern peninsula. It had one road leading out of town located on its northern border. Its east and west borders were formed by lush green forest. The town harbor and airport were found in the southern half of the town.

Boe and Teddi left the airport groggy but no worse for the were. They were met by a woman wearing a green capris, hat, and orange jacket. Her hair was blond, and she wore orange rimmed glasses. Boe and Teddi recognized her from their early days and trainers.

“Hey Bianca!” Boe said with a forced smile and lac luster wave.

Teddi gave Bianca a big hug and was more genuine with her happy greeting.

“Am I a little late again?” she asked nervously.

“Oh no hun,” Teddi said, patting Bianca on the back.

Boe added, “Are plane just landed not that long ago.”

Bianca gave a gentle smile, “That’s good. It's getting late. Let's head out, shall we?” She gestured for Boe and Teddi to follow her, “I have a car out front. The Professor wanted to meet with you guys right away.”

Professor Aurea Juniper was the resident Pokemon Professor in the Unova Region. Her specialization was in the origin of Pokemon. She was probably one of the most pleasant and mature of all the Pokemon Professors Boe had met. Her lab coat was more a light blue than white, and she wore a white shirt paired with a teal skirt. Inside and out, she was Boe’s favorite professor.

The Juniper Pokemon Lab was in the farthest northwest portion of Nuvema Town. It was a two-story building with an orange roof. The front side of the building faces south and is covered in windows. A curved driveway led up to the front doors.

“Hi there! I've been waiting for you young people!” Juniper said, greeting Boe, Teddi, and Bianca as they walked up to her lab.

“I picked them up right on time,” Bianca said proud of herself, “just like you asked.”

“Thank you my dear,” Juniper said with a bow aimed at Bianca. She turned to Boe and said, “. . . I’ve been waiting for you to get back.”

Boe did not know what to say as the four of them walked into the lab.

Juniper continued talking, “I’m guessing your vacation went well.” She looked back at Boe and Teddi. The two smiled. Teddi pulled Boe in close. Juniper nodded in approval. She looked straight ahead and continued her sentence, “Now that you are back, we have much to talk about.”

 “Definitely,” Boe agreed, “Sinnoh was a little more eventful than I thought it would be.”

“I saw. Congrats on making Ultra Class.”

“Thank you,” Boe tried to hide a blush, “I did not think I would be able to do it.” Teddi pinched Boe in the back of the arm. He did his best not to make a sound.

The small group continued to follow Professor Juniper through her lab and to her main office. At some point along the way Bianca broke off to do her own thing. The professor entered her office first, and took a seat behind her desk. Boe and Teddi took the two open seats neatly arranged on the opposite side from Juniper.

“Well, I suppose we should talk about why you are here,” Professor Juniper said, pulling out a notepad.

Boe did not know where to begin so he started to just talk, “. . . The good news is I can’t find anything that mentions me directly in anything I found in the Sinnoh Library.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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